1 2 Part I: Cocopeat for wastewater treatment in the developing world: comparison to traditional packing media in lab scale biofiltration columns 3 4 5 Ashley A. Thomson+1, Courtney M. Gardner2, Carley A. Gwin3, and Claudia K. Gunsch+*4 + A.M. A.S.C.E. 6 7 Abstract 8 Cocopeat, a by-product of coconut processing plants widely available in Vietnam, 9 Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and Indonesia, was studied for its ability to support 10 biological nutrient removal in lab-scale vertical flow columns treating simulated wastewater. 11 Treatment performance for cocopeat was compared to sphagnum peat, a traditional packing 12 medium, and Celite®, an inert clay pellet. Removal efficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, and 13 biological oxygen demand (BOD) were measured over a period of 325 days. During the 14 treatment period, varying configurations were tested to determine the effect of varying aerobic, 15 anoxic, and anaerobic zones on nutrient removal. Overall, similar BOD removal profiles were 16 obtained for cocopeat as compared to sphagnum peat. Slightly more efficient anoxic conditions 17 and a less acidic environment developed with the cocopeat. Up to 75% nitrogen removal was 18 obtained; however, phosphorus removal was not accomplished using our experimental setup, 19 likely due to the absence of a completely anaerobic treatment zone. Overall, cocopeat appears to 20 be a promising alternative packing material for on-site wastewater treatment in Southeast Asia in 21 terms of nitrogen removal. 22 23 1 Doctoral Graduate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Box 90287, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0287, USA 2 Doctoral Student, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Box 90287, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0287, USA 3 Doctoral Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Box 90287, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0287, USA 4 Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Box 90287, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0287, USA *Corresponding Author: Phone: 919-660-5208. Fax: 919-660-5219. E-mail: ckgunsch@duke.edu. 24 25 26 27 28 29 Subject Headings: Wastewater treatment, biological process, nitrification, denitrification, developing countries, international factors Introduction Increased attention and effort by the global community has led to an increase in access to 30 water treatment technologies in the developing world over the last 25 years. The Joint 31 Monitoring Program by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations 32 Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared that the world met the Millennium Development Goal 33 (MDG) target for drinking water. However, it is projected that the MDG target for sanitation will 34 likely be missed (WHO/UNICEF, 2014). Over 1.8 billion people have gained access to improved 35 sanitation since 1990, but 2.5 billion people remain without access (WHO/UNICEF, 2014). On- 36 site sanitation technologies can provide an interim solution. One such method is biofiltration. 37 Naturally occurring media, such as peat, can be utilized in fixed film systems, where the attached 38 growth, colonization and reproduction of microorganisms are promoted for the treatment of 39 wastewater streams (Sherman 2006). 40 Sphagnum peat filtration has been used for municipal wastewater treatment for many 41 decades (Gutenspergen et al 1980, Farnham and Brown 1972, Nichols and Boelter 1982), as well 42 as on-site treatment of household wastewater from septic tanks and pit latrines (Nichols and 43 Boelter 1982, Brooks et al 1984). Peat-packed biofilters have been effective at removing 44 nutrients, biological oxygen demand and coliform bacteria from wastewater streams (Corley et al 45 2006, Viraraghavan and Ayyaswami 1987, Kennedy and Van Geel 2001, Kennedy and Van Geel 46 2000, Viraraghavan 1993, Mariappan and Viraraghavan 2006). Naturally occurring media such 47 as peat offer a benefit over artificial media such as foam, textiles and plastic because they utilize 48 naturally occurring flora and microbial fauna. However, often these natural media must be 49 mined, which can have critical negative impacts on the environment. 50 Cocopeat, a readily available product in Southeast Asia, is a by-product of coconut 51 processing plants derived from the outer husk of the coconut (Verdonck 1983) when the coconut 52 shell is shredded and the fibers are removed. Cocopeat contains approximately 30% fibers and 53 70% ground pith, which has a soil-like texture. Although cocopeat is not a traditional peat as it is 54 not a mined material that has aged for hundreds to thousands of years, this material is referred to 55 as cocopeat due to its similar physical properties and uses. Because cocopeat exhibits similar 56 physical properties to traditional peat (Table 1), cocopeat may be a suitable packing medium for 57 biofiltration especially in economies with high coconut production and processing. 