Penetration Testing - SCF Faculty Site Homepage

In this chapter, we will learn about penetration testing, security assessments, risk management,
and types of penetration testing. We will discuss automated testing, manual testing, penetration
testing techniques, and penetration testing phases. This chapter focuses on enumerating devices,
denial of service emulation, outsourcing pen testing services, and identifying various penetration
testing tools.
19.1 Understand penetration testing (PT)
Exam Focus: Understand penetration testing (PT). Objective includes:
Understand penetration testing (PT).
Identify security assessments.
Examine risk management.
Understand various types of penetration testing.
Penetration testing
Penetration testing (also called pen-testing) is the method used to evaluate the security of a
computer system or network by simulating an attack from a malicious source, referred to as a
Black Hat Hacker, or Cracker. In penetration testing, an active analysis of the system for
potential vulnerabilities may occur due to the following reasons:
Poor or improper system configuration
Known and/or unknown hardware or software flaws
Operational weaknesses in process or technical countermeasures
This analysis is carried out from the position of a potential attacker, and can involve active
exploitation of security vulnerabilities. Security issues together with an assessment of their
impact will be presented to the system owner and a proposal is also often presented for
mitigation or a technical solution. The motive of a penetration test is to find feasibility of an
attack and business impact of a successful exploit, if discovered.
Areas evaluated by penetration tests
Penetration testing involves testing of a computer system, network, or Web application in order
to find vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an attacker. Areas evaluated by penetration tests
Kernel flaws: Kernel flaws refer to the exploitation of kernel code flaws in the operating
Buffer overflows: Buffer overflows refer to the exploitation of a software failure to
properly check for the length of input data. This overflow can cause malicious behavior
on the system.
Race conditions: A race condition is a situation in which an attacker can gain access to a
system as a privileged user.
File and directory permissions: In this area, an attacker exploits weak permissions to
gain unauthorized access to documents.
Trojan horses: These are malicious programs that can exploit an information system by
attaching themselves in valid programs and files.
Social engineering: In this technique, an attacker uses his social skills and persuasion to
acquire valuable information that can be used to conduct an attack against a system.
The case for penetration testing
Penetration testing is required due to the following reasons:
To identify the threats faced by information assets of an organization
To reduce an organization's IT security costs and identify and resolve vulnerabilities and
weaknesses for providing a better Return On IT Security Investment (ROSI)
To provide an assurance of thorough and comprehensive assessment of organizational
security covering policy, procedure, design, and implementation to an organization
To conform to legal and industry regulations for adopting best practices
To test and validate the efficiency of security protections and controls
To focus on high severity vulnerabilities and emphasize on application-level security
To provide a comprehensive approach of penetration steps for preventing upcoming
To evaluate the efficiency of network security devices
To change or upgrade existing infrastructure of software, hardware, or network design
Guidelines for conducting a pen-test
A pen-test is a component of a full security audit. An organization should perform a risk
assessment operation before penetration testing. Risk assessment will support in identifying the
main threats.
Here are some general guidelines for good penetration testing:
Establish the parameters such as objectives, limitations, and justification of procedures.
Appoint skilled and experienced professionals.
Select a suitable set of tests that balance cost and benefits.
Use a methodology with proper planning and documentation.
Document the result carefully and make it comprehensible for the client.
State the potential risks and findings clearly in the final report.
ROI on penetration testing
Unless companies have a proper knowledge of the benefits of the pen-test, they will not spend on
the pen-test. Companies use penetration testing to identify, understand, and address the
vulnerabilities. This saves a lot of money of companies and results in ROI. A business case
scenario including the expenditure and the profit of the company is used to demonstrate the ROI
for pen-test. Demonstration of ROI is considered as the critical process to successfully sell the
Testing points
To determine the testing point of the test, organizations have to reach a consensus on the extent
of information that can be divulged to the testing team. Giving additional information to the
penetration testing team may give them an unrealistic advantage. It is required to determine the
extent to which the vulnerability requires to be exploited without disrupting critical services.
Testing locations
The pen test team may perform the test either remotely or on-site. An external hacker attack may
be simulated by a remote assessment. An onsite assessment may be expensive and may not
simulate an external threat exactly.
Advantages and disadvantages of penetration testing
Advantages of penetration testing:
Penetration testing helps in simulating hacker activities.
