1 2 Supplementary Materials Seismic anisotropy is related to the curvature (η) of the velocity ellipsoid between Vp-fast 3 and Vp-slow axes. In this work we assume hexagonal symmetry with a pure ellipsoid, and 4 therefore the shape of the ellipsoid is the same for both P and S waves where η becomes a 5 function of percent anisotropy alone [see e.g. Porter et al., 2011]. This assumption allows us to 6 approximate η while reducing the number of parameters in the inversion, which increases its 7 stability. 8 We test the effects of background velocities in the inversion by generating synthetic data 9 for various cases and re-inverting for the AML parameters using the fixed background velocities. 10 In all cases we generate receiver functions reproducing the event distribution (back-azimuth and 11 slowness) for station PGC and add 10% Gaussian noise. We perform five different tests (Table 12 S2): in Test 1 we use a slow background velocity model for both the AML and underlying 13 mantle half space and invert assuming higher mantle velocities; in Test 2 we use input velocities 14 intermediate between those of Test 1 and the ones fixed in the inversion; Test 3 is performed 15 using the same input parameters as in the inversion; Test 4 uses faster background velocities; and 16 finally, Test 5 uses slow velocities for the underlying mantle half space and AML velocities 17 equal to those used in the inversion. The recovered parameters are shown in Table S2 and Figure 18 S5. These tests indicate that the relative difference between input and recovered thickness and 19 percent anisotropy of the AML vary between 0 – 20 percent, with most cases showing 20 differences below 10 percent, well within the estimation error. In particular, we find that Tests 1 21 and 5 show the largest departure from input values, but for a different combination of 22 parameters. Finally, we find that the orientation of the fast axis of symmetry is very well 23 recovered in all cases (within 1 – 2 degrees). 24 The comparison of our results for Mexico with those of Song and Kim [2011] are most 25 relevant since a similar technique was used on the same data set. In their study the authors first 26 use conversions from local intra-slab earthquakes and find evidence of a 2-6 km thick high- 27 velocity lid (HVL) overlying normal oceanic mantle and underlying a low-velocity, anisotropic 28 layer (LVL). They further use radial receiver functions to show that the HVL is consistent with 29 7% anisotropy, which they rename the anisotropic mantle lid (AML). We suggest three possible 30 explanations for the difference in estimates that we obtained and those of Song and Kim [2011]. 31 First the difference in thickness may be explained by a combination of two effects: 1) we use a 32 lower cutoff frequency (0.5 Hz) in the receiver function filtering that resolves longer 33 wavelengths, and 2) the thickness of the AML in Song and Kim [2011] is estimated using the 34 direct conversions from local intra-slab earthquakes, which may resolve finer layering (like those 35 obtained from Pn wave velocities) but may not resolve the entire thickness of the AML. Second, 36 our two-step inversion procedure for estimating AML parameters is more sensitive to the 37 anisotropy contrast between the thicker AML and underlying mantle, as opposed to the 38 anisotropy contrast between the overlying oceanic crust and the AML, resulting in different 39 anisotropy estimates between the top and bottom of the AML [e.g., Shinohara et al., 2008]. 40 Third, in this study we use both the radial and transverse components in the estimation of the 41 LVL and AML parameters, which was not the case in the study by Song and Kim [2011]. 42 Transverse component receiver functions are more sensitive to anisotropy than radial 43 components alone [Levin and Park, 1998] and the combination of both radial and transverse 44 components allows a more accurate estimation of the heterogeneous, anisotropic structure. 