Math LEAD full fellowship application instructions

Math LEAD application instructions
Application materials include:
1. 3P (Plan, Proposal, Plan of Study) google drive form, with semester 1 actions complete and shared with Dr.
Eliana D. Rojas( and Carissa Rutkauskas (
2. Application letter, uploaded into google drive and shared with Dr. Rojas and Carissa
3. Three school based recommendation letters, to be mail on school/ district letterhead to Math LEAD, UConn,
249 Glenbrook Rd, Storrs, CT 06250 or e-mail from school e-mail address to
1. 3P (Plan, Proposal, Plan of Study) doc. This is a three part google drive working document, which you are responsible
for revising/updating prior to the start of each semester. To request access to the 3P form, sign into your UConn email
(or other gmail account) and click here.
Once you receive access, be sure to go to file and make a copy. In the Copy document pop-up, erase “copy of” and add
your name. Do NOT share it with the same people. Hit ok. On the top right of the screen, click the blue “share” button.
Verify who has access. You will need to “share” the application google document with Dr. Rojas
( and Carissa ( by October 31, 2013. Awards will be announced by
December 15, 2013.
1. Plan – Working document plan/ vision on how you are impacting your school while taking course(s) the
Math-LEAD and how your future actions will promote successes for ELLs in the area of Mathematics. Each of
the 5 semesters/ sessions that you are a Math-LEAD student should be discussed. The end result of your
Plan will be a product, such as action/ lesson plans(s), framed by your coursework and new ideas, that are
closely associated with your final Capstone Project. Each subsequent semester you will return to this
document and reflect on the completed semesters’ plan and revise future semester’s plans.
2. Proposal for Capstone Project – Again, this is a working document and is designed to facilitate in engaging
you in your Capstone research outside of your classwork and to give a clear definition of final project.
1. Fall 2013
Enhancement courses/
Math LEAD Full
Application/ Graduate
School Application
EDCI 7500 (3 credits)
ECCI 5740 (3 credits)
Complete Application/ 3P doc
 Identify themes
In 3P doc
 provide 3 journal articles (and APA
citations) and reflections that relate to
your area of interest and its relation to
ELs success in mathematics
2. Spring 2014
EDCI 5715 (3 credits)
EDCI 5742 (3 credits)
Update 3P doc
 Create reference list
In 3P doc,
 provide at least 20 APA style
references that you are planning on
using in your Capstone project
3. Summer 2014
EDCI 6860 (3 credits)
EPSY 5601 (3 credits)
Seminar (1 credit)
Update 3P doc
 Literature review
 POS on file with Grad
School (and, if
applicable, transfer
credit request)
In 3P doc,
 update reference list
 provide a complete literature review
 provide Carissa with a POS with
original signature and transfer credit
request form
4. Fall 2014
EDCI XXXX (3 credits)
EDCI XXXX (3 credits)
Seminar (1 credit)
Update 3P doc
 Research proposal
In 3P doc,
 update reference list
5. Spring 2015
EDCI XXXX (3 credits)
XXX (3credits)
Seminar (1 credit)
update literature review
provide 2 page research proposal
(qualitative, quantitative or mixed
method, and data set)
Submit Capstone project in a Word doc
to advisor
Present Capstone project
Submit final Capstone project and
product to Math LEAD project director
(Dr. Rojas) and Math LEAD project
Coordinator (Carissa)
Submit (1) your FINAL plan of study
AND (2) your report on final exam to
graduate school
3. Plan of study (POS) – This should be up to date with the courses in which you are enrolled in during a given
semester. It should including course(s) that you plan on transferring.
Access to the MA POS, p.1 & p. 2
Access to the 6th year POS, p.1 & p. 2
2. Application letter, including:
1. reference to your Capstone project
2. your commitment to serve highly vulnerable culturally, linguistically, and socially diverse communities
3. post Math-LEAD professional plans
3. Three recommendation letters (1 paragraph) from 3 school based colleagues on how you have influenced their work
with ELL students.
Full fellows should understand that they should be available to commit to courses
and activities during the summer of 2014 and first half of Summer 2015
Full fellows will sign letter of commitment to continue to work for at least five years in a school district
with high vulnerability and large representation of culturally, linguistically, and socially diverse learners
To satisfy federal requirements, Math LEAD fellows are required to report the date of their
State of CT cross-endorsement in Bilingual Education or TESOL Education to the Math LEAD office
Graduation Requirements
 required from the Graduate School
o Capstone project The Capstone Project is result of independent research, separate from coursework
projects. The coursework projects can be components of the Capstone Project, but the Capstone project
in a columniation of knowledge gathered from all coursework, as well as independent investigation.
o Forms (Due to the Graduate School by the end of August for Summer conferral)
 Final Plan of Study (links above)
 Report on the Final Exam (MA and 6th year )
Required from Math LEAD
o Math LEAD Product The final Math LEAD Product can be an action plan or sets of lesson plans. Though
the product will most likely also be included as an appendix in your Capstone project, the final product
must be a professional looking, standalone piece.