Retreat Minutes 2015 The Arc of Massachusetts--December 3 and 4, 2015 (Thursday/Friday) Council of Executives of The Arc Massachusetts 10 am Introductions and Attendance Ken, Paul, MaryAnn, Michael, Jim, Cindy and Erica CoH Jean P , Mary H,Bob H and Al F.,Lynne B,Rob, Lisa, Daryl,Paul C,Dan B,John G., Jean G.,Roger, Luis, Buddy and Leo 10:15 am Medicaid Changes with Steve Kroll, CEO, NYSArc New York and Oregon are the first two states to start “Innovation” efforts. Steve Kroll, CEO of NYSArc, will share NY progress and affiliates work in this area. Steve did a great job sharing developments in NY State and efforts at chapters. His presentation (PWP) was shared with each affiliate. 1:00 PM - Networking time – Each affiliate presents an activity or accomplishment from its organization (10 minute limit each). Please also let us know where you stand in two sub-topic areas –autism services/supports and self-determination (recorder tracks that so next day we’ll have a sense of where we stand on these trend areas) Before wrapping up at 4pm, Bob Harris will share some of his work already on health care objectives including data dive and collection, and outreach to medical entities. Networking from affiliates: Jim Howard -– serves 64 towns; 15-16 small businesses started over time; invest in businesses over time and grow them; with the business model, person connects with community and goal for some is to have them move on to another employer. Car detailing, candy, printingAll are dependent on the infrastructure –through vocational contracts; goal is to have a stand alone business. HUD project –renovating homes; Cindy talked about developing supports in Conn. near their service area— expect it to grow significantly there; Erica talked about helping at-risk youth in their community to get jobs (getting funding from WIA) The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 1 MRC grant was mentioned and 4 of the affiliates have qualified for it including CoH Found. Mary Heafy - feels very good about her executive staff. Working on dashboard for agency on metrics- - trying to translate that to funders; sensory friendly performance at Hanover (TheArc); restructured the family support to be clinical and family supports- renewed family support efforts- providing supports to children with autism at community rooms in housing developments; Workshop very empty and people who opposed are being supportive- still uses location as a hub; job shops are being used; Getting rejected by grantors – because financials looks good; setting up audit differently to address this; LUNA – Lynne Bielecki – 3 months in and has been learning about the organization from the staff and volunteer leaders; looking at policies, procedures and operations; Wants to develop higher profile for United Arc –“best kept secret” Jean Goldsberry – 3rd year into training and PBS initiative – seeing some great results about the people they serve and the staff; getting calls from people in the community with positive feedback. All staff went through the training including maintenance Collaborating with The Arc US to teach PBS to police officers around the country; organizational commitment to have all programs accredited by CARF for the first time (was orig day hab and employment); looking for staff performance evaluations; Daryl Cook - staff retention, motivation and recognition is a big part of strategic plan –looking at new strategies; one year into PBS – seeing positive behavior changes and performance of staff; at first DSPs were nervous about being monitored –but once they got over that, they said that they were enjoying the new culture; used May Institute as consultant; videotaped role modeling – showing positive way of doing it and non-positive way of doing it; folks asked if Daryl could share the video; Next step is how to do the quality data collection May be able to set up an autism resource component through area funding; families wanted info for in-home supports was #1 response in survey; secondly wanted family support groups, weekend and afternoon respite; putting together an advisory committee of families; Luis Bachman and Buddy Bostick -advocacy Arc until 1998; grew through Boulet family partnership and this allowed the agency to develop new models; biggest accomplishment is the reorganization of the agency with Buddy as COO; now close to $5M budget; had MassHealth audit, QE audit and had very high results despite recent change; hired staff who has expertise in autism; 2 The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 Buddy talked about the self determination efforts and that new opp’ties available with support from the agency; also mentioned the peer mentor program; Rob Spongberg and Lisa Champagne – new relationship with cable company; will be setting up day hab in its building for special population in the same building –utilize cable company resources as part of