58 While cocopeat may be an ecologically sustainable and locally available packing medium 59 suitable for biofiltration, it is necessary to evaluate how it compares to other traditional packing 60 media. Thus, in the present study, cocopeat was compared to sphagnum peat and Celite® in lab 61 scale biofilters treating simulated septic tank effluent. These two media have been widely studied 62 for various biofiltration applications (Corley et al 2006, Gunsch et al 2007). Characteristics of 63 each packing media are shown in Table 1. In addition, microbial fingerprints were obtained and 64 compared between the different packing media to determine if similar community profiles and 65 robustness were established. Finally, the effect of promoting different redox zones in the 66 biofilters was evaluated with the goal of maximizing biological nutrient removal. 67 68 69 70 Material and Methods Bioreactor Design. Six lab scale column reactors were built based on previous research (Patterson 1999). Solid white plastic PVC pipe with a 102 mm diameter and 750 mm height was 71 used for the main body of the bioreactors. The height from the top of the reactor to the effluent 72 pipe was 367 mm. Three sampling ports were placed on two sides of the length in order to obtain 73 water and peat samples at different depths. Three sampling ports were placed at 241, 406 and 74 622 mm from the top (Figure 1A). Influent wastewater was sprayed intermittently over the 75 packing media using a timer (Titan controls, Vancouver, WA) and a Masterflex pump (Cole- 76 Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL). The effluent drained out of the bottom through a 4.7 mm inner 77 diameter clear vinyl tube placed at the bottom of the reactor. Each biofilter was first packed with 78 a 10 cm deep base layer of 4.7 – 12.7 mm diameter gravel. The purpose of this layer was to 79 allow for easier drainage from the reactors. The gravel used in this study was obtained from a 80 local hardware store and sieved to ensure uniform distribution. On top of the gravel layer, each 81 packing medium (i.e., cocopeat, sphagnum peat or Celite®) was placed to a height of 610 mm. 82 Each bioreactor was prepared in duplicate. A photograph of the experimental setup is shown in 83 Figure 1B. 84 85 Jar Tests. Baseline sorption and desorption rates for nitrogen and phosphorus were 86 compared for the three packing media. Each test was performed by filling Erlenmeyer flasks 87 with 100 mL of deionized water. One g of each packing medium was added to individual flasks, 88 in duplicate. Flasks were shaken at 60 rpm for 2 h. Liquid samples were collected and filtered 89 through 0.45 µm mixed cellulose ether filters (Whatman, Piscataway, NJ) for analysis 90 (Viraraghavan and Ayyaswami 1987). Ammonium and phosphate concentrations were measured 91 and compared before and after addition of the packing media using methods described below. 92 93 Bioreactor Operation. Activated sludge was obtained from the North Durham 94 Wastewater Treatment plant (Durham, NC) which currently treats 20 MGD and completes 95 biological nutrient removal of BOD, NH4+, and phosphorus. Approximately 4.14 L of activated 96 sludge inoculum was used to seed the bioreactors with an active microbial community. During 97 inoculation, the wastewater was added at a flow rate of 6 mL/min over a period of 11.5 h. 98 Following inoculation, the reactors were charged with simulated septic waste at a rate of 1.4 99 mL/s for 10 s every 2 h, based on previously published work (Corley et al 2006). A modified 100 simulated septic wastewater medium was used in this study and was based on a recipe developed 101 by Zeng et al (2003) and previously used in our laboratory (Alito and Gunsch, 2014). Two L of 102 the simulated wastewater consisted of 100 mL of solution A and 1.9 L of solution B. Solution A 103 contained 17.53 g/L NaCH3CO-2,1 g/L MgSO4, 0.45 g/L CaCl2, 3.3 g/L NH4Cl, 0.5 g/L peptone 104 and 6 mL/L of a nutrient solution (recipe provided below). Solution A was adjusted to pH 5.5 105 with 2 M HCl and autoclaved. Solution B contained 28.5 mg/L KH2PO4 and 32.5 mg/L K2HPO4 106 and was adjusted to pH 10 with 2 M NaOH. The nutrient solution consisted of 1.5 g/L FeCl3, 107 0.15 g/L H3BO3, 0.03 g/L CuSO4, 0.18 g/L KI, 0.12 g/L MnCl2, 0.06 g/L Na2MoO4, 0.12 g/L, 108 ZnSO4, 0.15 g/L CoCl2, and 10 g/L ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). All chemicals 109 were obtained from Sigma Aldrich. The simulated wastewater was prepared daily and added to 110 the column using a metered pump (Masterflex, Cole-Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL). 111 Various hydraulic residence times were tested with the intent of modifying redox 112 conditions along the column depth and promote the development of aerobic, anoxic and 113 anaerobic zones. Hydraulic residence times were modified by moving the effluent tube to 114 different heights thereby increasing the amount of time wastewater remained in the biofilters. 