Penetration testing helps in identifying vulnerabilities and quantifying their impacts and
Penetration testing offers vast information on actual, exploitable security threats.
Disadvantages of penetration testing:
Penetration testing is labor intensive.
Penetration testing is also expensive.
Penetration testing can do potential system damage.
Types of penetration testing
External testing: In this testing, publicly available information, a network enumeration
phase, and the behavior of the security devices are analyzed. External penetration testing
is the traditional approach of penetration testing. This testing is focused on the following:
o Servers
o Infrastructure
o Underlying software comprising the target
This testing does not require prior knowledge of the site (black box).
Internal testing: This testing is performed from a number of network access points. It
represents each logical and physical segment.
Examine risk management
Although most organizations go to great lengths to ensure that their data is private and secure,
security risks are taken regularly by organizations, and are viewed as a normal cost of doing
business. The key is to effectively manage these risks within a tolerable range of performance
and avoid the rare but potentially catastrophic headline-grabbing situations that can threaten
organizational existence. Security risks must also be managed in an efficient and increasingly
integrated manner, reflecting the growing stakeholder and regulatory demands for additional
assurance processes.
Risk = Threat x Vulnerability
Risk management is used to identify, assess, and control risks. It includes analyzing the value of
assets to the business, identifying threats to those assets, and evaluating how vulnerable each
asset is to those threats. NIST, OCTAVE, ISO, and FAIR are four common methodologies for
risk management.
Common ways of managing risk:
Software packages on all firm computers that are customized to provide real time
automated firewall, anti-spam and anti-virus protection
Stringent security and data recovery standards for any personal and mobile technology
used by lawyers or staff
Trained network security staff
End-to-end monitoring for critical systems and associated components.
Constant monitoring of all servers and network equipment with an intrusion detection
system, including a vulnerability assessment/scanning appliance and host-based intrusion
prevention agents, multiple layers of virus protection and multiple layers of anti-spam
Physical 24-hour on-site security with continuous monitoring
Real-time failover for our redundant connections to the Internet. Data links with clients
are unlikely to ever fail and are tested every six months
Internal security assessment
In an internal security assessment, testing is performed from a number of network access points,
representing each logical and physical segment. Internal security assessments may include the
Tiers and DMZs within the environment
Corporate network
Partner company connections
Internal security assessments may be announced or unannounced:
Announced testing
In announced testing, the full cooperation and knowledge of the IT staff are used to attempt to
compromise systems on the client networks. The existing security infrastructure is examined for
possible vulnerabilities in announced testing.
Unannounced testing
In unannounced testing, the knowledge of IT security professional is not required to attempt to
compromise systems on the client networks. This test permits only the upper management to be
aware about the test. In this test, the security infrastructure and responsiveness of the IT staff are
19.2 Understand automated testing, manual testing, and penetration testing techniques
Exam Focus: Understand automated testing, manual testing, and penetration testing techniques.
Objective includes:
Understand automated testing.
Understand manual testing.
Understand penetration testing techniques.
Know the penetration testing phases.
Automated testing
Automated testing is a program that runs the program being tested, feeding it with proper inputs
and comparing the actual output against the output that was expected. Primarily, automated
testing was designed for the automation or execution of tests. This is the complete testing process
where the outcomes are pre-determined and consequently matched with the actual results. There
can be saving in time and cost over the long term when automated testing is used.
Manual testing
Manual testing is a testing process that is conducted by human testers. It is required for a tester
for playing the role of an end user and using most of the features of the application to ensure
correct behavior. The testing is the most effective method for User Interface Testing, User
Acceptance Testing, and Usability Testing. Organizations can take benefit from the experience
of a security professional in manual testing. Professionals assess the security posture of an
organization from the perspective of an attacker. A manual approach needs the following for
capturing the results of the testing process:
Test designing
Diligent documentation
Stages of manual testing
The following are stages of manual testing:
Unit Testing: In the Unit Testing stage, the testing is normally carried out by the
developer who wrote the code and sometimes by a peer using the white box testing
Integration Testing: The Integration Testing stage is carried out in two modes, as a
complete package or as an increment to the earlier package.
System Testing: In the System testing stage, software is tested from all possible
dimensions for all intended purposes and platforms. The black box testing technique is
normally used in this stage.
User Acceptance Testing: The User Acceptance Testing stage is carried out in order to
get customer sign-off of a finished product. This stage provides a 'pass' that ensures that
software has been accepted by the customer and software is ready for use.