the program; goal to set up community center-integrated in the same space –combine all of these; joint program with 2 other agencies to set incentives for health –wellness (weight loss)- delivering a week’s worth of meals; Taking on new caseload of individuals with autism who have had similar issues as in Gateway program; Dan Burke in process of closing sheltered workshop – everyone to work 15 hours week minimum and then CBDS; wants everyone to get some kind of check; half-day employment is hard to manage coordination – transportation and targeting individual goals in 2 different settings on same day; On autism side serving a number of people who are newly eligible; have an individual supports position newly funded by DDS, some of the population being served have forensic and/or mental health issues; helping people to get connected to local communities as part of work; Paul Cote - closed workshop a year ago, struggling with financial aspects – trying to get CBDS and employment ramped up; having work that is agencydeveloped –still in process to get more community work; developing PBS and behavioral expertise to serve people with autism; working to develop the program model. Working at getting supervisors out of the office –onto the floor, at the residence; getting people to vary work schedules so they’re live at residential; Michael Andrade – celebrating one year expansion for adult day health program; serving 60 people there now; working tax credit and DHCD –creating affordable housing; serving elders now too including in AFC; through a large grant were able to start an autism support center – calling it “autism now center”; employment, education (2 educ. advocates); community family support; spending time on agency with choice; Jean Phelps – two full years since return as chapter of The Arc; facebook page – like them please; and also new website; full time staff person assigned to Fam Supp center to work with autism population – has staff person already who can take this on; focus is on non-ID people with autism; Growing on day side and starting adult day health – so new building will be needed –more space; working on addressing retirement goals so people can stay in their home more time during the day; Wants to do SD more but needs AwC strengthened; The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 3 Bob Harris and Al Frugoli – have 62 people with forensic issues- dual diagnosis (gave been running program since 1989); working closely with turning point and state ops; working with UMassLowell research –doing analysis of case records, found childhood trauma led to forensic/MH issues; so doing pilot program focused on Lawrence with police dep’t, DYS, etc.; police have agreed to document home or other visits where there is a mental health related incident; school system is seeing an increase in # of kids with dual diagnosis; gangs are also grabbing kids; family engagement is weak; day long session with all kinds of groups related to this issue (courts, cj system, schools, etc.); community analysis of those 14-25 years; working with The Arc US center for justice as well; health care project with Brandeis Univ; UMLowell Nursing- looking at primary NP care clinic at CLASS in Lawrence; research showed PCPs all over the place so looked doubtful but given MassHealth innovations it may make sense; grant is funding this research and development of medical partnership; meeting with 2 different health partners; it would serve as a training site of NPs for UMLowell as well if possible to do; Ken Singer with Mary Ann Hyatt, Michael Menard-Weibel and Paul Gavrity; expansion continues – Westfield house and another planned for brain injury; opening a Westfield office; Zip n’Sort continues to thrive -250 customers; Mary Ann noted that The Arc has always been the place the community goes because of the history of responsiveness; started an innovative transitions service for young adults mostly for those with ASD- they are young people who need more support at first funded by DDS and some schools –community based; continue sensory integration program for those with autism; noted the Trust too which has been going since 2002; growing AFC program; variety of activities at residential to help individuals be part of the community including toys for tots drive; food bank support; PBS is going well; employment has 140 people in the community through DDS and MRC; also have contracts with all 10 school systems; gave example of gentleman who took several visits to a store before he could enter for an live job evaluation; Roger Monty –opened a new bakery for employment – “For Goodness Cake’s” (Carver), it’s been well received and more successful than imagined; now expanded to commercial contracts (Edaville RR, restaurants, etc.), nine to ten people supported there with a head baker and two other staff, no job coaches needed, the staff there do it; food pantry in