115 Four different water level depths were tested: 0, 140, 356 and 495 mm corresponding to the four 116 phases of the experiment. Phase I consisted of a fully aerobic treatment. Phase II consisted of 117 mostly aerobic treatment with a short anoxic treatment. Phase III consisted of aerobic and a 118 longer anoxic zone residence time while Phase IV consisted of the shortest aerobic zone. The 119 hydraulic residence times for the various phases were 0.1, 1.1, 2.8, and 4.0 d for Phases I, II, III 120 and IV, respectively. After steady state was reached for each Phase, 15 mL of packing media 121 samples were collected at each sampling port as well as the top of the bioreactor to analyze for 122 microbial community structure. In addition, throughout the experimental period, suspended 123 solids (SS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), biological oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved 124 oxygen (DO), pH, nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite) and phosphorus (phosphate) 125 concentrations were measured in the influent and effluent wastewater as described below. 126 127 128 129 Analytical Measurements. SS and VSS were measured according to standard methods as described in The Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (2005). BOD was measured in 300 mL glass BOD bottles using standard methods (EPA, Method 130 5210 B); approximately 0.16 g of Hach nitrification inhibitor was added to each 300 mL bottle 131 (Loveland, CO), followed by Hach BOD nutrient buffer pillows (Loveland, CO). Measurements 132 were recorded in duplicate. Dissolved oxygen measurements were also obtained for each 133 columns’ influent and effluent. 134 Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate were all measured on 96 well plates using 135 colorimetric assays as previously described in the literature (Holzem et al 2014, Tu et al 2010, 136 Hernandez-Lopez and Vargas-Albores et al 2003). Concentrations of each nutrient were 137 calculated in influent and effluent samples by comparing the optical density of each test to the 138 optical density of known standards. For ammonium, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate, the standards 139 were ammonium sulfate, potassium nitrate, sodium nitrite, and potassium phosphate, 140 respectively. A brief description of each method is provided below. 141 Ammonium concentration was measured using a modified standard methods procedure 142 (Holzem et al 2014). The sample volumes were scaled down for a 96 well plate (from 2 mL to 143 200 µL). A standard curve was constructed by performing serial 50% dilutions of the stock 144 ammonium sulfate solution (25 mg/L). Two hundred µL of each dilution was aliquoted into each 145 well of the first row on a 96 well plate. Two hundred µL of either synthetic wastewater (influent) 146 or bioreactor effluent was also added to the 96 well plate in triplicate. A phenol solution and a 147 nitroprusside solution were added. After 1 h of incubation, the optical density in each well was 148 measured at 620 nm using a Thermo Electron Corporation Multiskan MCC (Waltham, MA) plate 149 reader. Ammonium concentrations in each sample were calculated based on the standard curve 150 (R2 = 0.9839 for concentrations ranging from 0 to 25 mg/L NH3-N). 151 Nitrite was measured using a modified Griess method (Holzem et al 2014). Fifty µL of 152 either sample or standard were added to a 96 well plate. Fifty µL of 1% sulfanilamide in 3N HCl 153 was added to each well. After a ten min incubation at room temperature, 50 µL of 0.1% N-(1- 154 naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride was added to each well and the plate incubated at 155 room temperature for 10 min. Absorbance was measured at 540 nm on a Thermo Electron 156 Corporation Multiskan MCC (Waltham, MA) plate reader. Nitrite concentrations in each sample 157 were calculated based on the standard curve (R2 = 0.9969 for concentrations ranging from 0 to 158 345 mg/L NO2- - N). 159 To measure nitrate, all samples underwent a cadmium reduction to convert nitrate to 160 nitrite (Tu et al 2010) followed by the nitrite colorimetric method. The original nitrite 161 concentration was subtracted from the measured concentration to give the nitrate concentration. 162 Nitrate concentrations in each sample were calculated based on the standard curve (R2 = 0.9942 163 for concentrations ranging from 0 to 722 mg/L NO3-). 164 Phosphate was measured using the microplate method developed by Hernandez et al 165 (2003). Phosphate concentrations in each sample were calculated based on the standard curve (R2 166 = 0.9953 for concentrations ranging from 0 to 570 mg/L PO4-P). 