Action Required

Functional Skills – English
Assessment Guidance
The following pages are intended as guidance to Centres only. Centres have the
flexibility to opt to use SQA documentation or their own documentation for these
assessments, whichever is considered more appropriate and relevant. The sole
intention of this pack is to provide Centres with examples of the documentation
which should be submitted when an external verification is taking place and to give
an indication of the expected content.
X Y Z Training
I Q A Sampling Record
Assessment 1
Fred Bloggs
Jo Smith
Jill Jones
Mike Moores
To be
Assessment 2
To be
IQA Planning documents can take any format but should show planned and actual IQA activity across all
candidates at all levels and all assessors.
Assessment Guidance
Appendix 1
Functional Skills English (level 1) Speaking, Listening and Communication
Instructions to candidate
Candidate name:
Fred Bloggs
Candidate number:
You are going to take part in a formal/informal* discussion on 1st January 2014
(* delete as applicable)
You will be assessed on how you meet the following criteria:
Skills standard
Coverage and Range
Take full part in formal and informal
discussions and exchanges that
include unfamiliar subjects
Make relevant and extended
contributions to discussions, allowing for
and responding to others’ input
Prepare for and contribute to the formal
discussion of ideas and opinions
Make different kinds of contributions to
Present information/points of view
clearly and in appropriate language
The subject of your discussion is Who should pay for medical treatment
for smoking related illnesses?
You need to research this subject to prepare for taking full part in the discussion.
You can research on the Internet, in newspapers and books for instance. You should
make notes which you can bring with you to the discussion.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to read passages from your notes — they are only to
prompt you.
You will hand your notes in following the discussion. Please make sure your name is
on them.
A centre produced Assessment Plan can be used as an alternative to this document
providing it contains all the appropriate information.
Assessment Guidance
Appendix 1
Functional Skills English (level 1) Speaking, Listening and Communication
Instructions to candidate
Candidate name:
Fred Bloggs
Candidate number:
You are going to take part in a formal/informal* discussion on 2nd January
(* delete as applicable)
You will be assessed on how you meet the following criteria:
Skills standard
Coverage and Range
Take full part in formal and informal
discussions and exchanges that
include unfamiliar subjects
Make relevant and extended
contributions to discussions, allowing for
and responding to others’ input
Prepare for and contribute to the formal
discussion of ideas and opinions
Make different kinds of contributions to
Present information/points of view
clearly and in appropriate language
The subject of your discussion is
What made me decide to do my current job.
You need to research this subject to prepare for taking full part in the discussion.
You can research on the Internet, in newspapers and books for instance. You should
make notes which you can bring with you to the discussion.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to read passages from your notes — they are only to
prompt you.
You will hand your notes in following the discussion. Please make sure your name is
on them.
A centre produced Assessment Plan can be used as an alternative to this document
providing it contains all the appropriate information.
Assessment Guidance
Assessor Statement
Complete the table below for each discussion task.
Candidate name
Fred Bloggs
Candidate number
Discussion subject
Who should pay for medical treatment for
smoking related illnesses?
Names of candidates
in group
formal  informal
Fred Bloggs
Joe Smith
Ann Jones
Kate Brown
□ (tick applicable box)
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Make relevant and
extended contributions
to discussions, allowing
for and responding to
others’ input
Fred started the discussion by explaining his
views and the reason why he felt so passionate
about the subject. He gave specific examples
together with facts and figures to support his
views. He did not attempt to ‘talk over’ other
members of the group even when it was clear
that he disagreed with their views but rather
allowed them time to put forward their
opinions, without interruption, before
providing a counter argument. Where he was
interrupted by another member of the group,
he courteously asked for time to complete his
point before then inviting them to continue.
Prepare for and
contribute to the formal
discussion of ideas and
Fred had prepared a set of bullet point notes
(which are attached ) which enabled him to
not only ensure that he had considered the
subject in detail but had a number of facts
and figures to hand to support his opinions
and counter those given by others.