housing project has grown – 80 families; recently a Plymouth school approached them and asked if they could help because many of the students there don’t have anything from breakfast or lunch til next morning. So now a backpack program where food is provided to go home and avoids stigma in partnership with the public shools; committee now planning for Plymouth’s 400th anniversary (2020) – they got people they support onto the committee; working on accessible playground and got them to make it accessible. Expects to be $7 Mil agency by end of the year; doing 4 The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 autism services through AwC –good resource for them; working with three area offices in this regard; Roger noted he’d be retiring; a job search is in process for his position and resumes to be collected through Jan 20; John Grugan –family support continues to grow significantly; after work program for adults til 6pm; weekend recreation for kids and after school for kids; families have asked for them; started AFC in their FS division; Shifted Indiv Supp into FS –feels like it works better; working on adult services for autism –what do they want; 2nd group home for adults with autism is opening this spring. Developing staff capacity in this area; dealing with the HCBS issue- busy trying to finalize the plan/outcomes through program activities; still working on workshop closure; some of the CBDS folks who don’t have an outside job, are doing some workshop work; donating food to food pantries that they are growing with individuals; Noted visit from OSHA— asked to see zero tolerance policy for clients that attack staff –November 2015? Ancor is working with OSHA John will be retiring in September but slowing down starting July 1. Jerry McCarthy – Jerry started off talking about how much he appreciated working with his colleagues over the years; and all the progress we have accomplished together; 2nd largest chapter of The Arc in the country after New York; residential – focusing on getting rid of large, old homes-closing last one this month; 2nd home for medically fragile individuals trying to finalize funding via CEDAC; expanding deaf services home; workshop will close in July; transition programs are going well—with a new one at North Shore Comm. College; two companies are moving people in to their companies to continue the work that people were doing at the workshop for 50 people total; contracts to work with 5 school systems; family support program has been tied to vocational program; autism support center going for 25 years primarily focused on those with ID; new behavioral supports program funded through insurance- 30 staff; $50,000 grant for autism program; greatest difficulty financially is with early intervention programs-losing staff due to pay rates and funding structure; Jerry announced Jo Ann Simons will be taking over as CEO at The Northeast Arc. Discussed transition and strategy to get schools more competent and why aren’t they working with chapters of The Arc Paul mentioned Medicaid infrastructure grant where commissioners and education folks are there Can there be some strategy to offer chapters of The Arc promoted among schools? Affiliates with School contracts – 6 berkshire Northeast- 5-6 The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 5 Lifeworks – 3 GWArc -1 Conference with educators, etc. MOEC –educ collaboratives -?? 23 – Discussed rate review for In Home Supports (Coop for _ Qualification deadlines for delivering the service is due Jan 15 -CRC –and Lifeworks are qualified – have done them Not qualified – for AwC (EMArc) –most others are; South shore CLASS COH Found Brockton Leo will follow up with Nicky Osborne regarding partnership with affiliates End of Thursday 8:15 Review budget advocacy and legislation; pending federal issues – Maura Sullivan Reviewed three priority bills at The Arc: 1. Health Care bill focusing on training of medical professionals HB1932 2. Transition to adult services for persons with disabilities HB 78 3. Civil Rights bill- inclusion and ADA related (includes meeting requirements, some employment and housing law changes) HB121 Please request e-copies of bills you would like. Above there are links to the 3 priority bills and any other bills they are interested in on the platform. Of course if there is a bill NOT on our platform, you can recommend to the GA committee to adopt the bill. As a rule unless a bill in some way contradicts a core value or position statement of The Arc – the committee would tend to add it. - link to legislative site where there is bill search 6 The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 Maura then reviewed the “Supporting Families Campaign” – handouts were shared. We asked for more stories from the affiliates. Also the full budget ask was shared with the group. Six affiliates noted they hadn’t received their allocations yet—Northeast, Plymouth, CoH, $3 Mil release awaits—but some affiliates are saying the CBDS rate aren’t configured right due to historical rates being used; 10:00 Planning ----combining topics -- Changed from agenda to: What do we want to do to advance your organizations and our movement –what are some issues we will work on together. Very lively discussion on Goals for year and how to help each affiliate –used the handout which included many items discussed over course of year and desired activities. Narrowed down to: 1. Employment & day services (sub-minim. Wage)-rights and needs – 2. 