167 168 Microbial Sampling and DNA Extraction. After steady state was reached in each phase, 169 microbial community samples were collected at each sample port and the top of the reactor to 170 gauge redox zone depth. Dissolved oxygen (DO) could not be measured as the DO probe could 171 not be used with the various packing media, especially the celite, as the media would scratch the 172 probe membrane, thus rendering the measurement void. Microbial distribution was key since DO 173 was not measured. Seeing shifts in the microbial community with each phase change is a direct 174 reflection and indication that the redox zones changed. This observation is also supported by 175 production/reduction of nitrite and nitrate. Samples were frozen at -20 oC prior to DNA isolation. 176 DNA was extracted using a method adapted from Gunsch et al. (2005). The 177 phenol/chloroform/IAA mixture was obtained from Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA). 178 Concentration and purity of DNA was measured on a Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo 179 Fisher Scientific). Only samples with high quality DNA were used for subsequent analysis 180 (260/280 > 1.5). 181 182 T-RFLP. PCR was performed targeting the 16S gene, with the 6 – carboxyfluorescein- 183 labeled fluorescent forward primer (27F) and reverse primer (1392R). Methods were based on 184 Alito and Gunsch (2014) and Ikuma and Gunsch (2013). PCR conditions used were 94 ºC for 5 185 min followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 94 ºC, 30 s at 50 ºC, and 30 s at 72 ºC, with a dissociation 186 step at the end for quality control. Amplicons were purified utilizing a Qiagen PCR Purification 187 Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Final amplicon 188 concentrations and purity were measured on a Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher 189 Scientific). One hundred ng of purified PCR product and 10 U of Msp1 (New England Biolabs, 190 Beverly, MA, USA) were used for each T-RFLP digestion reaction. The mixture was incubated 191 at 37 ºC for 2 h. Applied Biosystems GeneScan v3.7.1 software (Foster City, CA) was used to 192 inspect T-RFLP profiles. T-REX (T-RFLP analysis Expedited) software, available online 193 (Culman et al 2009), was used. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nm-MDS) analysis was 194 performed and ordination plots are generated using PAST (Hammer et al, 2001). 195 196 Statistical Analysis. The unpaired, two tailed student’s t test was used to identify 197 statistical differences between samples. Results were considered statistically different when the 198 p-value <0.05. 199 200 201 Results and Discussion A summary of the nitrogen, phosphorus, BOD, DO, pH, TSS, and VSS data for both the 202 influent wastewater and effluent from each bioreactor for all four phases is shown in the 203 supplementary information (Table S1).The average BOD removal efficiencies were 98, 99, and 204 99% for Celite®, cocopeat, and sphagnum peat, respectively. The BOD removal was statistically 205 identical between cocopeat and sphagnum peat (p>0.05) while Celite® had statistically higher 206 BOD effluent concentrations throughout (p<0.05). These data suggest that cocopeat is a suitable 207 packing material for supporting microbial growth. 208 The average pH of the influent wastewater was 7.70 + 0.38. The average effluent pH 209 from Celite®, cocopeat, and sphagnum peat was 6.36 + 0.39, 4.18 + 0.69, 3.95 + 0.33, 210 respectively. Effluent pH was significantly lower for all three packing media, however cocopeat 211 and sphagnum peat were statistically lower than Celite® (p<0.001). Peat has previously been 212 shown to be acidic (Shaw Precast Solutions, Shaw Peat Technical Manual, April 2003). The 213 effluent pH in the cocopeat reactor was statistically higher than in the sphagnum peat (p = 214 0.025), suggesting that cocopeat is less acidic than sphagnum peat. The decrease in pH in all 215 three reactors may also be linked to biological activity, specifically nitrification, which is known 216 to produce protons thereby lowering pH (Xu et al 2006). 217 218 Nutrient removal. The average ammonium removal was 54, 49, and 55% for Celite®, 219 cocopeat, and sphagnum peat reactors during the four phases, respectively (Figure 2A). 220 Generally, cocopeat had the highest effluent nitrate indicating nitrifying activity (Figure 2B). 221 Celite® consistently produced nitrite in the effluent for all phases, but nitrite was below the 222 detection limit in the effluent from both the cocopeat and sphagnum peat reactors (Figure 2C). 223 224 Phase I. The concentration of ammonium for all three packing media dropped 225 immediately after startup which was attributed to sorption (Witter and Kirchmann 1989). 226 Ammonium concentration then increased and stabilized following the microbial establishment of 227 ammonium oxidizing bacteria. Nitrite concentrations were low at the beginning of Phase I, then 228 increased and finally stabilized once steady state was reached suggesting that nitrite oxidizing 229 bacteria may be less efficient than ammonium oxidizing bacteria. Nitrite concentrations were 230 found to be highest in the Celite® reactor. Nitrate concentrations increased steadily throughout 231 Phase I, possibly as a more robust nitrite oxidizing community was established in the bioreactors. 