DIY Fairy Tale.

D.I.Y. Fairy Tale
A Fairy Tale may be defined as “a story with magical ingredients”. It may or may not have fairies or
magical folk.
1. Beginning. Don’t choose a real time or place. The magic begins with “Once upon a time” or
“Long ago and far away”. Choose a magical beginning and write it down.
Places are the setting where the action will take place.
Palaces and castles symbolise riches and romance.
Huts and cottages symbolise poverty and hard work.
Woods and forests symbolise where the wild things are and the great unknown.
Cities and towns symbolise experience, complexity and untrustworthiness.
Countryside symbolises innocence and simplicity.
Write down what you see using expressive and emotive adjectives so that you smell, hear,
feel as you visualise the scene.
The hero/heroine. Who is the story about?
Choose the name. Names may be symbolic.
Describe physical appearance. Beauty may symbolise goodness and ugliness evil but there are
notable exceptions such as Beauty and the Beast.
Choose three attributes, two strengths and one weakness.
Wishing makes it so. The beginning of the plot.
What is your hero/heroine’s greatest wish, desire, dream?
What does she/he want more than anything in the world? And why? It may be physical, material,
intangible, personal, for someone else or the good of the world.
The journey begins. What is the hero/heroine’s plan to achieve their heart’s desire? Describe how
he/she sets off on the journey.
Three of everything. The development carries forward the thought of the trouble hinted in the
introduction. It may contain three tasks, three riddles, three trials. Why three? It is seen as a magical
Eg. Existence = birth, life death
The world = earth, air, water
Humans = body, mind, spirit
Nature = animals, vegetables, minerals
The first obstacle or challenge
Who or what does your hero/heroine encounter?
Can it prevent your hero/heroine from achieving his/her dream?
Describe the problem/villain (could be person/forces of nature/evil witch/dangerous animal
Overcoming the first obstacle/challenge
Describe how your hero/heroine overcomes the first challenge. Remember to use the two strengths
and one weakness and that magical elements can be called on.
Continue the journey towards the dream. Describe a different/strange/alien landscape your
hero/heroine must pass through.
The second obstacle/challenge. Who or what gets in the way this time? What is their game? (Think
weird, treacherous, terrifying)
Overcoming the obstacle. How did your hero/heroine get out of this dilemma? Use strengths,
weaknesses, or divine intervention.
The journey continues…through alien and mysterious territory. How do they feel? Use emotive
The third obstacle/challenge and then its solution
By far the worst and most terrifying situation
Try to terrify your hero/heroine and the reader out of their wits with this one.
You have all but used up your character’s attributes. What is left to draw upon?
Remember the original elements and/or even common sense.
Your hero/heroine overcomes evil, danger and adversity and achieves his/her wish.
How will he/she express it?
Feelings of pleasure, a lightness of spirit, joy and satisfaction come into the story. This is the climax.
Conclusion – Victory over Vice
The final step in the fairy tale journey is the happy ending because it signifies the positive forces in
human nature that have won through.
How will your hero/heroine celebrate his/her triumph and transformation?