April 16, 2013
The Parish Council was called to order by Council President Laurie Hopp at 7
p.m. Council members present: Rev. Michael Wild, Laurie Hopp, Bonnie
Johnson, Michael Belongie, Steve Ploch, Geno Huettner, Roger Derr, Mary A.
Schraufnagel, Tim Eager, Phil Tallman and Jeanne Radke. Also in attendance
were Joan Moeller, Annunciation Secretary, DRE Marion Moeller, and CCD
Teachers Holly Plahuta and Gwendolyn Hermes.
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Geno. Roll call was taken by
Tim moved, 2nd by Bonnie, to approve the minutes of January 15,
2013. Carried. Minutes of our council meeting to be placed on the church
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION discussion continued. Laurie had contacted DRE
Marion Moeller and asked her and the CCD Instructors to meet to evaluate our
program and provide their feedback/thoughts on our current program and
what changes we might need to consider going forward. Marion, Holly and
Gwen joined us with this discussion tonight. Marion spoke about next year’s
student numbers which will be 46. There will be three teacher positions open
plus substitutes needed. Marion accepted the position of Director of Religious
Education for this religious year but will not continue in this role for 20132014.
Holly offered these remarks:
First and foremost, I want catechists who love our Lord and the Church,
and will teach the Truth of the faith to my children.
How can we improve the religious education program, recruit new
catechists, and get parents actively involved in the parish?
Provide opportunities for families to get to know one another so they feel
part of the parish community.
Personally invite parents to come to Mass and to attend other parish
Get people working together toward a common goal through community
service projects.
Follow up with families who have dropped out of the religious education
program and invite them back.
Meet people “where they are” in terms of their faith journey. First, we can
bring people together through social events and attract them with a welcoming,
joyful, Christian spirit. Then, we can introduce some adult catechesis to help
people grow in the faith.
Offer training and support for new catechists
I agree with the suggestion put forth at the meeting that we should seek to
fill the DRE position with a qualified candidate who holds a degree in theology
and/or youth ministry
Evangelization is important not only for the religious education program, but
also for the future of the parish!
Why should we continue to spend time and effort teaching the children of
parents who are not participating in the life of the Church?
By their Baptism, children have a right to know what their faith teaches.
Even if their parents are not currently practicing the faith, it is still
important to pass on the faith to the next generation.
We do not know how God may be working through our efforts. If it helps
even one soul on the path to Heaven, it is time well spent.
Laurie and the council thanked Marion, Gwen and Holly for their continued
service to our young people. Father Mike will look into a full time DRE & Youth
Ministry position for our parish. The council will participate in the May
Crowning service, May 8th, asking the Blessed Bakers for refreshments and our
helping with the cleanup. Also encouraged were ‘Donut Sundays’ after 8:30
a.m. Mass in June & August and a church family picnic in June. Holly, Gwen,
Phil and Marion will take care of the details with our thanks.
Nominations for 2013-2016 Parish Council will be submitted at our next
meeting, July 16th.
Father Wild opened the conversation of A Pastoral Letter from Archbishop
Jerome E. Listecki to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee “WHO do you say that I
AM?” Father Wild invited the council members to read the Letter and as a
council will discuss at our next meeting.
Handouts included: Financial Council Minutes, Mardi Gras Meeting Minutes
and Human Concerns Meeting Minutes.
Closing prayer was led by Geno.
Next meeting: July 16, 2013. Prayer leader: Jeanne.
Jeanne - Secretary