8th grade vocab 12-12

8th grade vocabulary
1. Integer: positive and negative whole numbers and zero
2. Negative number: a number less than zero
3. Positive number: a number greater than zero
4. Whole number: a number with no decimal or fraction part
5. Cube root: a number, written as: x∙x∙x =³√x
6. Irrational number: a number that can not be written as a ratio.
Non-repeating and non-terminating.
Ex: Pi
7. Perfect cube: cube of a whole number
Ex: 2^³ =8
8. Perfect square: a square of a whole number
9. Principal square root: non negative square root of a number
10. Rational number: any number that can be expressed as a ratio of
two numbers
11. Real number: a rational or irrational number
12. Repeating decimal: a decimal in which one or more of the digits
repeats infinitely
13. Square root: a number that is multiplied by itself to form a
product is called a square root of that product √25 =5 ,5 is the
square root of 25
14. Terminating decimal: A decimal number that ends or terminates
15. Exponent: the number that indicates how many times that base is
used as a factor
16. Standard notation: the normal way to write a number
17. Power: a number produced by raising a base to an exponent.
18. Scientific notation: a method of writing very large or very small
numbers by using power of 10.
19. Constant-a value that doesn’t change.
20. Equivalent ratios-two ratios that have the same value when
21. Proportion-an equation that states that two ratios are equivalent.
22. Rate of change- is a ratio of the amount of change in the
dependent variable, or output, to the amount of change in the
independent variable, or input.
23. Unit rate-rate in which the rate is expressed as a quantity of 1.
24. Slope-A measure of the steepness of a line on a graph; the rise
divided by the run.
25. Proportional relationship- A relationship between two equal
26. Variable rate of change- the relationship is not constant.
27. Order pair- a pair of numbers that can be used to locate a point
on a coordinate plan.
28. x-coordinate-the first number in an ordered pair, it tells the
distance to move right or left from the origin (0,0).
29. y-coordinate-the second number in an ordered pair, it tells the
distance to move up or down from the origin (0,0).
30. linear equation-is an equation whose solutions form a straight
line on a coordinate plane.
31. slope- intercept-A linear equation written in the form y = mx + b
32. y-intercept-The y-coordinate of the point where a graph of a line
crosses the y-axis
33. function-An input-output relationship that has exactly one
output for each input.
34. bivariate data-a set of data that is made up of two paired
35. nonlinear relationship- a relationship between two variables in
which the data does not increase or decrease together at the same
36. coordinates - the set of numbers (x,y) used to locate a point on a
coordinate plane
37. coordinate plane- a plane formed by the intersection of a
horizontal number line called x-axis and a vertical number line
called the y-axis.