24 October 2013 Grounds and Maintenance Committee Meeting

24 October 2013
Grounds and Maintenance Committee Meeting
Attendance: Bud Becker, Darlene Landsberger (Property Manager), Mike Panarisi
(board member), Eileen Summitt, Rhonda Tolbert, Ann Wallace, Michelle White.
1. a. Next meeting date and time: Tuesday December 3rd, 4:00 PM at Community
Center - (Booked)
b. Next Board Meeting date and time: 6 November 6:00 PM at the Community
2. Committee Membership nominations to the SCHOA Board
a. Voting members: Pam or Bud Becker, Marianna Denison, Markus
Dieter, Eileen Summitt, Rhonda Tolbert, Ann Wallace
b. Chair: Michelle White
3. Common Area Refreshment
a. Entrances and Children’s park tree trimming additional quotes – an additional
quote was received from Bayou Tree Service. The committee recommends
to the Board that Brandon Brookshaw be hired and this effort started.
b. Children’s park Refreshment: This is a larger effort than tree trimming. There
are dead trees, dead bushes, and sections of dead grass areas. The
committee requests proposals from 2-3 companies be provided by
BWMS (with designs included in their proposals). Discussion included
additional playground equipment as well.
c. Winding Waters Way Island – one quote from Bayou Lawn. The committee
requested BWMS ask for a quote from Brandon Brookshaw for this
effort as well.
d. Mullet Creek Run – The Bayou Lawn bid on Mullet Creek still says “remove 3
dead Sago Palms” when there is only one dead Sago (the middle one). The
committee requested that BWMS tell Bayou not to remove the two
Sago’s that are still alive, only the one that isn’t and place the other two
where the drawing (proved) shows they should be placed.
e. Blackwater Run – The house next to this area, is almost complete. Update
since the meeting (3Nov13), the City of Niceville has removed the rotten railroad ties and installed the concrete curbing. Thanks to the City of Niceville
for completing this project without any HOA funding required.
f. Prioritized common areas – Ann Wallace meeting with Laura on 29 Oct.
Update since the meeting, Ann and Laura met and provided the committee
with a list of prioritized areas.
4. Checklist Reviews (common Areas)
a. The committee voted to recommend to the Board the Checklists for the
common areas. These will assist BWMS with checking all the common
areas that the community has and providing to the Grounds and Maintenance
committee and the Board any items that require attention or repair.
b. The Homeowner checklist was provided to the committee for review.
5. Streetlights
a. Gulf power installed the transformer boxes on 11 Oct 13. Poles were
installed just before the meeting. Unfortunately, Gulf Power did not install
them as indicated on the sketches provided to them. The poles were installed
right where the sidewalk will be, and not closer to the road as requested. The
committee asked that BWMS call Gulf Power for an explanation and
whether the poles can be moved towards the road to allow for a
sidewalk behind them or away from the road to allow a sidewalk in front
of them?
b. A committee member talked with the homeowner next to light closest to
Sterling River Way (across from the Basket Ball court) about Gulf Power
provided a shield inside the bulb housing to mitigate the light shinning into
bedrooms. Gulf Power provides these if asked. Once the light is installed,
the committee will follow-up with the homeowner to find out if they will need a
6. Pool Area
a. Planters at the pool area. The bubblers in both planters are working.
b. The committee reviewed the quote from Bayou Lawn for refreshing these two
pots with new soil and “color” plants. The committee would like to know if is
Bayou’s intent to remove the shrub in the one planter and replace with “color”
as well. The committee asked BWMS if a quote for an additional shrub
c. The three quotes for Pool Service where provided by BWMS and the
committee reviewed and voted to recommend the Board that Douglas
Gillespie be selected for our pool service going forward and terminate
our current contract.
7. Sidewalks
a. Developer’s sidewalk status. The committee is concerned with the drop-offs
on the sidewalks installed on Sterling River Way and Coldwater Creek Circle.
The committee asked BWMS to request from Ruckel Properties to fill in with
dirt. Update since the meeting: Ruckel Properties did provide fill dirt and
straw to cover. The safety issue has been mitigated. The Committee thanks
Ruckel Property for addressing this so quickly.
b. The committee discussed the emails that community members have been
sending concerning both Winding Waters Way and Roaring Creek Way. The
committee will recommend to the Board that an Ad Hoc committee be
formed to address this item and make a recommendation to the Board.
8. Other Topics
a. Lake Park Dock and Children’s park pressure washing. The dock at the Lake
park requires a water faucet for use of a pressure washer. The Committee
requested that BWMS check to see if the current pump has a faucet and
if not the the committee asked that BWMS provide a quote for what it
will cost to put a faucet in at the lake park.
b. Template Lawn Care Contract. BWMS provided to the committee a Lawn
Care contract that the Committee can use to build a detailed proposal for
Swift Creek that can be used for acquiring bids. As this is one of the largest
costs to the homeowners, it should be clear what is required, how the
contractor will be monitored, and held accountable for the work required. The
Template will be a topic for the next Committee meeting.
c. The Pool area has been damaged by two oak trees’ roots. In addition, the
Jasmine covering the Portico is a problem for keeping the pool clean. The
committee is recommending that these trees and Jasmine be removed.
The Committee asked BWMS to provide quotes to the Committee to
review. The Committee also discussed the need to repair the Portico after
the Jasmine removal. Discussion included the possibility of providing another
method to shade the area under the Portico. Two methods discussed were
cloth swags or the addition of wood slats to the top of the Portico.
d. BWMS said that the pool may require resurfacing soon. BWMS
recommended that this be done in the off season this winter. The
committee recommends that quotes be provided for review.
9. New Business
a. Recommendation to the Board for Members and Chair. (see #2 above.)
b. Tennis Court usage concerns: Homeowners have voiced concern about
tennis lessons being taught at prime times. Additional information is that the
person providing the lessons is doing so for other homeowner’s children and
does not utilize both courts. Also, there have been non-homeowners using
the Swift Creek Tennis Courts without a homeowner present. The code can
be given out, so there was discussion about some other method to signal that
people using the Courts are homeowners.
c. Items for inclusion for upcoming year’s budget. There was discussion of
things that require attention. The priority is a refreshment of the Children’s
Park. Other topics discussed were the lights at the Basket Ball Court not
working properly, a trapper for the animal digging out the lake shores, Jason’s
Trail upkeep – there are a number of trees down across the trail and one has
damaged a platform/bridge. Another topic after the discussion of the Basket
Ball Court lighting was the lighting at the North Entrance and possibly redoing
the common areas’ lighting with LED for cost savings.
d. Potholes: They have filled. Again, a thank you to the City of Niceville.
Meeting adjourned around 5:00 PM.