Valley of the Moon 5.2.1

Miss Johnson Rm. 12
Johnson’s Weekly
Week of 9/16-9/20
What we are learning
Spelling Words
1. joint
2. foul
3. coil
4. hoist
5. stout
Reading: “Valley of the Moon” Strategy: Monitor Comprehension
Skill: Inferencing
Vocabulary: refuge, obvious, ignored, detested, projects,
obedience, depicts, eldest
Spelling: Variant Vowels
Grammar: Common and Proper nouns
Writing: Narrative (Story)
Math: Fractions (Battle!!!)
Social Studies: Unit 9
States and Capitals
10. bawl
11. fountain
12. sprawls
13. douse
14. clause
15. sprouts
16. cautions
17. turmoil
18. scrawny
19. foundation
20. turquoise
21. buoyant*
22. renown*
buoyant and renown
are bonus words. You
have a choice if you
would like to study
them for an extra
Read for 20-30 minutes each day and have parent sign
Reading log.
Complete one Spelling activity (Monday through Thursday)
Get assignment sheet signed
Study for your tests! (Vocab., Spelling, Reading, Grammar)
Anything else Miss Johnson feels is necessary
Upcoming Events:
AR trophies awarded (Read, read read!)
Name: ___________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________
DIRECTIONS: To complete the spelling contract, please choose four
different activities to do each night (Monday through Thursday).
Check off the small box after you complete each activity. Please
label your completed work to make it easier for me to grade.
Attach your work with this completed homework sheet. This sheet
and your work will be collected on Friday. It will not be
accepted until filled out properly.
Cursive: Write all of your words in
legible cursive three to five times
Classify: Sort you spelling word list
into parts of speech
Pretest & Practice: Have a
parent/guardian give you a practice
test, practice any misspelled words.
(Must be signed for credit)
Word Sort: Sort your words by vowel
sounds, or spelling patterns
Syllabification: Divide 15 spelling list
words into syllables
ABC order: Alphabetize your whole
spelling list
Computer Keyboarding: Type all
spelling list words 2 times and print
out a copy
Story/Poem: Write a story or poem
using 10 or more spelling list words
Synonyms & Antonyms: Create a
vertical list using all of your words.
Then (if possible) write a synonym
before each word and an antonym
after each word
Sentences: Write a sentence for each
spelling word
Word Art: Draw a picture and write
your words in the picture
Creative Letters: Write 10 of your
words by cutting out letters in a
newspaper or magazine and glue them
on paper
Connection: Write the entire list endto-end as one long word, using
different colors of crayon or ink for
different words
Colorful Words: Use two different
color pens to write your spelling
words. Use one color to write the
consonants and the other for the
Created by Lindy Johnson