Security testing
Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects data and maintains
functionality as intended. The six basic security concepts that need to be covered by security
testing are: confidentiality, integrity, authentication, authorization, availability and nonrepudiation.
Integrity in security testing
Integrity is a measure intended to allow the receiver to determine that the information provided
by a system is correct. Integrity schemes often use some of the same underlying technologies as
confidentiality schemes, but they usually involve adding additional information to a
communication to form the basis of an algorithmic check rather than the encoding all of the
Penetration testing techniques
The following are penetration testing techniques:
Passive research: It is used to collect all the information regarding system configurations
of an organization.
Open source monitoring: It allows an organization to take the required steps to maintain
confidentiality and integrity.
Network mapping and OS fingerprinting: It gives an idea about the network's
configuration that is tested.
Spoofing: In spoofing, one machine pretends to be another. Spoofing is used for both
internal and external penetration tests.
Network sniffing: It involves capturing the data as it travels across a network.
Trojan attack: It is a malicious code or program that is usually sent as email attachment
or transferred through "Instant Message" into chat rooms.
Brute force attack: It is a password cracking method. It can overload a system and
possibly stop it from responding to the legal requests.
Vulnerability scanning: It comprehensively examines the targeted areas of the network
infrastructure of an organization.
Scenario analysis: It is the final phase of testing. It makes a risk assessment of
vulnerabilities more accurate.
Categories of penetration testing
The different categories of penetration testing are as follows:
Open-box: In this category of penetration testing, testers have access to internal system
code. This mode is basically suited for Unix or Linux.
Closed-box: In this category of penetration testing, testers do not have access to closed
systems. This method is good for closed systems.
Zero-knowledge test: In this category of penetration testing, testers have to acquire
information from scratch and they are not supplied with information concerning the IT
Partial-knowledge test: In this category of penetration testing, testers have the
knowledge that may be applicable to a specific type of attack and associated
Full-knowledge test: In this category of penetration testing, testers have massive
knowledge concerning the information system to be evaluated.
Phases of penetration testing
The following are phases of penetration testing:
1. Pre-attack phase: In this phase, reconnaissance is considered as the first step.
Reconnaissance is used to locate, gather, identify, and record information regarding the
target. The pre-attack phase is of two types:
o Passive reconnaissance: In passive reconnaissance, information is gathered
regarding a target from the publicly accessible sources.
o Active reconnaissance: In active reconnaissance, information is gathered via
social engineering, on-site visits, interviews, and questionnaires.
Information such as competitive intelligence, network registration information, DNS and
mail server information, operating system information, user's information, authentication
credentials information, analog connections, website information, physical and logical
location of the organization, product range and service offerings of the target company
that are available online, and any other information that leads to possible exploitation are
retrieved in the pre-attack phase.
2. Attack phase: This phase includes the following steps:
o Penetrate perimeter: this test simulates the average intruder on the Internet
attempting to penetrate the outer security perimeter and gain unauthorized access
to an organization's critical assets such as the router, firewall, IDS, via the
o Acquire target: Acquiring a target refers to a set of activities in which the tester
subjects the suspect machine to more intrusive challenges, which may be as
 Vulnerability scans
 Security assessment
Testing methods used to acquire the target include the following:
Active probing assaults: Results of the network scan are used to collect
further information that can result in a compromise.
Running vulnerability scans: Vulnerability scans are completed.
Trusted systems and trusted process assessment: Legitimate
information obtained through social engineering or other means are used
to access the machine's resources.
o Execute, implant, and retract: The tester executes the arbitrary code to effectively
compromise the acquired system. System penetration is required to explore to the
level to which the security fails. Execute exploit is already available or specially
crafted to take the benefit of the vulnerabilities recognized in the target system.
o Escalate privileges: After acquiring the target, the tester tries to exploit the system
and gain more access to the protected resources. Escalating privileges include the
 The tester may use poor security policies or unsafe web code to collect
information that can result in escalation of privileges.
 Achieve privileged status by using techniques such as brute force.
 Use Trojans and protocol analyzers.
 Gain unauthorized access to the privileged resources by using information
gleaned through techniques such as social engineering.
