2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. Updated March 9,2012 The Alice Sullivan Memorial Fund. Criteria/Eligibility Date Due Scholarship to female high school and/or female collegiate studentathletes who express interest in coaching and/or officiating female sports; sponsoring speakers for female high school or collegiate events; sponsoring female high school workshops or conferences. www.DunkinDonuts.com/scholarship March 9,2012 USPAACC Scholarships Betginning full=time study at an accredited post-secondary educational institution in the US. A citizen or permeanent resident of the US. www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship.php March 16,2012 Sammy 2012 Academic performance, athletic excellence, leadership, community service and essay. www.Sammyapplication.com March 19, 2012 Dunkin Donuts Scholarship RI Society of Professional Engineers National Academy of TV Arts and Sciences The Mario Della Grotta Award High School senior who wishes to pursue a college degree in engineering. www.rispe.org High school senior graduating in 2012. Intends on declaring their major in the television or a related field. Will be attending a four year undergraduate college or university. http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/110469293158971/2012_Scholarship_Application.pdf Must have documented diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from a licensed and board certified medical doctor. www.MDGOCD.org March 15,2012 March 20,2012 March 31,2012 March 31, 2012 2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. The Paul F. Ronci memorial Scholarship Trust The Paul F. Ronci Memorial Trust has been established by the parents of March 31,2012 Paul F. Ronci to provide an annual scholarship to a full-time student who has attained academic excellence, demonstrates financial need, is a RI. resident, aspires to further the good of humanity, and who otherwise displays leadership skills and a desire to better society. www.Paulfroncischolarhsip.org Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. High school senior who is an African American. www.dstprovidencealumnae.org Hyundai of Newport Scholarship High School Senior, whose immediate family members are customers March 31, 2012 who have bought one or more new or used vehicles form Hyundai of Newport. These students must be going forward to an accredited two or four year school. Student must be under a doctor’s care for Epilepsy. Student must be a RI April 1, 2012 high school senior applying to or accepted into college. www.MattyFund.org Matthew Siravo Scholarship Award March 31,2012 Portuguese American Citizens Committee 2012Graduating Senior, Applicant must be of Portuguese ethnicity. April 2,2012 People’s Credit Union Applicant must be a full-time student currently enrolled in or accepted to college/university undergraduate program for the 2012 school year. Parent /fuardian must be a member of People’s Credit Union April 4, 2012 Paul Crowley Memorial Irish Heritage Award Open to high school graduating seniors; who are residents of Newport County; and who will attend college in the fall of 2012. April 6, 2012 2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. Middletown Youth Soccer Club Applicants should have a history of service to the Middletown Youth Soccer Club, as well as academic achievement, community service, participation in extra-curricular activities, and outstanding accomplishments. Particular attention will be paid to those students who best demonstrate the sprit of Middletown Youth Soccer- focusing on sportsmanship, and teamwork. Applicant must be a dependant of a TAN member or a surviving dependant of a deceased TAN member. An applicant may also be a Rogers senior who wished to pursue the field of education who is not a dependant of a TAN member. High School Senior who is actively involved at the James L. Maher Center, Individuals who have contributed positively to the developmental disabilities population; and, students who have given of themselves to improve the community in which they live. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of all-around achievement and a need for financial assistance. Please pick up your packet in the guidance office. April 9, 2012 The John P Burke Memorial Fund Available for students who have worked at a member golf club of The Rhode Island Golf Association. www.burkefund.org April 15,2012 Vasco Da Gama Holy Ghost Society Applicant must be of Portuguese Ancestry. Applicant must be a high school senior. April 15, 2012 RI .Saltwater Anglers Association RI. resident high school senior, who will attend the University of RI or Roger Williams University in either a Marine Biology, Marine Affairs or in Fisheries and Agriculture programs, within one year. www.risaa.org/scholarships.html High school senior who plans to enroll in an institute of higher learning for a minimum of 6 credits. The institution can be public or private, and has no geographic limitations. April 15, 2012 TAN James L. Maher Center Frank E. Thompson Scholarship Fund The Slom Scholarship Fund for Freedom and Diversity. April 13,2012 April 13,2012 April 13, 2012 Return to Guidance Office/ Mrs. Michaud April 16,2012 2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. Mosaic Club Book Store Award Volunteer work, community service and educational involvement are the three main objectives of the Mosaic Club Award. Desiree Mesolella Art Scholarship