Assessment Guidance
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Make different kinds of
contributions to
Fred contributed to the discussion by
explaining his views and passion for the
subject. He actively listened to other
contributions before either asking questions
which enabled the speaker to expand their
views or providing information which
positively or negatively was relevant to the
Present information/
points of view clearly
and in appropriate
Fred could be clearly heard and understood
throughout, he used language which could be
understood by all involved. Where it was clear
from the body language of others that
clarification was necessary, this was provided
without the need to be prompted by anyone
involved. When others were speaking, Fred
showed positive body language despite clearly
disagreeing on a number of the points raised.
Assessor feedback to candidate:
A very positive discussion which clearly met all the requirements
of this assessment. It is clear that this is a subject about which
you are very passionate and this came through clearly.
Pass  Fail
Name of assessor:
A Assessor
Date of assessment:
1st January 2014
Candidate signature:
Fred Bloggs
□ (tick applicable box)
A Centre produced record of assessment/observation can be used as an
alternative to this document providing it is clearly referenced to the individual
assessment criteria and includes specific examples of how the candidate met
each criteria.
Assessment Guidance
Assessor Statement
Complete the table below for each discussion task.
Candidate name
Fred Bloggs
Candidate number
Discussion subject
What made me decide to do my current job
Names of candidates
in group
informal  (tick applicable box)
Fred Bloggs
Joe Smith
Ann Jones
Kate Brown
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Make relevant and
Fred explained that he originally decided to
extended contributions take his present job initially due to family
to discussions, allowing pressures. When this was questioned by the
for and responding to
others he admitted that he had not had any
others’ input
idea of what work to do when he left school
and that this seemed to be ‘as good as
anything else’. He described the pressures and
problems of working with other members of his
family and agreed with others that it is
sometimes better to not spend all your time
with your family although he countered this
by giving examples of how this meant that he
had someone to turn to when things became
difficult or he did not understand something.
He admitted that, at the start, he had made
a different choice of job but that now he was
enjoying it and intended to make a career of
it. He agreed with comments from others that
‘you need to enjoy what you are doing’ and
expressed his disagreement with those who felt
that a job was simply a ‘way to earn money’.
Prepare for and
contribute to the formal
discussion of ideas and
Assessment Guidance
Fred admitted that the subject of working
with family had often been discussed both at
work and with friends and he had heard
plenty of arguments both for and against in
the past.
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Make different kinds of Fred contributed by expressing his views from
contributions to
personal experience and showed a clear
interest (by the use of positive body language
and questioning) in how the other members
of the group had come to be in their jobs.
Present information/
points of view clearly
and in appropriate
Fred could be clearly heard and understood
throughout, he used language which could be
understood by all involved. When others were
speaking, Fred showed positive and open body
language despite clearly disagreeing with a
number of the opinions given.
Assessor feedback to candidate:
The subject of this discussion clearly was of interest to you and
you participated fully meeting all the requirements of this
Pass  Fail
Name of assessor:
A Assessor
Date of assessment:
1st January 2014
Candidate signature:
Fred Bloggs
□ (tick applicable box)
A Centre produced record of assessment/observation can be used as an
alternative to this document providing it is clearly referenced to the individual
assessment criteria and includes specific examples of how the candidate met
each criteria.
Assessment Guidance
Who should pay for medical treatment for
smoking related illnesses?
 My position
 Sources of information
 How to define ‘smoking related illness’
 Possibility of mistakes
 Income from tax v Cost of treatment
 Summarise
Fred Bloggs
1 January 2014
Candidate notes can be in any format (handwritten or word processed)
providing that they are validated as the work of the candidate and are not a
verbatim transcript of their contribution to the discussion.
Assessment Guidance
Internal Quality Assurance
Functional Skills — Speaking, Listening and Communication level 1
Candidate Name: Fred Bloggs
SCN Number: 123456789
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd January 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Method of Sampling: Examination of documentation
Details of Feedback
This is a well-documented assessment which clearly demonstrates how the
candidate met the requirements of the qualification and is supported by the notes
produced by the candidate. Competence has been clearly demonstrated.
Action Required
Centre devised documentation can be
used as an alternative to this form
providing that it contains full details of
the candidate/assessor/
qualification/qualification level/
method of sampling, etc together with
meaningful and supportive feedback to
the assessor; a ‘tick-box’ form is unlikely
to meet these requirements.