3. Post attack phase: This phase is important as the tester has the responsibility to restore
the systems to their pre-test states. This phase includes the following:
o Remove all files uploaded on the system.
o Clean all registry entries and remove vulnerabilities.
o Remove all tools and exploits from the tested systems.
o Restore the network to the pre-test state by removing shares and connections.
Testing methods for perimeter security
The following are testing methods for perimeter security:
Forge responses with crafted packets to check access control lists.
Try connections using protocols such as SSH, FTP, and Telnet to evaluate protocol
filtering rules.
Use multiple methods such as POST, DELETE, and COPY to examine the perimeter
security system's response to web server scans.
Evaluate error reporting and error management with ICMP probes.
Try persistent TCP connections, evaluate transitory TCP connections, and try to stream
UDP connections for measuring the threshold for denial of services.
Evaluate the IDS's capability by passing malicious content and scanning the target for
responding to abnormal traffic.
19.3 Understand enumerating devices
Exam Focus: Understand enumerating devices. Objective includes:
Understand enumerating devices.
Understand penetration testing roadmap.
Understand denial of service emulation.
Outsource pen testing services.
Identify various penetration testing tools.
Enumerating devices
A device inventory is considered as the collection of network devices together with some
relevant information about devices that are recorded in a document. Inventory of devices is made
after the network has been mapped and the business assets are identified. A physical check may
also be performed to ensure that the enumerated devices have been located.
Device enumeration
A device inventory is a collection of network devices together with some relevant information
about each device that is recorded in a document. The penetration tester maps the network. When
the network has been mapped and the business assets are identified, the next logical step is to
make an inventory of identified. This process is known as device enumeration. A physical check
may be conducted additionally to ensure that the enumerated devices have been located
DoS emulation
Emulating DoS attacks can be resource intensive. The penetration tester can emulate DoS attacks
using hardware. Some online sites simulate DoS attacks for a nominal charge. These tests are
meant to check the effectiveness of anti-DoS devices.
Magic Packets attack
A Magic Packets attack is a class of DoS. In this attack, the attacker causes a DoS attack by
exploiting an existing vulnerability in the OS running in the target computer or applications of
the target computer by sending some specially designed data packets to particular ports, for
instance, Ping of Death and WinNuke.
Resource exhaustion attack
A resource exhaustion attack is a type of denial of service (DoS) which is implemented by
intentional utilization of the maximum resources and then stilling information. It is a flood of
fake RPCs; such floods would waste resources of the nodes, specially, disk seeks on affirmative
GETs, entries in the RAM index for PUTs, and CPU cycles to process RPCs.
Pen-testing roadmap
Target scoping
This is the process of observing and understanding the given scope of the target network
environment: what has to be tested, how it should be tested, what conditions should be
applied during the test process, what will limit the execution of test process, how long
will it take to complete the test, and what business objectives will be achieved, are all the
possible outlines that should be decided under target scoping. To lead a successful
penetration testing, an auditor must be aware of the technology under assessment, its
basic functionality, and interaction with the network environment.
Information gathering
Once the scope has been finalized, it is time to move into the reconnaissance phase. The
more information gathered during this phase, the better the chances for success of the
pen-test. During this phase, a pen-tester uses a number of publicly available resources
(primarily, the internet) to learn more about his target, or using tools that collect
information through DNS servers, trace routes, Whois database, e-mail addresses, phone
numbers, personal information, and user accounts.
Target discovery
This phase mainly deals with identifying the target's network status, operating system,
and its relative network architecture. This provides a complete image of the current
technologies or devices interconnected and may help further in enumerating various
services running over the network.
Enumerating target
This phase takes all the previous efforts forward and finds the open ports on the target
systems, serving as the base for detecting vulnerabilities in network devices. Once the
open ports have been identified, they can be enumerated for the running services. By
using a number of port scanning techniques such as fullopen, half-open, and stealth, scan
can help determining the port visibility, even if the host is behind a firewall or Intrusion
Detection System (IDS).
Vulnerability mapping
In this step, we identify and analyze the vulnerabilities based on the disclosed ports and
services. This process can achieved via a number of automated network and application
vulnerability assessment tools or via a significant manual effort.
Social engineering
This can be anybody pretending to be a network administrator over the phone forcing you
to reveal account information, or an e-mail phishing scam leading to hijack your bank
account details. Note that for a successful penetration of this type, sometimes it may
require additional time drawing the human psychology before applying any suitable
deception against the target.