Applicant shall be a RI resident attending a RI high school, a U.S. citizen, April 20, 2012 and have applied to and been accepted into a U.S. Department of Education accredited 4 year college or school majoring in an art field. Areas of study include: Art, Photographic Studies, Fashion, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Commercial Arts, Textile Design and Studio Arts. Any college bound student residing in Newport County Regardless of April 23,2012 where attending. The Newport Board of Realtors April 20,2012 Kiwanis Club of Newport Senior, with community service, financial need and 3.0 GPA or better. April 23,2012 Sandra Clooney Memorial Scholarship A graduating senior at RHS. Acceptance into a tow or four year college or educational program. Need for financial assistance. April 24,2012 Katie Decubellis Memorial Scholarship (Make a Difference Scholarship) Students must be current active members in their school’s SADD, youth-to-youth, natural helpers or other school organizations specifically targeted to substance abuse prevention and/or gooddecision making. High School Senior in RI who best exemplifies the strength, courage and commitment to triumph over physical, emotional and/or financial tragedy resulting from an impaired driver. April 27,2012 Completed packet to Mrs. Michaud in Guidance Office. April 27,2012 Completed packet to Mrs. Michaud in Guidance Office. April 27,2012 Completed packet to Mrs. Michaud in Guidance Office. Katie Decubellis Memorial Scholarship (Victim Relief Scholarship) Katie Decubellis Memorial Scholarship (Nobody’s Glory…Nobody’s Gain Scholarship) Students must be “that” person who always steps up and gets the job done! It is intended for the student that helps out whenever and wherever needed within their school community. 2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. General Rosecrans Assembly Knights of Columbus Applicant must be a resident of Newport County and a graduate of an accredited high school, and a member in good standing of a Catholic Church; or a dependent of a member, or grandchild of a member of General Rosecrans Assembly, living or deceased. A graduating senior female student who has attended Rogers all four years. An athlete throughout her high school years. Pursuing a career in the education field. U.S. citizen. April 27, 2012 The Seven Castle Club of Newport RI Portuguese ethnicity, academic record and financial need April 30,2012 Colonel William Higgins Detachment High School senior , who is a resident of Newport County RI who is a relative of an active duty, retired or reserve U.S. Marine in good standing, or a relative of a U.S. Marine who had received an Honorable Discharge or who is deceased. Student will have participated in a school to career program such as job shadow , internship or part time employment relating to career choice, during high school. The proceeds of the scholarship must be used to further the student’s training or education to prepare for specific employment or career opportunities. All seniors who have made a definite choice of a college or school of higher education and have been accepted. April 30, 2012 The Joseph F. Winthrop Memorial Scholarship Graduating senior from an Aquidneck Island high school, who will be attending URI in the Fall. May 1,2012 Rogers Boosters Club Rogers High School Senior. Applicant must have participated in a Rogers High School athletic activity. Applicant must have applied to a college, trade or technical school. May 1,2012 Brigid E. Kelly Memorial Scholarship David Taton memorial Scholarship Lisa Pierce Memorial Scholarship April 27,2012 April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 2012 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE. SENIORS SHOULD CHECK POSTINGS WEEKLY Transcript Requests Must be submitted 5 school days prior to due date to ensure that they are received in a timely manner to send application. The Stephen Phillips memorial Scholarship High school seniors entering US colleges or universities fulltime are eligible to apply . Applicants must be permanent residents of New England but may attend college anywhere in the United States. www.phillips-scholarship.org The recipient must be of Italian descent and have earned at least a “B” average during high school. May 1, 2012 To honor and reward Softball and Baseball Student-Athletes graduating from High School, to encourage them to seek education or job training beyond the secondary level, and to assist them financially in their goal of continuing their education. Scholarships are awarded to high school tennis players that have played on their high school team at least one season. Scholarships do require an essay about the player and what tennis means to them, how has it changed or improved their lives. Applications are in the guidance office. May 15, 2012 RIAAO High school senior with plans to continue their education at RIAAO member institution. June 1,2012 AES Engineers Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by evaluating the essays that are submitted. www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.htm October 5, 2012 Fast Web www.fastweb.com – Help in finding scholarships that meet your needs. Anytime The Forum Lodge-Order Sons of Italy Anna m. Ripa Memorial Scholarship Newport Gulls Collegiate Baseball Club United States Tennis Association Rhode Island Scholarship May 7, 2012 Girls-October 28, 2011 Boys- May 25, 2012