232 In Phase I, nitrification was observed while denitrification was not accomplished, suggesting that 233 the oxygen concentration was too high and that the residence time was not long enough to 234 promote an anoxic zone. 235 236 Phase II. Ammonium concentration was relatively steady throughout Phase II for all 237 packing media. Nitrite concentration was highest in the Celite® reactors while full removal of 238 nitrite was accomplished in the cocopeat and sphagnum peat reactors. Nitrate concentrations 239 were elevated at the beginning of Phase II, but steadily decreased suggesting denitrifying 240 activity. These data suggest that both aerobic and anoxic conditions were promoted during Phase 241 II. Note that the Celite® reactor had higher concentrations of nitrite and lower concentrations of 242 nitrate, suggesting that nitrite oxidizing bacteria were not as active in the Celite® reactors 243 compared to the peat reactors. These data suggest that sphagnum peat and cocopeat can support 244 nitrification and denitrification. 245 246 Phase III. Ammonium concentrations remained steady throughout Phase III. Nitrite 247 concentrations were low throughout Phase III for all packing media. Nitrate steadily increased up 248 to Day 42 and then decreased. This change in nitrate may be due to the re-establishment of the 249 microbial community after the redox zone change. By the end of Phase III, nitrification and 250 denitrification were observed in all packing media. However, no statistical difference between 251 ammonium, nitrite, or nitrate concentrations was observed in any of the packing media types 252 when comparing data from Phases II and III. These data suggest that the longer hydraulic 253 residence time in Phase III did not facilitate further nitrogen removal. 254 255 Phase IV. Throughout Phase IV, ammonium and nitrate concentration profiles were 256 erratic in all bioreactors. This may be due in part to the steady decrease in pH in the cocopeat and 257 sphagnum peat reactors and acid production by nitrifiers (Xu et al 2006). From Phase I to IV, pH 258 decreased from 5.21 to 3.71 in the cocopeat and, from 4.17 to 3.59 in the sphagnum peat. 259 Nitrifiers and denitrifiers have been previously reported to be sensitive to pH (Rittman and 260 McCarty 2001), so as the pH gradually decreases from Phase I to IV, nitrification and 261 denitrification activity may have become stressed and led to the erratic ammonium and nitrate 262 profiles observed. These data suggest that pH control may be needed for the long term operation 263 of peat-packed biofilters. 264 265 While cocopeat and sphagnum peat bioreactors achieved higher levels of nitrification 266 than the Celite® bioreactors (p=2.07 x 10-7 and p=1.24 x 10-4 for cocopeat and sphagnum peat, 267 respectively, as compared to Celite®), in no instance was full nitrogen removal achieved. This 268 suggests that this reactor design may only be able to achieve full nitrification / denitrification 269 with lower influent nitrogen loadings. Furthermore, because nitrate was always present in the 270 effluent, an anaerobic zone was never promoted which is necessary for biological phosphorus 271 removal. The average phosphate concentration of the influent wastewater was 9.59 + 5.79 mg/L 272 (Figure 3). The average effluent phosphate concentration from the Celite®, cocopeat, and 273 sphagnum peat bioreactors were 9.82 + 4.43, 9.38 + 6.01, and 8.09 + 2.85 mg/L, respectively. 274 None of the packing media accomplished statistically significant removal of phosphate (p>0.05). 275 Phase changes did not affect phosphate removal for any of the packing media. This result is not 276 unexpected as anaerobic treatment was not achieved as discussed above. Furthermore, both 277 cocopeat and sphagnum peat were found to leach phosphate, evidenced by the occasional higher 278 concentration of phosphate in the effluent as compared to the influent. To further demonstrate 279 the involvement of peat in phosphate release, jar tests experiments were performed and results 280 showed that cocopeat released 46.5 + 7.5 mg/L of phosphate per g of cocopeat and sphagnum 281 peat released 141.5 + 85.5 mg/L of phosphate per g of sphagnum peat. While problematic in the 282 lab scale setup used herein, if anaerobic treatment could be achieved, the additional phosphate 283 may be removed biologically. In Part II of this study, we do see phosphate removal which may 284 be contributed to microbial uptake or phytoremediation. 285 286 287 Microbial community distribution. Phase I. Community differences were observed between the three media types in Phase 288 I. Generally, phosphate, nitrate, and ammonium were the most important variables in the 289 cocopeat and sphagnum peat reactors as evidenced by the clustering of the microbial 290 communities along those vectors. pH and nitrite were the most important factors for Celite® 291 communities. This is significant as peat may select for different microbial communities than an 292 inert material such as Celite®, due to differences in surface area, porosity and nutrients. 