14-22 years olds- DESE/schools 3. Closing institutions 4. Autism capacity building –expertise • Sharing program resources /expertise We decided to develop task forces so affiliates would take responsibility for the targeted areas. They would develop a plan of objective and activities prior to the January meeting and share with Leo; Leo would report back to them on what The Arc Mass could handle in terms of implementation and what other resources needed from the affiliates to accomplish goals. Task forces 1. Employment – NE, Berkshire, CLASS, Sncarc, E. Middl, Min. Man, CoH, Ch River, United, - Chr. Paul Cote 2. 14-22, Transition- Plymouth, CoH, Lifelinks, Bristol, GHN, So. Shore, CR, MM, Arc Oppty, CLASS, Cape; Crd.: Bob Harris 3. Institution –cape, Plymouth, N-East, Lifelnks, Emarc, SoNor, GHN, bristol, berkshire, Crd: JMc. 4. Autism- NE, So. Nor., So SH., Cape, Ch Riv, Arc Oppty, CLass, Bristol, United; Crd.: Dan Burke and Michael Andrade 5. Sharing program resources- MM, Arc Oppty, CoH, SoNor– Coord. Jean G. The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 7 Discussed MassHealth Innovations and process presently in play. If plan is actualized, ACOs will become the doorway for future referrals for Medicaid state plan services. Agenda topics Recommended agenda topics for next several meetings Discuss chapters in Worcester, Springfield and Boston. March- Elin to come out on budget??? TASK Forces - Discuss jointly sponsoring Chris Littlefield (dates?) for your agencies – 4 hour training; everyone is in; N-East-CLASS-GHN-LifeLinks=50-75 people; M-M, So Shore, Opp’ty, SoNorf, Berkshire, CoH, United, Cape, Brist, GHN, ChRiv, Plymouth, LifeLinks; Berkshire and Springfield, latter with United;, Neast, Southeast, MetroWestBoston, North Boston; MM, ArcOppty,CoH-1 day 2 sessions, possib with United Amelia Cordischi will help coordinate this among chapters BY EMAIL ( Please reply if the groupings are inaccurate-Ideal #s are 50-75 people if not customizing Ken-please get figures to me – how much for travel and then per session or per day. We should get a good jumbo price. 1-MM, ArcOppty,CoH-1 day but possibly with 2 sessions to keep #s realistic at each, possib with United 2--EMid-CLASS-GHN-LifeLinks-NoEast -- 1 day (2 sessions??) 3- Have it at Plymouth with Bristol, So. Shore, Brockton, Cape 4- Berkshire 1 day, 2 locations, one at Springfield perhaps with United? 5-SoNorf, CharRiv, GWArc? and some from So. Shore also? Regulatory CBDS –ADDP is meeting on this; CBDS rate hearing is in Quincy 2 weeks from today- let’s pack the room Dan asked. 2.05% is cap factor; Dec. 30 is deadline for written rate testimony; sliding back to use of UFR and historically deflated rates. Leo will distribute region 5 explanation of Nat’l background check from Dan. ISS (called in EOHHS, #3798, in-home supports) rate responses are due Dec. 11. Bidders conference- Dec. 14 at Worcester Recovery Center. Next year Lisa will look into Mirabeau in Plymouth – for Dec 1 and 2, 2016; 8 The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 The Arc's Brand Promise: The Arc is driven by opportunity. The opportunity for hope, for growth, for change; the opportunity for everyone to become a valued, contributing member of their community. We strengthen people with disabilities, their parents and family members, and dedicated professionals by connecting them across our national network of community based chapters. Our collective voice provides the opportunity for all of us to make a difference. The Arc fosters respect and access for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, giving them the power to achieve a full and satisfying life. 30-Second Elevator Speech: Hi, I’m _________________. I work with The Arc, a nonprofit organization advocating for the seven million people in America with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and other diagnoses. We help them achieve their life goals and become productive members of the community by creating opportunities for education, employment, housing and recreation and providing them the necessary supports through a network of nearly 700 chapters across the nation. We’re changing public attitudes and fostering respect, access and inclusion. I invite you to visit to find out how to achieve this with us. The Arc Mass retreat meeting minutes Dec. 3-4, 2015 9