ART HISTORY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS WORKSHEET Name Year of Graduation Advisor MAJOR REQUIREMENTS: A MINIMUM OF 12 ART HISTORY COURSES including the following. Introduction to Art History Survey two-course sequence BC1001 Introduction to Art History ( ) BC1002 Introduction to Art History ( ) AP ART HISTORY CREDIT ( ) Methods and Theories to be taken during the junior or senior year. BC3970 Methods and Theories of Art History. ( ) Senior Seminars 2 options: either one or two semester senior thesis project BC3959 Senior Research Seminar. ( ) and/or BC3960 Senior Research Seminar. ( ) Two Seminar Courses in Art History None of the seminars listed above may count toward this requirement. See below distribution requirement. Seminar Seminar ( ) ( ) Seven elective courses, with the following distribution requirements: Lecture or seminars courses can be used to fulfill the seven elective requirement. BC1001 and 1002 or any other broad survey can not be used to fulfill this requirement. Courses in film are accepted toward the major requirements; studio courses are not . One course in three of four historical periods: Ancient (up to 400 CE/AD), 400-1400, 1400-1700, 1700-present These chronological divisions are approximate. In case of ambiguities about the eligibility of a course to fill the requirement, please consult the department chair or your advisor. ( ( ( ( ( ) seminar or lecture (circle one) ) seminar or lecture (circle one) ) seminar or lecture (circle one) ) seminar or lecture (circle one) ) seminar or lecture (circle one) Two courses must also be drawn from at least TWO DIFFERENT world regions, as listed: Africa Asia and the Indigenous Pacific Latin America, Caribbean and the Indigenous Americas Middle East ( ) seminar or lecture (circle one) ( ) seminar or lecture (circle one)