Please consider adding some of your own comments to your letter. Below are some brief points that you could look at to see if there are additional concerns that you have and would like to mention. For example: Are you concerned about impacts on your family’s health? Some examples of health concerns from fracking which are becoming known are listed below. Are you concerned about particular impacts in your community, or near your family’s traditional use area? For example, what are the emergency plans for catastrophic events when trucks carrying toxic products from fracking are involved in accidents in or near communities, their water supply, on busy transportation routes, or in your traditional use area? What about toxic emissions from wells, compressor stations, or flares – poisons that are known to affect human health and quality of life? You might find some useful information in this table that you can use to personalize your letter: Water Uses huge quantities of water – a single well can use 10 25 Million litres of fresh water. Land Use Wildlife habitat loss and disturbance Climate Climate change increased from use of energy in fracking process: drilling, pumping, quarrying, transporting Methane leaks (methane 34 times worse than CO2 for greenhouse gas effects) Health Toxic chemicals used in process; left in wastewater; linked to specific health impacts Socio-economic Camp work removes workers from families Reduced stream flow, depletion of aquifers, impact on fish, impact on wetlands Roads, well pads, quarries for sand, man camps, fuel depots, toxic water storage, flaring sites Potential for water contamination– toxic additives, oil products, sometimes radioactivity Huge increase in truck traffic, road dust, noise; significant damage to highways CO2 and GHGs released from flaring off byproduct gases; methane from incomplete combustion Increased potential for spills – oil and wastewater onto land and into water bodies Greenhouse gases (GHG) released in burning end product Air Quality -Toxins from flaring; methane; dust from drilling and trucking; vapours from wastewater storage; toxic gases from abandoned wells Road safety; increase in trucking accidents Jobs available to northerners are seasonal, low skill, limited; oil & gas sector provide lowest number jobs per million dollars invested High short-term disposable income may lead to poor lifestyle choices; increase in drug and alcohol abuse and related problems Each well turns millions of litres of freshwater into contaminated wastewater Contamination of groundwater in aquifers through leakage from well holes and possibly fractures Influx of outside workers; loss of culture Water Spills from transportation and storage of wastewater and fracking chemicals Underground disposal of untreatable wastewater permanently removes water from ecosystem Land Use Induced earthquakes Clearing of forest cover and permafrost loss cause more greenhouse gas emissions Climate Distracts from efforts to develop renewable energy that mitigates climate change Health Well blow-outs Dangers of shipping highly volatile/ explosive product Socio-economic Rapid development can’t be accommodated by community services Local costs rise so local residents can no longer afford rent, food, services Great expenditure of money, intelligence, effort to extract difficult, expensive, diminishing reserves of oil when money and effort could be spent on developing sustainable alternative energies Of course, if you simply google any combination of “fracking” and “concern/ environmental/ health/ risk/ impacts/…”, you will find hundreds of thousands of websites, from all points of the spectrum. Read the information on several sites critically and then You be the judge of what you read.