PROJECT REPORT Name of the Project: The production and development of an electronic reading device for visually impaired individuals Purpose of the Project: The purpose of the project is to create a prototype of a device enabling visually impaired peers to read any text encoded in virtual format, e-books in particular. The device would be able to be utilized as a material in the education of the visually impaired individuals, and would also eliminate the issue of providing special materials. Among the future objectives of the project is the provision of a multifunctional device assisting visually impaired individuals with regard to vocalizing diagrams in e-books, mathematical expressions and symbols. Introduction The previous works to provide solutions to the problems faced by visually impaired peers have been elaborated, and navigation systems to vocally navigate visually impaired individuals through their travels and embossed maps have been encountered. It is also known that the Braille alphabet, developed by Louis Braille in 1821 is being used frequently throughout their educational lives. It can also be seen that the educational materials revolve around this six-dotted alphabetic system. In Braille alphabetical system, every letter is encoded as a different combination of 6 different dots. With the aid of this system, books can be prepared for visually impaired people. At present, documents can be prepared in Braille using specially embossed scriptural tablets and needles. Along with the aforementioned materials that are called to be traditional, embossed rulers used in mathematical education, Cranmer abacus, needled papers and graphics are among the examples educational materials. In addition to these traditional materials, applications within which the present day's technology is used can be considered A device based on the Braille system has been developed in the project. The device is made of six vibration motors and an electronic circuit sending signals to these motors (Device is shown in figure 2). Figure 2- Representative drawing of system The communication between the electronic circuit and the device to vocalize is provided by a Bluetooth module. Operation of the device necessitates a program that is encoded in C programming language to be installed into the device. When the user taps the alphabetic characters, the signals reaching the micro-detectors are evaluated with use of the Bluetooth module. After processing the incoming signals, the micro-detector sends signals of the Braille equivalent of the touched character to six vibration motors. The motors have been connected to the circuit using wires. Six motors have been placed on a surface and arrayed according to Braille coding system. The mechanism containing these motors will be put on to the wrist of the user. The Braille embossing of the letter A would be provided to the user when the letter A is pressed on the touch screen. When the letter A is scrolled on, the upper left motor of the six-motor system would receive signals and move accordingly. The user would then feel the motion of the motor and perceive that the letter they had touched was A. As the user keeps moving their finger over the line they’re reading, the same processes will be carried out by the system, allowing the user to perceive every character in the text. Spaces, punctuation marks and numbers have also been encoded and the necessary precautions have been taken in order to provide a fluent experience. Using the same technique, the system can also be used for geometrical shapes and mathematical symbols. The motors have been programmed to differentiate colors as well as characters. When colored shapes are being drawn, (such as geometrical shapes or simple atom models), as the user moves their finger along the shape, when their finger touches areas of different colors, they would feel different motions just as they do in embossed shapes, because signals would be sent to color-associated motors accordingly as the user touches different colors, allowing the user to follow the vibrations accordingly and have a general perception about the color of the shape. The compatibility of the project to every tablet PC, the sufficiency of its software and electronic circuit to fulfill aforementioned vocalizing functions provides economic advantages along with the ease of use. The production of this device would allow existing educational materials to be available for visually impaired individuals with minor alterations, thus rendering the preparation of specialized education materials unnecessary. This would supply visually impaired peers with access to a great variety of educational content. Methods The application process of the project involves two main steps: writing the computer program to allow the system to satisfy the required functions and designing and activating the electronic circuit (Electronic circuit is shown in figure 3). The computer software used in the project is written in C# programming language and includes three forms in total, each having distinctive functions. The electronic circuit prepared within the project is run using a micro-detector. Its communication with the computer is established via Bluetooth. The integrated Bluetooth system is called HC-06. The micro-detector employed is called PIC18F2550. There are six shaftless vibration motors within the circuit. The power source used is 9V-2A. The data sent by the computer via Bluetooth is processed by the micro-detector. The respective motors vibrate according to the incoming data. Six vibrating dots have been arranged in line with the logic of the Braille alphabet. The programming language used to program the micro-detector is CCS-C. This language is used to program the micro-detector using C-language. Figure 3- Drawing of circuit Shaftless 10x3mm Vibration BluetoothBee HC06 Serial Module motor 6 Bluetooth- 1 PIC18F2550 I/SP 1 20X30 EPOXY PLATE FR1 2 7805 Regülatör 2 AMS1117 Regulator ( LM1117 ) 3V3 2 12X12 Green LED illimunated 1 button Power Enctrance