Minutes - Faculty of Graduate Studies

Meeting of Council
Thursday, June 4, 2015
3:00 p.m.
N940 Ross Building (Senate Chamber)
M. Biehl, B. Crow (Dean), R. Das (Vice-Chair), C. Davidson, L. Erwin, R.
Halliday, Z. Hirji, T. Hwong (Chair), E. Jensen, L. Keyes, K. Krasny (Associate Dean), L.
McCann, J. Mikkonen, M. Milo, W. Moir (Manager, Public Relations & Recruitment), A. Perry,
C. Perry, J. Podur, M. Reisenleitner, M. Robertson, M.M. Schiff (Assistant Secretary of
Council), R. Smith, C. van Daalen-Smith, C. Verheggen, S. Whitaker (Academic Affairs
Officer), M. Zabrocki
E. Anglin
P. Angermeyer, N. Couto, A.A. D’Souza, C. Farrell, M. Humayun, M. Kipping,
H.I. Macdonald, A. MacLennan, R. Moore, S. Murphy, L. Sergio
1. Welcome and Chair’s Remarks
Chair Thaddeus Hwong welcomed members of Council to the meeting. On this anniversary of
the Tiananmen Square tragedy, he reflected on the event, and the challenges that remain.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting (May 7, 2015)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with no revisions.
3. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was no business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Dean’s Remarks
i) Thesis and Dissertation Prizes
Dean Barbara Crow reported that the Faculty of Graduate Studies had selected and conferred
awards on three theses and three dissertations.
ii) SSHRC Storytelling Competition
Dean Crow reported that Tanya Elchuk made the shortlist for the SSHRC 2015 Storytellers
challenge. The annual competition “challenges postsecondary students from across the country
to demonstrate—in three minutes or 300 words—how SSHRC-funded research is making a
difference in the lives of Canadians.” Ms Elchuk’s presentation was entitled, “Cognitive
Neuroscience and Acting: Toward an Integrated Methodology.”
iii) Rethinking the Humanities
Dean Crow noted that she participated in the conference, “Future Humanities: Transforming
Graduate Studies for the Future of Canada” along with Markus Reisenleitner.
iv) Faculty Appointments
Dean Barbara Crow reported that the process for faculty appointments for FGS is being revised,
and that the new system will be implemented over the coming months.
v) Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Professional Skills Programs
Dean Crow introduced Emily Anglin, Faculty of Graduate Studies new staff member, PostDoctoral Services Coordinator, and lauded new Faculty programming in this area.
vi) Increased Support for Graduate Student Scholarship Application Development
Application processes have resulted in significant improvement in results for York University
students. The Dean noted a 55% increase in SSHRC success rates as well as significant increases
in other competitions such as Vanier. These are the results of collaborative efforts that have paid
off to provide our students with significant funding in support of their graduate studies.
vii) Chair and Associate Dean
The Dean thanked Chair Thaddeus Hwong and Associate Dean Karen Krasny for their excellent
efforts for the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Graduate Program Director Markus Reisenleitner asked that the Faculty pursue the prioritization
of graduate courses in the room and time allocation and registration process.
5. Changes in Degree Requirements
Approved by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on May 20, 2015
*** For Approval ***
Graduate Program in Mathematics & Statistics
Changes in Course Requirements (MA and PhD)
Graduate Program Director Mike Zabrocki introduced this item for approval. He reviewed the
proposed changes for councillors: the graduate program is slightly reducing and rearranging
comprehensive examination requirements. It was moved, seconded, and CARRIED,
“that the changes in degree requirements proposed by the Graduate Program in
Mathematics & Statistics be APPROVED.”
6. Changes in Faculty Regulations
Approved by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on May 20, 2015
*** For Approval ***
Changes to Thesis & Dissertation Guidelines, and Master’s and Doctoral Supervision
Academic Affairs Officer Sarah Whitaker introduced this approval item, noting that the changes
introduce clarity for students and administrators. As well, the regulation related to delay in
publication relates to personal safety, and is in line with similar regulations at other Canadian
universities. It was moved, seconded, and CARRIED, unanimously,
“that the proposed changes to Faculty regulations (Faculty of Graduate Studies) be
7. Report of the Nominating Committee
Associate Dean Karen Krasny reviewed the slate of nominee for Standing Committees of
Council. She noted one change as a faculty member had withdrawn from consideration. There
were no nominations from the floor. It was moved, seconded, and CARRIED, unanimously,
“that the report of the Nominating Committee be APPROVED.”
