History of Ancient Metaphysics PROF. NICOLETTA SCOTTI; PROF. ROBERTO MARIO RADICE MODULE I: Prof. Nicoletta Scotti COURSE AIMS The course has two objectives: A. To provide a brief but as far as possible complete overview of the various schools of philosophical thought in late-Antiquity (II-VI centuries A.D.); B. To focus on the various phases in the rediscovery, reception and influence of Aristotle’s Metaphysics from I to VI centuries A.D. COURSE CONTENT MODULE A: Neo-Aristotelism, Neo-Pythagorism, Middle and Neo-Platonism, Christian Platonism. MODULO B: 1. The "creation" of Metaphysics as a text and speculative complex; 2. Main stages in traditional commentary, Alexander of Aphrodisias (II-III centuries), Themistius (IV century), Syrianus (IV-V centuries), Asclepius (VIVI centuries); 3. How Aristotle’s metaphysics was received and transformed in Proclus’s metaphysical system. READING LIST MODULE A: G. REALE, Storia della filosofia greca e romana, Vols. 6-8, Milano, Bompiani, 2004 (parts referred to at lectures). L. P. GERSON (ed.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011 (plus any supplementary and options references). MODULE B: ARISTOTELE, Metafisica, edited by Giovanni Reale, Milano, Bompiani, various editions. Selected texts from: P. MORAUX, L'aristotelismo presso i greci, Milan, Vita e Pensiero 2000. R. SORABJI (ed.), Aristotle transformed: the ancient commentators and their influence, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1990. A. PABST, Metaphysics: The Creation of Hierarchy, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge U.K, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012. E. VON IVÁNKA, Platonismo cristiano: recezione e trasformazione del Platonismo nella Patristica, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1992. W. BEIERWALTES, Proclo: I fondamenti della sua metafisica, Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 19902. TEACHING METHOD Lectures for module A. Module B will consist of both lectures and seminar-style study on the sections referred to on the reading list handed out to students attending lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Overall assessment will be based on two parts: a final oral examination on module A and a set section of module B; an oral and/or written paper by students on any chosen topic from module B. NOTES The course may be combined with a module on the History of Ancient Philosophy. Should this be the case, please state your intention when presenting your study programme, so that the right codes are inserted. A meeting providing guidelines will be held before the Christmas holidays. Relevant information will be available from the lecturer’s webpage from December. Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board. MODULE: Prof. Roberto Mario Radice COURSE AIMS Research into theonomous morals in Greek philosophy. According to JudaicAlexandrian allegoresis, the same passages from Genesis can create a new notion of theology and also systematic rational morals revealed by God. Philo’s is the first to be encountered in the history of philosophy COURSE CONTENT Philo of Alexandria’s interpretation of Genesis 1 in De opificio mundi and in Legum allegoriae I-III. comparative analysis of the relevant texts. READING LIST ROBERTO RADICE, Allegoria e paradigmi etici in Filone di Alessandria, Vita e Pensiero, 2000. TEACHING METHOD The course includes a series of 30 lectures and certain in-depth seminars which will be announced during lectures and posted on the notice board in the Department of Philosophy. The whole course (lecture summaries, analysed texts, fragments, personal accounts, documents, conference material, comprehension sheets, summaries, further study notes and footnotes, forums, computer personalised correspondence, useful links) will have an online version (on Blackboard) which will be interactive and updated after each lecture. ASSESSMENT METHOD The course culminates with oral tests (based on parts of the programme), student papers on previously-arranged topics, group work on specific issues and final oral examinations. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice board.