45 46 Figure S6 shows the magnetic anomalies [Korhonen et al., 2007] offshore of each subduction zone. 2 47 Additional References 48 Audet, P., M. G. Bostock, D. C. Boyarko, M. R. Brudzinski, and R. M. Allen (2010), Slab 49 morphology in the Cascadia fore arc and its relation to episodic tremor and slip, J. 50 Geophys. Res., 115, doi:10.1029/2008JB006053. 51 52 53 Hayes, G. P., D. J. Wald, and R. L. Johnson (2012), Slab1.0: A three-dimensional model of global subduction zone geometries, J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008524. Korhonen, J. V. et al. (2007), Magnetic Anomaly Map of the World; Map published by 54 Commission for Geological Map of the World, supported by UNESCO, 1st Edition, 55 GTK, Helsinki, 2007. ISBN 978-952-217-000-2. 56 57 58 Levin, V., and J. Park (1998), P-SH conversions in layered media with hexagonally symmetric anisotropy: A cookbook, Pure App. Geophys., 151, 669-697. McCrory, P. A., J. L. Blair, and D. H. Oppenheimer (2006), Depth to the Juan de Fuca slab 59 beneath the Cascadia subduction margin – A 3‐ D model for sorting earthquakes, U.S. 60 Geol. Surv. Data Ser., 91, U.S. Geol. Surv., Reston, Va. (Available at 61 http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/91/) 62 Porter, R., G. Zandt, and N. McQuarrie (2011), Pervasive lower-crustal seismic anisotropy in 63 Southern California : Evidence for underplated schists and active tectonics, Lithosphere, 64 3, 201-220. 65 3 66 Table S1. List of networks and broadband stations used in this study. Results of receiver 67 function inversion are shown on the right. H: thickness of the AML; A: percent anisotropy; T 68 and P: trend and plunge of the fast axis of hexagonal symmetry. 4 Network Station Latitude Longitude H (km) A (%) T (deg) P (deg) CN BTB 49.4683 -125.5214 5.4 ± 0.8 23 ± 2 78 ± 4 2±2 CN LZB 48.6117 -123.8236 5.2 ± 0.8 28 ± 3 125 ± 5 34 ± 3 CN MGB 49.0 -124.6975 15 ± 2 15 ± 2 125 ± 4 3±1 CN OZB 48.9603 -125.4928 9.0 ± 1.6 17 ± 3 81 ± 9 43 ± 7 CN PFB 48.5717 -124.44 5.2 ± 0.6 29 ± 2 134 ± 3 1.0 ± 0.7 CN PGC 48.65 -123.45 5.6 ± 1.3 27 ± 3 127 ± 4 10 ± 1 CN SNB 48.775 -123.1708 7.6 ± 1.6 24 ± 3 117 ± 4 5±2 CN VGZ 48.4139 -123.3244 7±1 29 ± 3 107 ± 5 27 ± 3 FNET TSA 33.1781 132.82 16 ± 2 17 ± 2 261 ± 3 20 ± 2 FNET OKW 33.8272 133.469 17 ± 2 26 ± 4 222 ± 4 65 ± 2 FNET UMJ 33.5795 134.037 21 ± 2 8±2 51 ± 18 12 ± 7 FNET ISI 34.0606 134.455 35 ± 7 3±2 220 ± 15 63 ± 8 TO EL30 17.00 99.78 15 ± 2 13 ± 2 47 ± 6 29 ± 5 TO EL40 17.05 99.76 17 ± 2 11 ± 2 21 ± 7 29 ± 6 TO PLAY 17.12 99.67 25 ± 2 14 ± 2 13 ± 4 13 ± 2 TO TICO 17.17 99.54 24 ± 4 8±1 350 ± 9 31 ± 7 TO XALT 17.10 99.71 30 ± 10 12.5 ± 1 354 ± 3 8±2 TO XOLA 17.16 99.62 18 ± 2 14 ± 2 9±4 12 ± 3 XF ACHA 9.828 -85.2476 22 ± 8 21 ± 4 348 ± 5 23 ± 3 XF ARDO 10.213 -85.5964 24 ± 8 28 ± 4 42 ± 5 30 ± 4 5 XF BANE 9.929 -84.9564 26 ± 10 28 ± 3 350 ± 5 29 ± 2 XF GRZA 9.9155 -85.635 27 ± 6 21 ± 3 19 ± 4 4±1 XF INDI 9.865 -85.5011 32 ± 10 13 ± 2 346 ± 5 14 ± 5 XF JUDI 9.865 -85.5387 22 ± 6 19 ± 3 38 ± 5 30 ± 3 XF MANS 10.099 -85.3811 19 ± 6 14 ± 2 40 ± 6 23 ± 3 XF PNCB 9.589 -85.0917 15 ± 6 17 ± 2 9±5 16 ± 3 XF POPE 10.063 -85.2634 24 ± 8 30 ± 4 5±4 36 ± 4 69 6 70 Table S2. Results of tests for the robustness of the inversion. For each case below we produce 71 synthetic receiver functions (with 10% added Gaussian noise) for incoming waves that match the 72 distribution of data for station PGC. We use various input P and S velocities with fixed 73 parameters for the AML and re-invert the synthetic data with fixed P and S velocities of 8 and 74 4.5 km s-1, respectively, to estimate the bias in the recovered parameters for the AML. P and S 75 velocities separated by dashes and with subscripts A and M are input values for the AML and sub- 76 slab mantle, respectively. H: thickness of the AML; A: percent anisotropy; T and P: trend and 77 plunge of the fast axis of hexagonal symmetry. In all cases the input (subscript i) AML 78 parameters are Hi = 20 km, Ai = 15%, Ti = 125° and Pi = 15°. Recovered values have subscript f. 79 These results show that T and P are well constrained in the inversion, regardless of the input 80 velocity structure. H and A slightly trade-off with the input velocities. 