8. Web Update
Wes Moir, Manager, Communications, Public Relations and Recruitment, for the Faculty of
Graduate Studies, updated Council on the Faculty’s web initiatives, on behalf of Dean Barbara
Crow. The Faculty has helped many graduate programs update their websites, and provides
consultation, advice and support. Councillor Markus Reisenleitner remarked that the new
template for graduate program sites increases accessibility and usability for users, including
mobile users. Wes Moir added that the changes ensure AODA compliance. Barbara Crow
recommended that councillors explore such sites as the new Graduate Program in Development
Studies website http://dvst.gradstudies.yorku.ca and thanked Wes Moir for his and his team’s
9. Academic Governance Working Group
Chair Thaddeus Hwong reminded councillors of the establishment of an academic governance
working group at the meeting of Council on April 2, 2015. Councillors briefly discussed the
working group idea.
10. Summer Authority
It was moved, seconded and CARRIED,
“that all items that need Council approval be delegated to the FGS Academic
Planning & Policy Committee after the last meeting of Council in this academic year and
until the first meeting of Council in the next academic year.”
11. Curricular Changes
Approved by Assistant Secretary of Council M. Michael Schiff on May 12, 2015, and received for
information by the FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee’s Academic Affairs
Subcommittee on May 14, 2015, and by FGS Academic Planning & Policy Committee on May
20, 2015
Members of Council were invited to view supporting documents for these curriculum items by
contacting M. Michael Schiff, Assistant Secretary of Council. The items were received for
* * * For Information * * *
a) Graduate Program in Business Administration
Changes in Pre-Requisites, list of recommended courses for concentration
Mining 6400 3.0: “Managing Mining Communities”
Changes in Pre-Requisites
Mining 6200 3.0: “Financial Fundamentals in Mining”
Mining 6300 3.0: “Towards Sustainable Mining”
b) Graduate Program in Business Analytics
New Course Proposals
Business Analytics 6110 3.0: “Data Science I”
Business Analytics 6120 3.0: “Data Science II”
c) Graduate Program in Computer Science
New Course Proposal
Computer Science 6327 3.0: “Probabilistic Models & Machine Learning”
d) Graduate Program in Environmental Studies
Deletion of Crosslisting
Environmental Studies 5073 3.0: “New Social Movements”/Same as Communication &
Culture 5307 3.0
e) Graduate Program in Executive Master’s in Business Administration
New Course Proposals
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6040 2.0: “Risk Management”
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6120 2.0: “West Meets East”
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6130 2.0: “Finance in China”
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6160 2.0: “Foundations of Entrepreneurship”
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6170 2.0: “Retail Analytics”
Executive Master’s in Business Administration 6240 2.0: “Social Media Strategy”
f) Graduate Program in History
New Course Proposal
History 5490 3.0: “Post-colonial State Formations in East and South Asia: A Comparative
and Theoretical Review”
g) Graduate Program in Law (Part-Time LLM in Administrative Law)
New Course Proposal
Law 6572 3.0: “Public Inquiries”
h) Graduate Program in Political Science
Change in Course Title
Political Science 6145 3.0: from “Indigenous Development in the Fourth World” to
“Indigenous Politics: Decolonization or ‘Development?’”
i) Graduate Program in Public & International Affairs
New Course Proposal
Public & International Affairs 6338 3.0: “Nations, Stages and Autonomy”
12. Other Business
Graduate Student Representation on Standing Committees
Councillor Lauren Keyes discussed this year’s change to graduate student representation on
Standing Committees from appointments by the Graduate Students’ Association to election from
graduate students at large, as approved at the April 2, 2015, meeting of Faculty Council.
She discussed the return of Graduate Student Association representation on Standing
Committees by elected members of its Executive Committee, who could report back to the
Graduate Students’ Association Council and represent them.
Graduate Students’ Association President Lucas McCann also spoke in favour of reversing
Council’s April 2015 change, and highlighted the efforts of current graduate student
representatives on the Faculty’s Standing Committees.
Dean Barbara Crow discussed the prior representation on the Faculty’s Standing Committees
with Graduate Students’ Association representatives, anomalous among Faculties at York and
Councillor Marva Milo recommended to general agreement that graduate students should be
provided with the opportunity to submit information about themselves for circulation as part of
the voting process. She commended these efforts to get more students involved.
Associate Dean Karen Krasny discussed the existing Nominating Committee mandate and
faculty member election slate selection process. She noted that the April 2015 changes for
graduate student representation genuinely expanded opportunities for wide participation.
Councillor Markus Reisenleitner spoke in favour of ‘grass roots’ representation.
At this, his last meeting as Chair, Thaddeus Hwong thanked Dean Barbara Crow, Assistant
Secretary of Council M. Michael Schiff, and Council, for this year’s interesting sessions.
He related that he was grateful for this opportunity to serve Faculty Council and Academic
Planning & Policy Committee. He commended councillors for their trust and collaboration in
support of graduate students and graduate education, and for meeting this year’s challenges.
13. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m.