SCRIPTURE NOTE: In some ways this awe-inspiring scene is part of the climax of John’s Passion Narrative. Throughout the narrative John emphasises the ultimate significance of the events of the Passion, taking the stress away from Jesus’ suffering and humiliation, and laying it on his triumph. Ultimately, Jesus will die only when he has completed his mission, and hands over his Spirit to the newly-formed Christian community of Mary and the Beloved Disciple. In this scene the Jewish authorities have denounced Jesus as claiming to be king of the Jews, not knowing how true that claim is. Jesus declares that his kingdom is no earthly kingdom, but is far more powerful and meaningful. By his statement he invites Pilate to declare himself for the truth, as any judge should do. Now Pilate three times declares Jesus innocent, but at the same time makes a mockery of himself, as he stands before Truth itself, and asks what is truth. Then he seats Jesus on the Judgement Seat, robed and crowned as a king. The religious leaders (standing in front of Jesus who is enthroned as judge and king) deny themselves and undermine their faith by declaring, ‘We have no king but Caesar’. It is not Caesar, but God who is their true king. In what sense is Jesus a King? Why does this festival of Christ as King come at the end of the Church’s year? REFLECTION: The kingdom of Jesus Jesus said: ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ Jesus does not rule as earthly kings rule. He has no palace, no throne, no crown, no army. Yet we give him an allegiance and a loyalty, which we would not give to any other person or institution on earth. Alone and unarmed he stood before Pilate. Pilate had thousands of soldiers to call upon. Jesus had no soldier to call upon. Yet Jesus was incomparably the greater of the two. Jesus is the hope of the human race. He rules, not by force, but by love. Lord Jesus, may your kingdom come, and may you remember me on that day. PARISH PRAYER Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for the earth and light for the world. Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our families, our neighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News by word and action into all our environments, especially those which are hostile and hurting. Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into the care of the Divine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth. Amen. Franciscan Church of St. Francis of Assisi 277 Sandygate Road, Sheffield S10 5SD Telephone 0114 263 0383 Email: Website: Registered Charity No. 512021 Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Thornton Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker YEAR B - PSALTER WEEK 1 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THE KING Mass book pg 160. Preface pg 56. Eucharistic Prayer III pg 27. Sunday 22nd Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th Wednesday 25th Thursday Friday Saturday 26th 27th 28th 9:00 am (Private Intention - T) 11:00 am (People of the Parish) The Dedication of the Cathedral (Hallam 10:00am Diocese) SS Andrew Dung-Lac & companions 7:30 pm (Michael Hulley) St Catherine of Alexandria (Connie & 10:00 am Colin Bell) 10:00 am (Peggy Walsh) 10:00 am (Elspeth Wilson) 11.15-11.45 Sacrament of Reconciliation 12:00 noon () EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. Each parish in the Diocese has one Sunday in the year on which there is ‘Exposition’ to give thanks for Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. Next Sunday, 3-4pm, is the turn of St Francis’ Church. I know people are very busy, but rather than have 3 or 4 hours of Adoration, with hardly anyone praying before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, if there is only ONE hour, hopefully, there will a large gathering during some or all of that time. How lucky we are to have The Lord in our Church, where we can adore and praise him, thank him for all he does for each and every one of us, ask for his forgiveness and mercy, and make our personal requests. There are so many things to pray for in our world, our country, our city, our diocese, our parish, our own lives. Jesus said to his Apostles: ‘Could you not watch one hour with me?’ He says the same to us today! Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION. Thank you for the SICK AND RETIRED CLERGY FUND collection. The BEVOX COMMUNITY CHOIR will hold a festive concert in St Marie's Cathedral at 7pm on Saturday 28th November. Admission is free but donations for St Vincent’s Furniture Store gratefully received. PLEASE PRAY for Alan, Alexander, Alison, AM, Fr Antony Hayne, Benjamin Lewis, Fr Bill Bergin, Brian Dwyer, David Skinner, Dorothy Kennedy, Eileen Jones, Ellen Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Rowan, Sr Julia Duignan, J&E.D, JTD, Karen Kilbride, KC, Leonora, Margaret Paget, Mary Hunt, Mary Rigby, May Leonard, Nancy Lennon, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Ruth Hill, Tony Mulchrone, Willow Grist and Yvonne Reaney, who are sick, for Michael Hulley, Elspeth Wilson and Peggy Walsh, lately dead and for all whose anniversaries occur about this time. TEACH US HOW TO PRAY. A special event on prayer will be held at St Francis Church on Saturday 5th December from 9am to 12.30pm (followed by Mass). Join Bishop Ralph to learn a little more about bringing prayer to life and helping us to follow Jesus' example. There are copies of the CAFOD CHRISTMAS WORLD GIFTS catalogues in the narthex. Sheffield Walsingham Association PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM will be on Tuesday 8th December. Pick up at Pond Hill at 7am. Cost £14. Contact F.Flynn on for more details. If you have an APF MILL HILL MISSION BOX, please bring it in to be emptied. Many thanks for your contributions. There are some booklets (like the Walk with Me ones, in shape, size and cost) for the YEAR OF MERCY on sale in the narthex. They are entitled “A Pilgrimage Companion for the Year of Mercy 2015 -2016”. CHRISTMAS CARDS made by the Carmelite Sisters in Kirk Edge Monastery, Sheffield will be on sale after both Sunday Masses today. If you would like your deceased family members, relatives and friends to be remembered in Masses throughout the year, you can add your name (individual or family name) to ST FRANCIS DEAD LIST. Take an envelope, write on the front ‘DEAD LIST’, add YOUR name and if you wish enclose an offering, hand it to Fr. Kevin or post it through the presbytery letter-box. Today is NATIONAL YOUTH SUNDAY. The Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency, Archbishop Antonio Mennini will celebrate Mass for the Youth of the Diocese at the Church of St Theresa of the Child Jesus, S2 1EA at 3pm. The world-famous ST FRANCIS PANTO, Pinocchio and Juliet, is on 27th and 28th November at 7:30pm in the Assisi Hall. Adults £5, children £3. Tickets available from Tammy or after Sunday Mass. All proceeds to CAFOD. Wanted: RAFFLE PRIZES FOR PANTO - please give to Chris, Liz, Phil or Tammy, or leave in Narthex, clearly marked. NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL warmly invites students (who were in year 11 during the academic year 2014/15) and their guests, to the annual prize giving evening at 7pm on Monday 7th December at St William of York Church. Everyone is invited to take part in the Solemn Masses to begin the JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY at St. Marie’s cathedral on Tuesday 8th December at 12.45pm and 7pm. Bishop Ralph Heskett will preside at both Masses. Opening of the HOLY DOOR OF MERCY at St. Marie’s Cathedral followed by Holy Mass. You are invited to take part in the Solemn Procession and Mass on Saturday 12th December at 2pm. The procession to St Marie’s will begin at St. Matthew’s Church on Carver Street. NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL warmly invites students (who were in year 13 during the academic year 2014/15) and their guests, to the annual prize giving evening at 7pm on Monday 14th December at St William of York Church. Please see the JUSTICE & PEACE NEWSLETTER which includes: Unity and Peace Walk for Paris - Wednesday 25th November, 4:15pm, Town Hall. Climate Change Vigil - Friday 27th November, 7.30pm, St. Vincent’s Church. 'Time for the Climate' event - Saturday 28th November, 12 - 4:30pm, Tudor Square. ASSIST multi-faith Carol Service - Saturday 5th December, 3pm, The Well Church Horizon. Vigil for Bethlehem - Friday 11th December, 7.30pm, St William of York Church.