Target exploitation
This phase mainly focuses on target acquisition. After carefully examining the discovered
vulnerabilities, it is possible to penetrate the target system based on the types of exploits
available. Testers can also apply client-side exploitation methods mixed with a little
social engineering to take control of a target system.
Privilege escalation
Now that the target has been acquired, we can consider the penetration is successful. The
tester can now move freely into the system depending on his access privileges, and
launch further attacks on the local network systems, as well as crack passwords and apply
local network spoofing tactics.
Maintaining access
Sometimes an auditor may be asked to retain access to the system for a specified time
period. Such activity can be used to demonstrate illegitimate access to the system without
hindering the penetration testing process again. This kind of system access provides a
clear view on how an attacker can maintain his presence in the system without noisy
Documentation and reporting
Documenting, reporting, and presenting the vulnerabilities found, verified, and exploited
will conclude our penetration testing methodology. This is a very important step, because
it is based on this set of reports that action can be taken to address identified
vulnerabilities. They also serve as a baseline of the system snapshot at the time of the
penetration test.
Penetration testing methodologies
The following are penetration testing methodologies:
Information gathering
Vulnerability analysis
External penetration testing
Internal network penetration testing
Router and switches penetration testing
Firewall penetration testing
IDS penetration testing
Wireless network penetration testing
Denial of Service penetration testing
Password cracking penetration testing
Social engineering penetration testing
Stolen laptops, PDAs, and cell phones penetration testing
Application penetration testing
Physical security penetration testing
Database penetration testing
VoIP penetration testing
VPN penetration testing
War dialing
Virus and Trojan detection
Log management penetration testing
File integrity checking
Bluetooth and handheld device penetration testing
Communication system penetration testing
Email security penetration testing
Data leakage penetration testing
Outsourcing penetration testing services
To acquire an intruder's point of view, get the network audited by an external agency. A specific
security assessment and suggestive corrective measures may be needed by the organization.
Professional liability insurance pays for settlement or judgments for which pen testers become
responsible as a result of their actions or failure to perform professional services.
Penetration testing consultants
Numerous different hosts, network architecture, policies, and procedures will be examined using
a penetration test of a corporate network. You need years of experience in IT fields such as
development, system administration, or consultancy to obtain penetration testing skills. In
penetration testing, each area of the network must be examined in-depth.
Terms of agreement
After agreeing on explicitly stated rules of engagement, an organization sanctions a penetration
test against any of its production systems. The agreement must include the terms of reference
under which the agency can interact with the organization. Terms of engagement can specify the
Desired code of conduct
Procedures to be followed
Nature of interaction between the testers and the organization
Project scope
It is necessary to decide if the test is a targeted test or a comprehensive test for determining the
scope of the pentest. The pentest agency makes comprehensive assessments so that as much
vulnerability as possible can be uncovered throughout the organization. Comprehensive
assessments are coordinated efforts. In specific systems and practices, a targeted host will seek to
identify vulnerabilities.
Pentest service level agreements
A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract that contains the terms of service that will be
provided by an outsourcer. Service level agreements document both remedies and penalties.
SLAs specify the minimum levels of availability from the testers and determine actions that will
be taken in the case of serious disruption.
Penetration testing tools
In the following sections we will discuss a variety of penetration testing tools in the areas of:
Application security
Web application security
Network security
Wireless/remote access
Telephony security
Application security assessment tools
The following are application security assessment tools:
Acunetix: The following are features of the Acunetix Web vulnerability scanner:
o An automatic client script analyzer permits security testing of Ajax and Web 2.0
o Visual macro recorder makes testing of web forms and password protected areas
o Support for pages with CAPTCHA, single sign-on, and two factor authentication
o Provide extensive reporting facilities including PCI compliance reports.
Multi-threaded and lightning fast scanner crawls hundreds of thousands of pages
with ease.
o Intelligent crawler detects web server type and application language.
o Acunetix crawls and analyzes websites including flash content, SOAP, and
o Port scans a web server and runs security checks against network services running
on the server.
Wapiti: Wapiti is used to audit the security of web applications. It performs "black-box"
scans. It does not study the source code of the application but will scan the webpages of
the deployed webapp, seeking for scripts and forms where it can inject data. Once it gets
this list, Wapiti acts like a fuzzer and injects payloads to see if a script is vulnerable.
