

(Drawing 1)The year is 1700 and the nation is England. The scene is a rural village.

1. draw a river across your paper connecting east to west; the river should be no larger than 1 inch wide

2.draw a simple wooden bridge crossing the river

3.draw 2 roads (1 running north to south & crossing the river with a bridge and 1 running from east to west) Neither road need be a straight line.

4.Draw 10 houses; 1 church; 1 cemetery; 1 store; 1 pub; 1 coalmine; & at least 50 trees

(Drawing 2)

1 nice home anywhere on the map

Add the canal (parallel to the river)

2. 1750

Add 5 houses

3. 1760

Fence off an 2x2 inch area – label as “commons”

Add 5 houses 1 more nice house

4 1773

Add 1 factory (no smoke—it is powered by water). Remember, this cotton factory must be placed on the river bank, not the canal

5. 1774

Add 5 houses for workers

Add 15 houses (total 40)

1 church

1 pub

1 store

6. 1774

You may draw more roads & 1 more bridge

7. 1780

Add 5 new factories (must be on the river bank as they need water power).

Add 5 houses

8. 1781

Add 5 Tenements

Add 1 store, 1 pub, 1 church, & 1 school

Add 1 church(workers.

9. 1782

Add 5 more pubs. add 4 tenements

10. 1783

Add 2 special homes.

Add 1 factory, add 15 houses for management personages

(Drawing 3)

Round 11 - 1785

Add 10 factories with smoke. (Anywhere)

Add smoke to all other factories.

Also, add 1 nice house some people are getting rich

Add 5 houses (total 60) & 1 tenement.

Round 12 - 1800

Add 1 new coal mine

Add 1 nice new iron bridge to replace one old wooden one.

Add 5 houses (total 65).

Round 13 - 1815

Add another coal mine

Draw 1 cemetery

Round 14 - 1820

Add 1 major railroad line connecting all your factories & coal mines. This must be one track that connects all factories and mines (you may build railroad only bridges if you need them).

Add 5 houses for railroad builders.

Round 15 - 1827

Add 1 jail

2 pubs

2 tenements

Round 16 - 1838

Add 2 hospitals

1 more cemetery

Round 17 - 1840

Add 1 more railroad line going east (R) to west (L) through your town.

Add 5 houses (total 75)

1 tenement for the new railroad workers.

Round 18 - 1842

Add 1 theater

1 museum

Add 2 private schools for upper class students (mark these schools with the letter “P”

Add 1 nice house

Round 19 - 1845

Add 1 cemetery

1 more jail

1 hospital to accommodate the victims of urban life.

Round 20 - 1850

Add 20 houses & 2 nice houses & 1 big special house (yours)

5 tenements

2 stores

1 church

5 factories

1 pub

Debrief: p30


What was life like in your town in 1700?

In 1700, life in my town was…


What is life like in 1850?

– In 1850, life in my town was…


What problems do you think there are in your town in 1850?

• Debrief: p30


What was life like in your town in 1700?

In 1700, life in my town was…


What is life like in 1850?

– In 1850, life in my town was…


What problems do you think there are in your town in 1850?

– Alcoholism, pollution, over crowded, health problems, no clean water, children?-> gangs or working, no nature
