Thank you for your interest in joining the West Hills Middle School

Thank you for your interest in joining the West Hills Middle School
Forensics Team. Your coaches are excited to get started!
There are a couple of important items we would like to point out before your audition.
1. Be sure to bring in your filled out and signed audition form with you to auditions. An
unsigned audition form could result in not making the team!
2. Attached is a brief description of each type of event offered in Middle Level Forensics.
Please take a look at each category carefully.
3. Please prepare one minute of the event you most want to perform. Please note that if
your desired event is Impromptu or Extemporaneous, you should prepare a one
minute Oratory speech.
4. On your audition form, please clearly mark any events that you do NOT want to
participate in.
Your coaches may or may not place you in your number one choice. It is very important that
you fill out the audition form honestly as we may place you in an event that makes you
It is important that you understand the responsibilities and expectations of the team before
you audition. If you are selected for the team, you will be expected to:
• Attend the tournament
• Rehearse on your own time between coaching sessions
• Promote a positive image of the forensics team
• Attend the mock tournament and team meetings
• Maintain and promote positive relationships with teammates
• Keep track of all materials and transport them to tournaments and practices
You will be notified via email if you made the team and the category you will be competing in.
Your competition piece will be due to the coaches on Monday, February 23. Please note that
coaches reserve the right to edit or change pieces. Coaches will be available via email to help
with picking pieces if necessary.
Emilio Rodriquez
Ryan Ernst
Dramatic Interpretation
• 4 - 7 minutes time guideline
• Single selection from a play written for theatre or electronic media
• Multiple characters or monologues are allowed
• Humorous or serious material is acceptable
• Original characterization is encouraged
• Use of manuscript is optional
• Move as necessary to represent the movement of characters
• Use of stool, chair or cube is allowed
• No props or costumes are allowed
Prose Interpretation
• 4 - 7 minutes time guideline
• Single selection of prose (material written in paragraph form) or a combination
of stories
• Humorous or serious material is acceptable
• Original characterization is encouraged
• Use of manuscript is optional
• Use of a stool, chair or cube is allowed
• No props or costumes are allowed
• May move as necessary to represent movements of character
Storytelling (6th Grade Only and Open)
• 4 – 7 minutes time guideline
• Humorous, serious, or compilation of literature written for children
• No book or manuscript is allowed, story must be told in the words of the writer
• Original characterizations are encouraged
• Use of stool, chair or cube is allowed
• No props or costumes are allowed
• May move as necessary to represent movements of characters
• Appropriate gestures may be used
• 4 – 7 minutes time guideline
• Single selection of poetry or a combination of poems
• An introduction and transitions between poems are allowed
• Humorous or serious material is acceptable
• Use of manuscript is optional
• No props or costumes are allowed
• Use of stool, chair or cube is allowed
• May gesture and move around as necessary
Duo (6th Grade and Open)
• 5 – 8 minutes time guideline
• 2 participants
• Single selection of humorous or serious literature from any genre or selection
that combines genre
• The author and material source must be named
• Each performer may play one or more characters, so long as the performance
responsibility remains as balanced as possible. Each person may also perform
• Use of manuscript is optional
• No purposeful eye contact (off-stage focus should be used) or purposeful body
contact between interpreters
• No hand props, decorative scripts, lighting, scenery, reading stands, platforms,
or risers
• Chairs, stools, and cubes are permitted
Original Poetry/Prose Interpretation
• Contestant must only present poetry or prose that is their own work
• They may use the same selection for all rounds or alternate round to round
• Suggested 2-4 minutes for Poetry, 3-5 minutes for Prose
• Humorous or serious compositions are acceptable
• Students may use a minimal amount of non-original material in introductions
or transitions
• Students may not use a piece that has been performed in a prior year
• Use of chair, stool or cube is permitted
• No props or costumes are allowed
• 4 – 7 minutes time guideline
• Oration must be student’s original work
• Speaker must cite the source of non-original, quoted or para-phrased material
• May alert audience to threatening danger, strengthen devotion to a cause,
eulogize a person, present solution to a problem
• Oration is persuasive in nature
• Speech should be well organized with clear transitions between sections
• Good orations include suitability of subject, originality, depth, orderly
development of ideas
• Manuscript or outline must be available upon request with appropriately
documented quoted/paraphrased material
• May be delivered from manuscript, memory, outline, or any combination
• No visual aids are allowed at the MIFA middle school tournaments
• 4 – 7 minutes time guideline
• Original work
• Must be an actual product
• Manuscript or outline must be available upon request with appropriately
documented quoted/ paraphrased material
• May use visual aids, audio visual materials, or demonstrations, but not as major
focus of speech
• May be delivered from manuscript, memory, outline or any combination
• Good sales speech combines informative and persuasive techniques to convince
the audience to want to purchase the product
• 4 – 7 minutes time guideline
• Original work
• Non-original, quoted & paraphrased portions must include source citations
• Good informative speeches includes organization, clarity, amplification and
• Speech should be written to achieve clarity for audience by explaining, defining
or illustrating a subject
• May use visual aids, audio visual materials, or demonstrations, but not as major
focus of speech
• May be delivered from manuscript, memory, outline or any combination
• Manuscript or outline must be available upon request with appropriately
documented quoted or paraphrased material
Declamation (Sometimes listed as Broadcasting)
• 4-7 minutes time guideline
• Speech must have been presented as a public address and published in print
• Original speaker’s words may not be altered for this presentation with the
exception that editing for time is permitted.
• The presentation should include an introduction that provides the title of the
speech and should include relevant information about the situation in which
the speech was originally delivered.
• This event is an exercise in interpretation, not mimicry, so the contestant
should avoid trying to reproduce the delivery style of the original speaker
• May be delivered from manuscript, memory, outline or any combination
Impromptu (6th Grade Only and Open)
• The first speaker will draw 3 questions and choose one, returning the other
questions to the envelope. Prep time begins
• Speaker may use a blank note card and pen/pencil to make notes during prep
and use during presentation
• 1 minute maximum preparation time
• 2 – 4 minute presentation time guideline
• Speech is worded as it is delivered; the student can’t use any prepared
materials during preparation or presentation
• Speaker should express a personal opinion on topic
• Organization is important
• Question selected should be answered
• Use of examples and illustrations is encouraged
• Use of note card during delivery is optional
• No two students will speak on the same question
Extemporaneous Speaking
• 3-6 minutes time guideline
• Prior to speaking, each contestant will have drawn 3 questions, chosen 1, then
began their 30 minute preparation period
• Prep room officials know which topic each student is speaking on and their
speaking time. No two students will speak on the same question
• Contestants are expected to base speech on factual material and interpret those
facts in light of personal thinking and experience
• Contestants are judged on how well they address the question, use factual
information to support, offer a unique approach to the problem and exhibit
clear and direct oral delivery
• Organization and transitions are important
• Speakers must cite the sources of non-original, quoted or paraphrased material
• Speakers may only use notes made during their 30 minute prep period.
Prepared notes or speeches are not allowed
• Use of a note card during presentation is optional