connector 1 12VDC 3A Plug-in Type Adaptor 1 Connection Cables 15 Capacitor 5 Resistance 4 Materials that are used in the project Code Structure of the Computer The codes in the project have been encoded in two different programming languages. One of them is the micro-detector program and the other one is the computer program. Each programming has its own functions. The functions of the programming codes within the project can be listed as such: 1. CCS C – Micro-detector Code The function of the micro-detector in the project is to apply the directives received from the computer. There are certain if-else expressions. The functions of the micro-detector code can be listed as such: • Its function within the controlling project is to process the data received from the computer and create a motion in the motors accordingly, which is also the main task of the project. • It makes predefined motors vibrate in accordance with the directives received from the computer. It uses the if-else expressions in the C-language while functioning • For example, if the letter A is to be sent from the computer to the micro-detector. The signal associated would be activated in the predefined output points. The detector used in the project has twenty-eight branches. Certain branches have predefined special functions. These branches can be used freely by disabling these predefined functions, or in their specialized areas. To accomplish this, certain pins would be labeled as outputs beforehand, meaning that the detector would recognize these pins as outputs. For example, if a LED light was to be lit, the pin should be labeled an output, because outwards tension is required in order to light a LED. If a LED is to be lit when a button is pressed, the button has to be labeled an input, because the detector would function according to the signals taken from the button. The pins associated to the motors are labeled as output in the program, because the units to be moved within the electronic circuit are motors. The task is accomplished using the following code: if(IncomingData==’A’) { output_high(motor1); } In short, the incoming data from the computer is checked using if-phrases, applying the associated act in the motors. 2. C# – Computer Program The computer codes fulfilling the basic tasks in the project are that of the computer. The computer scans all of the touched data and sends the predefined values of the touched area to the processor. The functions of the computer code can be listed as such: • The geometrical processes in the computer are mainly scanning the pixels on the screen. The RGB-equivalent of the point touched is subject to process. Which is why, certain RGB codes have been predefined as certain colors in the program. For example, the RGB code for the color black is (0, 0, 0). The program recognizes this and sends data to the processor accordingly. • A similar logic to that of images is applied to data as well. After the text has been input, the images that represent the letters in the text are shown on the screen. Every image has been saved previously within the software. When the user starts to read, the data of the letter touched is sent to the processor. The processor then moves the motors accordingly. Results As a result of the process mentioned, the alphabetical characters and geometrical shapes create stimuli comprehensible to the user. The texts and the shapes need to be predefined into the software for the system to work. Thus, remarkable benefits would be gained when compatible content is prepared for visually impaired individuals in every area where written data is required, such as education. Further studies will be made in the future for the device to be able to read the content directly without needing of any predefinitions and to further improve the sensitivity of the system. As this report is being written, studies are being conducted in order to cover the missing points within the system, to make the intervals between the lines more clear and to indicate the position of the lines with vocal notifications. The system is currently being developed according to the reviews of the users. The system requires external power sources in order to run, which results in mobility and operation problems. The device is planned to be made rechargeable in the future. The units of the electronic circuit will be downsized to have a more ergonomic design. The mobility and compatibility to any tablet of the device results in the advantage that when the device is mass-produced, the cost would be lessened and supplying problems would not be faced. The project has been used by blind people to test the functionality of the project. Users were wanted to predict the geometric figures and alphabetic characters. For this experiment, 16 blind people participated as a voluenteer. Participants was being consisted from persons who are in the group of age 16-20 and know Braille alphabet. At the first step of experiment, some information was given about project and was wanted from blind people to follow some instructions. At the second step, some exercises were done and some more information about project was given to them. True and false answers are appreciated as figures, alphabetic characters and word predictions. The results of experiment are shown in the table down. Between the age of 16-20 Understanding words (Before exercises) Geometric Figures (Before exercises) Alphabetic Characters (Before exercises) %54,3 %64 %70,5 Understanding words (After exercises) Geometric Figures (After exercises) Alphabetic Character (After exercises) %81 %78 %89 As we look at the results, it is seen that when some exercises are done, the yield of project is increasing. It can be said that the yield of the project can reach to %100 percentage in the situation of developing the system and giving chance to blind people to exercise more. When the project is asked to blind people, they said that this project was so useful and beneficial for them. 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