By When: N/A
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd January 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Date: 2nd January 2014
Action Points Addressed
Assessor: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Internal Verifier: ………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Assessment Guidance
Internal Quality Assurance
Functional Skills — Speaking, Listening and Communication level 1
Candidate Name: Fred Bloggs
SCN Number: 123456789
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd January 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Method of Sampling: Observation of Assessment
Details of Feedback
Whilst observing this assessment it was clear that it had been well planned and that
all the candidates were prepared for, and understood, the assessment requirements.
Fred was clearly engaged with the discussion and made contributions throughout.
The requirements of the qualification have been met and the supporting document
justifies this decision.
Action Required
Centre devised documentation can be
used as an alternative to this form
providing that it contains full details of
the candidate/assessor/
qualification/qualification level/
method of sampling, etc together with
meaningful and supportive feedback to
the assessor; a ‘tick-box’ form is unlikely
to meet these requirements.
By When: N/A
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd January 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Date: 2nd January 2014
Action Points Addressed
Assessor: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Internal Verifier: ………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Assessment Guidance
Appendix 1
Functional Skills English (level 2) Speaking, Listening and Communication
Instructions to candidate
Candidate name:
Julie Smith
Candidate number:
You are going to take part in a discussion/prepare and deliver a presentation*
on 1st February 2014.
(* delete as applicable)
You will be assessed on how you meet the following criteria:
Skills standard
Coverage and Range
Make a range of contributions to
discussions in a range of contexts,
including those that are unfamiliar,
and make effective presentations
Consider complex information and give a
relevant, cogent response in appropriate
Present information and ideas clearly
and persuasively to others
Adapt contributions to suit audience,
purpose and situation
Make significant contributions to
discussions, taking a range of roles and
helping to move discussion forward
The subject of your discussion/presentation is
What are the positives and negatives of college life and what
could be done to improve these?
You need to research this subject to prepare for the task. You can research on the
Internet, in newspapers and books for instance. You should make notes which you
can bring with you to the discussion/presentation.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to read passages from your notes — they are only to
prompt you.
You will hand your notes in following the discussion/presentation. Please make sure
your name is on them.
A centre produced Assessment Plan can be used as an alternative to this document
providing it contains all the appropriate information.
Assessment Guidance
Appendix 1
Functional Skills English (level 2) Speaking, Listening and Communication
Instructions to candidate
Candidate name:
Julie Smith
Candidate number:
You are going to take part in a discussion/prepare and deliver a presentation*
on 3rd February 2014.
(* delete as applicable)
You will be assessed on how you meet the following criteria:
Skills standard
Coverage and Range
Make a range of contributions to
discussions in a range of contexts,
including those that are unfamiliar,
and make effective presentations
Consider complex information and give a
relevant, cogent response in appropriate
Present information and ideas clearly
and persuasively to others
Adapt contributions to suit audience,
purpose and situation
Make significant contributions to
discussions, taking a range of roles and
helping to move discussion forward
The subject of your discussion/presentation is
How technology can help (and hinder) you getting a job.
You need to research this subject to prepare for the task. You can research on the
Internet, in newspapers and books for instance. You should make notes which you
can bring with you to the discussion/presentation.
NOTE: You will not be allowed to read passages from your notes — they are only to
prompt you.
You will hand your notes in following the discussion/presentation. Please make sure
your name is on them.
A centre produced Assessment Plan can be used as an alternative to this document
providing it contains all the appropriate information.
Assessment Guidance
Assessor Statement
Complete the table below for each task.
Candidate name
Julie Smith
Candidate number
What are the positives and negatives of
college life and what could be done to
improve these?
Names of candidates
in group*
Julie Smith
Peter Brown
Mary Scott
John Green
* Note: names only needed
for group discussion task.
For presentation task leave
this box blank.
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Consider complex
information and give a
relevant, cogent
response in
appropriate language
Julie had produced a list of the positives and
negatives of college life which she shared
verbally with the group. She expanded on
each issue providing details of the benefits or
negatives of each in turn. Her tone of voice
and body language was positive throughout
and, when discussing potential
improvements, was enthusiastic about the
Present information
and ideas clearly and
persuasively to others
The use of ‘snappy titles’ for each positive and
negative immediately engaged the rest of the
group and ensured their attention whilst she
developed her themes. Julie responded
without hesitation to the responses from others
with positive comments such as when a
colleague pointed out that any improvements
would not benefit her immediately she
responded ‘that’s how things get better, each
group has problems which are solved to make
it better for the future’.
