Teacher Librarian Name: Donna Miller School: West Middle School District: Mesa County Valley School District #51 Subject/Grade/Teacher(s): GT Literacy/8th/Boyd Length of Lesson: 3 weeks Brief Description of Lesson/Project: Students will select three books that they have read in the past that made a significant impact on their lives. They will prepare a book talk on one of these books and create a podcast using Audacity. The minimum requirement for the book talks will be a podcast. However, students can also produce a video, Powerpoint presentation, or other product. The Teacher Librarian and Classroom Teacher will edit the book talks and provide suggestions to help student include the “so what” (how the book impacted their lives in significant ways). Students will present their book talks to the class. Classmates will assess the book talks using a rubric and provide feedback to each presenter. In addition, students will participate in a class Wiki discussion about the book Welcome to the Ark. Questions will be posted weekly, and students will respond to each question, as well as responding to the responses other students have contributed. The culminating project will be a one-page essay in which students synthesize what they have learned from each of the three books they have read, as well as Welcome to the Ark to describe how these books specifically, and literature in general, have impacted their lives. A rubric will be provided for the teacher, librarian, and students to assess their work. Stage 1 – Desired Results: *Standards and Benchmarks are to be listed at end of template. Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that… Literature has the power to change our lives Literature can influence how we think and improve our understanding Students will know… The components of a book talk The difference between a book talk and an objective review How to analyze the impact that specific books have on them Questions/Scenario that focuses the learner probes for deeper meaning How does literature impact our lives? Why does literature impact our lives? What insights do you gain about yourself through literature? Students will be able to… Use Audacity to prepare a podcast Deliver an engaging and informative book talk Articulate how literature has helped to shape their lives – both verbally and in written form Colorado Power Libraries Program Planning Template Rev. 2/10/2016 Adapted from Jefferson County Planning Template Vocabulary Cross-content Content Book talk Reader’s Advisory Analyze Evaluate Synthesize Medium Podcast Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence What will you accept as evidence that shows the students understand the concepts? Attach assessment rubric Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Audio podcast of book talk plus an Informal discussions among optional product as selected by students observed by the teacher the students and librarian Weekly wiki responses Written essay Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities (Teacher Learning Activities (Teacher is Librarian is Responsible for): Responsible for): Modeling good presentation and content for booktalks (give sample booktalks; show video clips) Teaching/assisting Audacity Editing/revising written booktalks Posting questions and reviewing answers on wiki Explaining the Libraries of Life project to students Assessing Libraries of Life essays Editing/revising written booktalks Posting questions on wiki and assessing answers Accommodations/Differentiations: Giving students choices of product formats for booktalks Allowing students to assist each other with Audacity recordings Letting students use rubrics to decide what elements to include in all projects Materials/Resources: Fiction books; computers with Internet access and software such as Audacity, Powerpoint, Inspiration, Microsoft Office, etc. installed Colorado Power Libraries Program Planning Template Rev. 2/10/2016 Adapted from Jefferson County Planning Template Prioritized Benchmarks: Content Benchmarks Content Standards Reading Standard 4d analyze what is read, heard, and viewed; 4e identify the main idea of text; 4f respond to written and oral presentations as a reader, listener, and articulate speaker; 4i use brainstorming techniques, etc.; 5c summarize, paraphrase, organize and synthesize information, etc.; 5e give credit for others’ ideas, etc.; 5i evaluate own research and raise new questions for further investigations; 6a read, respond to and discuss a variety of literature; 6b apply knowledge of literary terminology to understand text Standards for the 21st-Century Learner 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Skills: 1.1.1, 1.1.2. Dispositions in Action 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.2.7. Responsibilities 1.3.4, 1.3.5. Self-Assessment 1.4.2, 1.4.4. 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Skills: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4 What other curricular areas will the unit cover? N/A Colorado Power Libraries Program Planning Template Rev. 2/10/2016 Adapted from Jefferson County Planning Template