The following vulnerabilities can be detected by Wapiti:
o File Handling Errors (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile...)
o Database Injection (PHP/JSP/ASP SQL Injections and XPath Injections)
o XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Injection
o LDAP Injection
o Command Execution detection (eval(), system(), passtru()...)
o CRLF Injection (HTTP Response Splitting, session fixation...)
Netsparker: Netsparker is the only false-positive-free web application security scanner.
It simply points at your website and will automatically discover the flaws that can leave
you dangerously exposed.
Watcher: Watcher is a Fiddler addon which helps penetration testers in passively finding
Web-application vulnerabilities. Watcher can be used for the following reasons:
o It is safe for the cloud and hosting environments. When applications live in the
Cloud, there is often a risk that the shared infrastructure will be damaged by
running security testing. However, passive tools like Watcher ensures that Cloudlike infrastructure will not be damaged.
o It is safe for production environments. Watcher does not attack web-applications
with loads of intrusive requests. It does not modify inputs to your application.
Unlike crawlers and web-application scanners, Watcher does not generate
dangerous traffic. It quietly analyzes normal user-interaction and makes educated
reports on the security of an application.
o It provides low overhead and does not need training. You already have a
development and test staff if you are building web-applications.
NStalker: NStalker is a WebApp security scanner used to search for vulnerabilities such
as SQL injection, XSS, and known attacks.
Websecurify: Websecurify is an online security scanner. It is designed to identify
vulnerabilities in web applications, web services and other web technologies.
Skipfish: Skipfish is an active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares
an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying out a recursive crawl and
dictionary-based probes. The resulting map is then annotated with the output from a
number of active (but hopefully non-disruptive) security checks. The final report
generated by the tool is meant to serve as a foundation for professional web application
security assessments. High speed, ease of use, and cutting-edge security logic are the
features of the Skipfish tool.
x5s: x5s is a Fiddler addon that helps penetration testers in finding cross-site scripting
vulnerabilities. It needs some understanding of how encoding issues lead to XSS and
manual driving.
Webscarab: Webscarab is a framework used to analyze applications that use the HTTP
and HTTPS protocols for communication.
Web application testing - 1
Web application testing - 1 includes the following:
Input validation: Tests include the following:
o OS command injection
o Script injection
o SQL injection
o LDAP injection
o Cross-site injection
Output sanitization: Tests include the following:
o Parsing special characters
o Verifying error checking in the application
Access control: Access to administrative interfaces are checked, data for manipulation
form fields are send, URL query strings are tried, value on the client side scrip are
changed, and cookies are attacked during web application testing - 1.
Web application testing - 2
Web application testing - 2 involves checking for buffer overflows, Denial of Service,
component checking, and data and error checking. Web application testing - 2 includes attacks
against the following:
Stack overflows
Heap overflows
Format string overflows
Web application testing - 3
Lapses in key exchange mechanism, adequate key length, and weak algorithms are checked for
applications using secure protocols and encryption. Session management checks the following:
Time validity of session tokens
Length of tokens
Expiration of session tokens while transiting from SSL to non-SSL resources
Presence of any session tokens in the browser history or cache
Randomness of session ID
Network security assessment
Network security assessment identifies vulnerabilities and is helpful in improving an enterprise's
security policy by scanning the network environment. It uncovers network security faults that
can result in exploitation and destruction of data or equipment by Trojans, denial of service
attacks, and other intrusions. It ensures that the protection that the enterprise needs when any
attack occurs on a network is provided by the security implementation. Teams trying to break
into the network or servers perform network security assessment.
The following are network security assessment tools:
Cain and Abel
John the Ripper
Angry IP Scanner
Angry IP Scanner is used to scan IP addresses and ports in any range. NetBIOS information,
favorite IP address ranges, web server detection and customizable openers are features of Anger
IP Scanner.
GFI LANguard
GFI LANguard is a network security scanner and patch management solution. It assists in patch
management, vulnerability management, network and software auditing, assets inventory,
change management, and risk analysis, and compliance.
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. It
passively collects packets for identifying networks. It detects hidden networks and presence of
non-beaconing networks through data traffic.
Wireless/remote access assessment
In wireless/remote access assessment, the security risks associated with an increasingly mobile
workforce are addressed.