Assessment Guidance
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Adapt contributions to
suit audience, purpose
and situation
As the subject of the discussion was familiar to
the group, there was little need to adapt her
style however, when on one occasion she used
the acronym ‘ALN’ and it was clear from a
follow-up comment that at least one member
of the group was unfamiliar with the phrase,
she immediately not only clarified the
meaning as ‘additional learning needs’ but
expanded the term so that the meaning was
clear to all.
Make significant
contributions to
discussions, taking a
range of roles and
helping to move
discussion forward
Julie initially led the discussion by
introducing and justifying her ideas. As the
discussion progressed with each member of the
group contributing their own ideas and
suggestions, she played a positive role by
questioning the ideas, actively listening to
the views put forward and, where appropriate,
suggesting alternative ideas which would act
as a compromise and be acceptable to all.
As the discussion drew to a close, Julie
summarised the discussion by producing a
small list of potential improvements which
could be submitted to the college authorities
for consideration.
Assessor feedback to candidate:
Julie, you are clearly very passionate about being at college and
trying to improve things for those who follow. You have fully met
the requirements of this assessment.
Pass  Fail
Name of assessor:
A Assessor
Date of assessment:
1st February 2014
Candidate signature:
Julie Smith
□ (tick applicable box)
A Centre produced record of assessment/observation can be used as an
alternative to this document providing it is clearly referenced to the individual
assessment criteria and includes specific examples of how the candidate met
each criteria.
Assessment Guidance
Assessor Statement
Complete the table below for each task.
Candidate name
Julie Smith
Candidate number
How technology can help (or hinder) you
getting a job.
Names of candidates
in group*
* Note: names only needed
for group discussion task.
For presentation task leave
this box blank.
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Consider complex
information and give a
relevant, cogent
response in
appropriate language
Julie had produced a presentation covering
the topic. She expanded on each slide making
use of the presenter notes she had drafted.
These provided an aide memoire to ensure
that she covered all the appropriate points. At
the start of each slide she asked for ideas as to
the points which would be relevant,
expanding each suggestion made and asking
for examples. Her tone of voice and body
language was positive and encouraging
throughout which ensured that the audience
remained engaged.
Present information
and ideas clearly and
persuasively to others
The involvement of the audience at the
beginning of each slide ensured that all
present were engaged throughout the
presentation. Julie gave specific examples of
each situation (for example how a friend had
not been offered a job as a result of the
company looking at her Facebook page) and
asked the audience for their own examples.
The use of audience involvement ensured that
a variety of ideas were put forward which
were clearly familiar to those present and
demonstrated that the help and hindrance of
technology was something which affected
Assessment Guidance
Candidate performance. How did the candidate meet the criteria?
Adapt contributions to
suit audience, purpose
and situation
The use of suggestions from the audience
enabled Julie to ensure that the content was
being pitched at an appropriate level. When
she mentioned the LinkedIn web site it was
clear from the body language that a number
of the audience were not familiar with the
site and so she interrupted the presentation to
open the web page and show some examples of
what it contained.
Make significant
contributions to
discussions, taking a
range of roles and
helping to move
discussion forward
Julie initially started the presentation and
provided leadership when it was time to move
onto the next aspect however she was equally
comfortable with allowing the audience to
participate throughout, at times facilitating
and at others acting as a listener allowing
the others to input their views and opinions.
To conclude the presentation Julie briefly
summarised the aspects covered by flicking
through the slides a second time and
providing a succinct, one sentence, summary
of each.
Assessor feedback to candidate:
Julie, you have clearly thought a lot about how technology can
help in getting a job and it was good to see you identifying the
pitfalls as well, it was clear that many of the audience had not
considered the negative part that technology can play in job
searching. You have fully met the requirements of this
Pass  Fail
Name of assessor:
A Assessor
Date of assessment:
3rd February 2014
Candidate signature:
Julie Smith
□ (tick applicable box)
A Centre produced record of assessment/observation can be used as an
alternative to this document providing it is clearly referenced to the individual
assessment criteria and includes specific examples of how the candidate met
each criteria.