81 Test # VpA – VpM (km s-1) VsA – VsM (km s-1) Hf (km) Af (%) Tf (deg) Pf (deg) 1 7.6 – 7.6 4.1 – 4.1 23.0 15.8 126 17 2 7.8 – 7.8 4.3 – 4.3 21.4 15.5 126 16 3 8.0 – 8.0 4.5 – 4.5 19.9 15.1 125 15 4 8.2 – 8.2 4.6 – 4.6 19.9 15 125 14 5 8.0 – 7.6 4.5 – 4.1 21.2 18.4 124 13 82 7 83 84 Figure S1. Stacked radial (A) and transverse (B) component receiver functions for station PGC 85 showing double polarity pulses in converted (Ps at 4-5 sec) and back scattered (Pps at 13-15 sec 86 and Pss at 18-20 sec) waves indicating the signature of a low-velocity zone. Solid and dashed 87 lines in C show the distribution of events in slowness and back-azimuth bins, respectively. 88 Receiver functions are filtered between 0.01 and 0.5 Hz. 89 90 8 91 92 Figure S2. Inversion results for the isotropic background velocity model at station PGC showing 93 stacked radial (A) and transverse (B) component receiver functions as well as best fit radial (C) 94 and transverse (D) component synthetic data. Scatter plots in E-J show the results of Monte 95 Carlo inversion for various combinations of parameters where warm colors represent lower 96 misfit. HCC and RCC: thickness and Vp/Vs of forearc continental crust; HLVL and RLVL: thickness 97 and Vp/Vs of low-velocity zone corresponding to upper oceanic crust; HLOC and RLOC: thickness 98 and Vp/Vs of lower oceanic crust. 99 9 100 101 Figure S3. Inversion results for the anisotropic mantle lid (AML) model at station PGC showing 102 stacked radial (A) and transverse (B) component receiver functions as well as best fit radial (C) 103 and transverse (D) component synthetic data. The phase corresponding to conversions from the 104 base of the AML is more evident in A and C as a negative arrival at ~7 sec between bin numbers 105 15-60. Scatter plots in E-F show the results of Monte Carlo inversion for the anisotropic 106 parameters where warm colors represent lower misfit. 107 10 108 109 Figure S4. Same format as Figure S3 but for station PNCB in Costa Rica. AML signals are 110 evident at 4-5 sec in all panels A-D. Later arrivals (>6 sec) are reverberations from shallow LVL. 111 112 Figure S5. Same format as Figure S3 but for station PLAY in Mexico. 11 113 114 Figure S6. Same format as Figure S3 but for station ISI in southwest Japan. 115 116 Figure S7. Relative difference between input and recovered parameters for the AML for 117 different synthetic tests. H: thickness of the AML; A: percent anisotropy; T and P: trend and 118 plunge of the fast axis of hexagonal symmetry. The thickness and magnitude of anisotropy are 119 more sensitive to background velocities than the orientation of the fast axis. 12 120 121 Figure S8. Seafloor magnetic anomalies. (A) Southwest Japan; (B) southern Mexico; (C) 122 southern Vancouver Island (Canada); and (D) Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica). Inverted red 123 triangles show the locations of seismic stations used in this study. Brown triangles are arc 124 volcanoes. Yellow lines are slab contours shown at 10 km intervals from the SLAB1.0 model 125 [Hayes et al., 2012] (A, B, D) and from McCrory et al. (2005) and Audet et al. (2010) (C, solid 126 and dashed lines, respectively). The fossil spreading direction is calculated from the average of 127 the directional gradient of long-wavelength magnetic anomalies for areas close to the trench. 128 13