welcome to blåbærtua 2013-2014

We wish everyone welcome to Blåbærtua! Now almost all the children in our group have
started! This year we have 8 children who started last year, 6 new children who changed
departments and 4 completely new children. 3 adults worked in the department last year
and 1 adult two years ago.
Here follows some practical information and information about the first weeks. Some of the
information will be known for the “old” parents already, but then this can be a repetition for
them. We hope everyone have had a great summer and are ready for a new year in
This year there are 18 children in Blåbærtua between the age 3 to 5 years.
The children this year are:
Born in 2008: Simen
Born in 2009: Eva
Born in 2010: Emma
Tong Tong
We are 4 adults divided between 3 fulltime positions.
Educational supervisor:
Jannicke Sofie Ellingsen Hansen, works 100% (in dep. 80% and in the office (Tuesday) 20%)
Silje Arnstøl Elgesem, works 100%
Gosia Banaszak-Juszczuk, works 100%
Kathrine Eine, works 20% (Tuesday)
Some children know the department very well and many children do not know it as well. We
need some time to get to know each other and the department. During the next two weeks,
we will work a lot with getting to know and feel safe with each other and the routines in the
department; learn each other’s names, play together, “time to tidy up”, gathering in the hall,
washing our hands, meals, getting dressed, playing outside etc.
We will after some time divide the children into playgroups and go for walks. It is very
important now at the beginning to create good experiences together with all the children.
The focus in the playgroups will be to get to know each other and create good playing
relations between the children. We will look at how to help the children interact with others
and how to solve any conflict that might occur while playing.
We will start a “mentor scheme” and housekeepers. The mentor scheme is that one older
child is a ‘mentor’ for a younger child. “The mentor” can help someone who is younger than
themselves and who might not be able to do or know as much as themselves. “The mentor
child” gets an older child who can make them feel safe and who can give them help if they
need it. We will be working with this while getting dressed, meals, holding-hands while out
walking, if someone need comfort or help in general. The housekeepers will change every
week. We will use the mentor pairs for this. The housekeepers will help set the table for the
meals, say who should sit down, ring the bell when it is time to tidy up outside and stand in
the play shed during the tidying up. A weekly plan with further activities will follow in the
period plan in week 35.
Every child needs to bring a lunch box and fruit box with ready cut fruit which is ready to be
eaten. We are working with how we are going to organise food and meals in the
kindergarten. More information about this will be given during the parent meeting on
Wednesday September 11th.
We wish that every child bring a drinking bottle with water every day. The bottle can be put
filled with water on the child’s shelf. We also wish that you bring the bottles with you home
every day to be washed because of hygienic reasons. We notice that the children drink more
during the day if they have their own bottles which they can drink from whenever they are
Every new parent will have a conversation during the first few weeks after the beginning of
kindergarten. The goal is to gain as much information about the child as possible so we can
meet the child in the best way. You will receive a form before the conversation so you can
be prepared. Also consider if you have any feedback on your child’s adapting period.
The parents of the new children who changed departments will have a conversation a little
later about the adapting period in a new department.
I will send out times to everyone this concerns by email.
This year’s collective volunteering is on Saturday September 14 th. There will be put a note on
the door to the dep. where you can write your name and what you wish to do in the dep.
There will also be many tasks outside. This is a nice day for both adults and children. Siblings
and grandparents are also welcome”
We wish this day will be suitable for as many as possible!
- In the morning when you arrive: take off outdoor shoes and put them on the shoe
shelf, take off outdoor clothes, put on indoor shoes, wash the child’s hands and put
the food and fruit box in the fridge (or on the bench in the kitchen) and the drinking
bottle on the child’s shelf. Contact an adult in the department before you say
“goodbye” to the child.
- Give us notice in the morning if there is something we should be aware of regarding
the child (slept badly, not eaten…).
- Change the child’s diaper if necessary before you leave the kindergarten in the
morning and afternoon.
- Let us know if someone else is picking the child up.
- Mark all the clothes, the shoes and lunch box with the child’s name (not siblings or
others who might have owned it before).
- Check every day if rain clothes, playsuits and mittens need to be washed or dried. If
they do you need to bring them home.
- Check the child’s drawers for dirty clothes.
- Keep track of you child’s place and shelf in the hall.
- Reads the daily summaries on the board in the hall and read messages that are put
up on the door or sent by email.
- Call the kindergarten if the child is ill or is not going to come to kindergarten because
of other reasons. (Do not send a text or email because we do not check the phone
and email all the time).
- Ask if you have any questions!
- Tell us if you have something to say!
IMPORTANT DATES: Parent meeting:
Wednesday September 11 th
Collective Volunteering Saturday September 14th
TELEPHONE: Blåbærtua
The Office
EMAIL: jannickehansen@dnv.com
NB! There has been put up a list with the email addresses of all the parents. Please check if
the email addresses are correct! If not please write down the correct email. Then we can
start sending information by email 
We hope for a good start for this year in kindergarten for both adults and children at
Blåbærtua. In order to achieve a good cooperation, which is important so your child can be
as happy as possible in kindergarten, we are dependent on you parents to tell us about your
wishes and needs, and let us know if there is anything! Remember that no question is stupid
to ask 
Best regards from Blåbærtua
Silje, Gosia, Kathrine and Jannicke!