Assessment Guidance
College Life
Working hours
Opportunity for part-time (paid) work
Treatment as adults
Lack of direction — especially at start
Lack of responsibility shown by some
Apparent lack of consequences for those not engaging
More detailed pre-course information
More initial guidance on expectations
More pre-course guidance and information
Documented initial guidance on expectations from students
Mentor/buddy system for new students
Julie Smith
1 February 2014
Candidate notes can be in any format (handwritten or word processed)
providing that they are validated as the work of the candidate and are not a
verbatim transcript of their contribution to the discussion.
Assessment Guidance
Assessment Guidance
Assessment Guidance
Assessment Guidance
Julie Smith
1 February 2014
Candidate notes can be in any format (handwritten or word processed)
Julie Smith
providing that they are validated as the work of the candidatestand are not a
1 February 2014
verbatim transcript of their contribution to the presentation of information.
This example shows a presentation where the slides contain minimal text
(candidates must not just read the contents of the slides) and candidate notes
are included as presenter notes at the base of each slide (again, these are
notes not a verbatim transcript of the presentation).
Any slides or handouts used to present information must be assessed for
suitability (this is the communication part of the Unit title) in terms of content
and spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, font, colour, etc.
The Unit at level 2 requires that information is presented; it does not specify
that a presentation is carried out, this is the choice of a candidate as to how
they will meet the requirements of the Unit. As an example, a meeting scenario
where the candidate presents their proposals for an event or financial
information is as acceptable as a basis for assessment as a formal
‘PowerPoint’ presentation of information.
Assessment Guidance
Internal Quality Assurance
Functional Skills — Speaking, Listening and Communication level 2
Candidate Name: Julie Smith
SCN Number: 234567891
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd February 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Method of Sampling: Examination of documentation
Details of Feedback
The fact that the candidate was clearly engaged in this discussion topic clearly
shows throughout the assessment. The documentation supplied shows that
competence has been clearly demonstrated.
Action Required
Centre devised documentation can be
used as an alternative to this form
providing that it contains full details of
the candidate/assessor/
qualification/qualification level/
method of sampling, etc together with
meaningful and supportive feedback to
the assessor; a ‘tick-box’ form is unlikely
to meet these requirements.
By When: N/A
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 2nd February 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Date: 2nd February 2014
Action Points Addressed
Assessor: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Internal Verifier: ………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Assessment Guidance
Internal Quality Assurance
Functional Skills — Speaking, Listening and Communication level 2
Candidate Name: Julie Smith
SCN Number: 234567891
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 3rd February 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Method of Sampling: Observation of assessment
Details of Feedback
The candidate demonstrated a level of confidence in delivering this presentation which is far
in excess of that required at this level and is to be congratulated. The choice of subject was
especially relevant to this group and it is clear that Julie had put a great deal of thought and
preparation into her presentation.
Your feedback, both oral and written, is supportive and clear and I concur with your
assessment decision.
Action Required
Centre devised documentation can be
used as an alternative to this form
providing that it contains full details of
the candidate/assessor/
qualification/qualification level/
method of sampling, etc together with
meaningful and supportive feedback to
the assessor; a ‘tick-box’ form is unlikely
to meet these requirements.
By When: N/A
Assessor: A Assessor
Date: 3rd February 2014
I Q A: A Verifier
Date: 3rd February 2014
Action Points Addressed
Assessor: ………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Internal Verifier: ………………………………..
Date: ……………………………
Assessment Guidance
X Y Z Training
Minutes of Standardisation Meeting
Held on 2nd January 2014
C (Assessor)
D (Assessor)
W (Assessor)
Actions from previous meeting
Feedback from EQA Reports
Examples of Best/good Practice
Standardisation of Assessment
Any Other Business
Regular meetings should be held involving all verifiers and assessors to
discuss matters relating to the qualification. These include dissemination of
feedback received following any external quality assurance sampling and
regular standardisation activities.
The format of meeting records and activities carried out during the meeting is
left to the discretion of individual centres.
Assessment Guidance