(Not final until approved/signed by the Board) Turtle Lake Township Regular Meeting Minutes January 5, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Co-Chair Russ Bennett. Also in attendance board members Janee Hill, Al Lidstrom, Treasurer Gail Dockendorf, Zoning Administrator Kelly Booge, and Clerk, Kirby Bahr. Bruce Skipton and Howard Schultz could not join us tonight. Approve Agenda The Agenda was approved as is. Motion made by Janee Hill and second made by Al Lidstrom. Motion carried 3/0. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of December 1, 2014. Motion to approve minutes of last meeting made by Al Lidstrom, second was made by Janee Hill. Motion carried 3/0. Approve December 1, 2014 Treasurer's Report Motion made by Janee Hill to approve the Treasurer's Report. Second was made by Al Lidstrom. Motion carried 3/0. Approve Claims & Payroll There was some discussion on the animal control invoice and also on the Beltrami Electric invoice. Some discussion ensued with help from Michelle Anderson who is employed by Beltrami Electric. Motion made by Al Lidstrom to approve the Claims and Payroll reports as they stand. Motion seconded by Janee Hill. Motion carried 3/0. Public Attendees (signed in) Wade Thoring, Aliza Thoring, Lynn Johnson, Tony Johnson and Michelle Anderson. Discussion Items (in order of discussion) Kelly Booge, Zoning Administrator, presented the board with his yearly report which reflected the number of specific issues he attended too plus his hours spent on zoning and also on road items. Kelly will send the report to the clerk who will put dollars with it so the board can see how the expenses of a ZA compare to the income from permits etc. This could result in slight amendments to the fee schedule established for zoning. Kelly also advised the board that the road policy document was complete. Clerk handed out bound copies to the board. Russ Bennett requested that a copy of our road classification document be added to this packet and the clerk will bring pre-punched copies to be added to said packet. Kelly also gave an update on the Turgi Road status...and the communications received late yesterday afternoon from the township attorney. Kelly will work with clerk to attend to this and hopefully we will be able to pursue a resolution and set the date for the public hearing and our next regularly scheduled hearing. Kelly continued with an update on Lake Beltrami Road. There is a grant that may be applied for through the DNR that needs to be in by October 2015. Janee Hill made a motion we table this grant application for the moment in order for the entire board to have discussions on this project. Al Lidstrom seconded that motion and it carried 3/0. Kelly completed his report with an update on the vintage dump site. He still has not received a call back from the appropriate person at the MPCA and will escalate his questions to the next level or to a local or state representative. Al Lidstrom presented the gravel placement document generated from the annual spring road tour and ensuing gravel loads placed on township roads. A copy of this is available through the clerk’s office. Janee Hill gave an update on the cemetery. These winter reports are minimal since there are no burials etc. during the winter months. Janee did say that there is a need for a good spring cleanup of dead flowers and etc. Al Lidstrom visited with Liberty township’s clerk concerning some ideas our board needed to discuss with that board. Al is scheduling our attendance at the February meeting in Liberty...which is held the second Wednesday of each month. Gail Dockendorf set the annual budget discussion meeting for January 27th at 7 pm at the town hall. Clerk will advertise this meeting via the Bemidji Pioneer and post as required. Treasurer, Gail Dockendorf, confirmed that she will run again for Treasurer at the March elections. Russ Bennett will contact Bruce Skipton and discuss the possibility of Bruce running in March. Bruce will report back to the clerk by week’s end so clerk can communicate this information to the county. Michelle Anderson advised the board she would be willing to take on a supervisor role, only if Bruce chose not to run again for that office. Kelly brought a quote from Murray surveying concerning the potential cost to survey Vista Forest Road for the possibility of taking it over (and recording it) from the state/county. This will be put on next month’s agenda and Al will present some figures of the potential overall cost of doing this. This is being done as the township feels the road is not maintained well and at times presents a danger to travelers. Kelly also discussed the recording of all township roads. There are two scenarios in doing this, and he suggested we record all the roads as they are today...it will be quicker and once recorded...we can deal with them on a separate slower basis as needed. Correspondence: One item of correspondence was read by the Clerk. Adjourn: A motion was made by Al Lidstrom at 8:05 pm to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Janee Hill and motion carried 3/0. Meeting was adjourned. . Approval of these Minutes from January 1, 2015 Regular Township Meeting: Approved _____________________________________________________ Date _____________ V. Kirby Bahr Home 218.444.6510 vkb1@paulbunyan.net