Book Report - harrisoncwblcoll

This is a book that has nine different stories in it, they
are For ever, A mouthful, Listen ear, Picked bones and
Pubic hare. These stories are not related to each-other.
Each story has a different main character too. These are
my five favourite stories too.
For ever – There are 2 main characters in this story.
There name’s are Tim and Richard and they are
At the start of the story Richard climbed a tree and
dressed up like a mummy in toilet paper. Tim had to
rush out of class (with crutches) to the tree. By the time
he got there, there was a big crowd around the tree.
Tim didn’t want the teachers to get him down so he had
to think fast. He grabbed two honey sachets from his
pocket and said “look what I’ve got Richard”. Richard
looked and licked his lips. Tim bent down and put them
in a hole on the tree. Richard came down and polished
each one off.
In the end Tim died because he ran off looking for
Richard who had also ran off because he didn’t like
I think it was a sad story because Tim ends up dying
trying to save his brother (who survives). I think
Richard wouldn’t know what happened because he was
a bit different in the head.
Picked Bones – The main characters names in this
story are Terry and Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam dies while in
the desert writing on a box. It said “FOR TERRY. KEEP
AWAY FROM K….”. Uncle Sam loved birds as well. Terry
went to his room to see his pet cat Knuckles that Aunt
Marjory had gave him last Christmas.
Terry’s dad had planned for Uncle Sam’s bones to be
brought back for the funeral. Terry didn’t like his pet
cat Knuckles because it always scratched him. Terry got
the box that Uncle Sam was writing on when he died.
He wandered what was in it and asked his dad “what’s
in here”? His dad said “I don’t know”. After a while
Terry realised that the box said “FOR TERRY. KEEP
AWAY FROM KNUCKLES! Terry put the box down and
went downstairs to see the family. When Terry got
back to his room Knuckles was laying on the box and
purring. Terry opened the box and found two bird
egg’s. Knuckles kept licking his lips and Terry knew
why. Knuckles wanted the box. They all waited on the
roof to see what would Knuckles do but he never came.
They realised the birds were licking there lips and saw a
cat skeleton on floor. KNUCKLES HAD BEEN EATEN! In
the end the two birds fly away to the desert and Terry
finds two more egg’s under his bed. Then he looked out
the window and there was another cat looking at him.
I really like this story because it’s entertaining and
really interesting.
Listen Ear – The main characters name in this story
is Brad. His dad tells him not to touch this special
compass that is for his work. There’s a twist as well!
When Brad’s dad found the compass missing he went
straight to Brad’s room. Brad tried to fake sleep but his
dad wouldn’t buy it. Brad said he didn’t do it but his
dad didn’t believe it. The next night Brad’s Mum, Dad
and Brad’s sister Sophie went to the movies without
him. This is where the twist starts! This face appears on
the wall! And Brad recognizes this face from
somewhere. It was HIS FACE! He kept running from
room to room but the face kept following him. He
decided to swap glasses with the face and the glasses
were X-RAY ones. He looked through all the walls and
found the compass. When he told his dad he didn’t
believe him. But when they looked behind the draw the
compass was there.
I really liked this story because it had a twist in it that
was unusual.
A Mouthful – The main two characters in this story
are the Dad and again I can’t find the characters name!
Let just say the dad has bad karma. The other character
doesn’t like her dad because every time she has a friend
over her dad plays a trick on them.
Her friend the school Captain came over to have a sleep
over and study for the next day. She told her dad not to
play a trick this time and she knew he was still going do
it. When she came over they started studying. Once
they finished they went to bed and when the school
captain pulled her covers back there was fake cat poo
and she screamed. The dad came in and picked it up
and put it in his mouth and said “delicious”. Then the
other character pulled out the real fake cat poo and
said “looking for this”? The Dad just paused and ran to
the window and spewed.
This is my favourite story because it is funny. It was
funny because the girl was smart and TRICKED her Dad
instead. I don’t think the Dad will try any tricks again
anytime soon!
Pubic Hare – The main characters name in this story
is Peter Hare. He is the only boy in his P.E class with
pubic hair. As soon as the P.E teacher said have a
shower his heart sank because of his hair. Peter thinks
he has a special power that can move things.
When P.E class finished the boys had to have a shower,
which Peter doesn’t like. He got undressed and all the
boys laughed at him. When he gets home he goes to his
room to concentrate. He concentrates on trying to
move things like a pen, leaf and pin. Then he has an
idea that if he thinks hard enough his “hair problem”
will go away. (it doesn’t). This person called Riah
Devahs teaches him. Peter goes to see Riah but he finds
five holy men sitting down. He asks “where’s Riah”?
One of the holy men said “he has moved on”.
In the end Peter Concentrates really hard on trying get
rid of his “hair” and it worked. The next day at school
they lined up for showers but everybody else had pubic
This one of my favourite stories in the book because it’s
not what you expect and it’s funny!
(if you didn’t notice Riah Devahs spelled backwards is
shaved Hair)