The following are wireless/remote access assessment:
WiFi Scanner
TigerII Wap Tool
Wireless testing
The following are methods for wireless testing:
It is checked that whether the access point's default Service Set Identifier (SSID) is easily
available. "Broadcast SSIS" and accessibility to the LAN through this are tested. Brute
forcing the SSID character string using tools such as Kismet can be included in tests.
Vulnerabilities in accessing the WLAN via the wireless router, access point, or gateways
are checked. This can include verification of the default Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
encryption key whether it can be captured and decrypted.
A broadcast beacon of any access point is audited and all protocols available on the
access points are checked. It is checked that whether layer 2 switched networks are being
used instead of hubs for access point connectivity.
Privilege escalation and unauthorized access are checked by subjecting authentication for
playback of previous authentications.
It is verified that whether access is granted only to client machines with registered MAC
Telephony security assessment tools
The following are telephony security assessment tools:
VLANping: VLANping is a network pinging utility that can work with a VLAN tag.
VoIPER: VoIPER is a VoIP security testing toolkit incorporating several VoIP fuzzers
and auxiliary tools to assist the auditor.
VoIP Hopper: VoIP Hopper is a GPLv3 licensed security tool that rapidly runs a VLAN
Hop security test. It is a VoIP infrastructure security testing tool. It can be used to test the
security of VLANs.
VoIPong: VoIPong is a utility which detects all Voice Over IP calls on a pipeline, and
for those which are G711 encoded, dumps actual conversation to separate wave files. It
supports SIP, H323, Cisco's Skinny Client Protocol, RTP, and RTCP.
Vomit: Vomit converts a Cisco IP phone RTP conversation into a wave file that can be
played with ordinary sound players. Vomit requires a tcpdump output file.
VoIPaudit: VoIPaudit is the only vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
product available that is specifically designed to identify Voice over IP (VoIP) and
Unified Communication (UC) vulnerabilities .
Omnipeek: Omnipeek is a network analyzer. It provides real-time VoIP monitoring and
analysis with Ethernet, Wireless, 10GbE, and WAN.
Traffic IQ professional
Traffic IQ Professional enables security professionals to audit and validate the behavior of
security devices. It does this by generating the standard application traffic or attack traffic
between two virtual machines. Traffic IQ Professional can be used for assessing, auditing, and
testing the behavioral characteristics of any non-proxy packet filtering devices, including
Application layer firewalls, intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, and
routers and switches.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we learned about penetration testing, security assessments, risk management, and
types of penetration testing. We discussed automated testing, manual testing, penetration testing
techniques, and penetration testing phases. Lastly, we focused on enumerating devices, denial of
service emulation, outsourcing pen testing services, and identifying various penetration testing
Nikto is a Web scanner that is used to perform penetration testing against web servers for
multiple items, including over 3200 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625
servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers. It is an open source tool and its
plugins and scan items are frequently updated. It uses Whisker/libwhisker for performing various
types of attacks. It runs on both command-line mode and GUI mode.
Automated testing
Automated testing is a program that runs the program being tested, feeding it with proper inputs
and comparing the actual output against the output that was expected.
Open source vulnerability assessment tool
Black Box Testing
No prior knowledge of the system before testing. Also known as external testing.
GFI LANguard
GFI LANguard is a network penetration testing tool that scans, detects, assesses and remediates
any security vulnerabilities of a network. With a single console and extensive reporting
functionality, it can deal with the three pillars of vulnerability management, namely network and
port scanning, patch management, and network auditing.
GFI LANguard
Network vulnerability assessment tool
Manual testing
Manual testing is a testing process that is conducted by human testers. It is required for a tester to
play the role of an end user and use the most of the features of the application to ensure correct
Network security assessment
Network security assessment identifies vulnerabilities and is helpful in improving an enterprise's
security policy by scanning the network environment.
Nikto is a Web scanner that is used to perform penetration testing against web servers for
multiple items, including over 3200 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625
servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers.
Penetration testing
Penetration testing is a method of evaluating the security of a computer system or network by
simulating an attack from a malicious source.
Security testing
Security testing is a process to determine that an information system protects data and maintains
functionality as intended.
Vulnerability assessment
A vulnerability assessment is the process of identifying, quantifying, and prioritizing (or ranking)
the vulnerabilities in a system.
Web testing
Web testing is the name given to the software testing that focuses on Web applications, and is
one of the fastest growing areas of software testing.
White Box testing
Full information about the system before testing