293 Analyzing the nm-MDS plot shown in Figure 4A with PAST shows that, in Phase I, 294 component 1 explained 93% of the microbial community differences between the three packing 295 media and component 2 explained 2% (Figure S1). Using the coordinates generated by PAST for 296 the nm-MDS plot, we graphed each nm-MDS component 1 and 2 with the ammonium and 297 phosphate concentration, respectively, and there was a linear relationship for each (R2 = 0.9078 298 and 0.5604 for ammonium and phosphate, respectively), indicating that ammonium and 299 phosphate, to a lesser extent, were important parameters affecting microbial community 300 structure. This result is logical as ammonium plays a key role in the development of a nitrifying 301 microbial community in Phase I and phosphate leaching was high in the peat bioreactors. 302 303 Phase II. Nitrate was the most important variable in the cocopeat and sphagnum peat 304 communities indicated by the clustering along the nitrate vector (Figure 4B). However, the 305 community from one of the cocopeat duplicate reactors (reactor 4) was strongly impacted by 306 phosphate. As in Phase I, the Celite® communities were strongly impacted by nitrite and pH. 307 This may suggest that denitrification levels between the two peat types and Celite® were 308 important parameters controlling microbial community distribution. Using the same analysis 309 described above, nitrate was associated with component 1 (explained 59% of microbial 310 community structure differences; R2 = 0.8585) and phosphate was associated with component 2 311 (explained 16%; R2 = 0.6513) (Figure S2). Nitrate was important in Phase II, likely due to the 312 introduction of denitrifying organisms. Phosphate may have also been an important parameter 313 controlling removal due to the effect of leaching. 314 315 Phase III. Nitrate and ammonium were the most important variables for cocopeat and 316 sphagnum peat communities indicated by the clustering around the nitrate and ammonium axes 317 (Figure 4C). The two Celite® reactors showed distinct clusters indicating that the communities 318 between the duplicate reactors were different. Ammonium was associated with component 1 319 (56%; R2 = 0.9875) and nitrate was associated with component 2 (43%; R2 = 0.9867) (Figure 320 S3). Ammonium and nitrate may have been significant factors controlling microbial community 321 distribution due to the effect of nitrification and denitrification. Phosphate may not have been as 322 important in this phase, as compared to Phase II because the effect of leaching may have been 323 less significant. This result is consistent with data to be presented in Part II of this study where 324 phosphate leaching was found to no longer be significant after 110 d in field operated 325 constructed wetlands. 326 327 Phase IV. Cocopeat communities clustered along the ammonium axis. Sphagnum peat 328 communities clustered independently from the five environmental factors. Celite® communities 329 clustered along the phosphate and nitrite axes (Figure 4D). Ammonium was associated with 330 component 1 (90%; R2 = 0.9241) and nitrate was associated with component 2 (4%; R2 = 331 0.7422) (Figure S4). Ammonium and nitrate may have been significant factors controlling 332 microbial community distribution due to the effect of nitrification and denitrification. 333 334 Conclusions 335 In this study, 99% BOD and up to 75% nitrogen treatment was obtained using cocopeat 336 as a packing medium. Cocopeat was able to support nitrification and denitrification of synthetic 337 wastewater. The most efficient nitrification and denitrification was observed in Phase III where a 338 shallow aerobic and longer anoxic zone was present. Significant phosphorus removal was never 339 achieved which may either be a result of the media itself which leaches phosphate or the reactor 340 design used in our laboratory study. Overall, cocopeat was found to be a comparable packing 341 medium to sphagnum peat and provides an attractive alternative for field application. In 342 particular, this packing material may be attractive in applications where complete nutrient 343 removal is not required such as aquaculture which is commonly employed in Vietnam where the 344 effluent is discharged into fish ponds and the remaining wastewater nutrients act as fertilizer for 345 duck weed, a food source for the fish. 346 347 348 Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate 349 Research Fellowship Program, RTI International, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 350 Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of 351 the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF, RTI International, or the Bill 352 and Melinda Gates Foundation. We would like to thank our collaborators at RTI International, 353 especially David Robbins. 354 355 356 References 357 Arenas, M.; Vavrina, C.S. 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