Question Claim Evidence Reasoning

Which car is traveling faster?
Car A is traveling faster.
Car A traveled 500 feet in 10
Car B traveled 300 feet in 7
Speed is determined by dividing
distance by time.
Car A: 500/10 = 50 ft./second
Car B: 300/7 = 43 ft./second
Two identical wagons are at the
top of a hill about to be released
down the hill. Which wagon is
filled with ping pong balls and
which is filled with rocks?
Wagon one is filled with rocks
and wagon two is filled with ping
pong balls.
Wagon one rolled 6000 feet
before stopping.
Wagon two rolled 500 feet
before stopping.
Both wagons had the same
amount of force (gravity) as they
were released. The wagon with
the most mass would have more
potential energy and would
travel farther.
Jeff is making a pitcher of ice tea.
He added 2000 mL (or grams) of
water, 25 g of instant tea, 75 g of
sugar, and 500 g of ice cubes.
How much will the pitcher and
tea weigh if all of the ice melts?
The pitcher full of diluted tea will
weigh 3400 grams.
The total of the tea components
(with ice cubes) is 2600g. (2000 +
25 + 75 + 500) the tea and
pitcher weigh 3400 g (2600 +
The mass of the ice cubes will be
the same when it melts to ice, so
the mass of the tea will not
change when the ice melts.
Do glaciers cause weather,
erosion, or both?
Glaciers cause both weathering
and erosion.
Glaciers break larger rocks into
small rocks and then carry or
pushes these rocks along as the
glacier slowly moves.
Breaking down large rocks into
smaller rocks is weathering.
Transporting the rocks away is
erosion. Glaciers do both.
What feature of grass makes it a
good plant to plant along the
Grass plants have fibrous roots
that benefit the environment.
When different plant specimens
were examined, those by the
beach had fibrous roots that
spread out in all directions.
Fibrous roots that spread out in
all directions help hold soil and
sand in place so it does not wash
Why do cacti survive in the
The waxy coating serves to hold
in the water of the plant which
helps it survive in dry places.
When a variety of leaves were
placed in the sun, those with a
waxy coating did not wilt after
three days.
Cacti plants have an adaptation
of a waxy coting on their leaves
which help them to survive.
A volcano has erupted killing
hundreds of trees. Would a
geologist classify this event as
constructive or destructive
A volcano erupting is a
constructive geologic process.
The volcano left a lava flow
where the trees and plants have
In geology terms, a constructive
event creates landforms. The lava
that has hardened on top of the
soil has added to the crust.
How would conglomerate rock be Conglomerate rock would be
classified: Igneous, Metamorphic, classified as sedimentary rock.
or Sedimentary?
Bits of rock particles can be
observed in conglomerate rock. It
looks like these rock bits were
pressed together to make the
Sedimentary rocks are made
when weathered material is
compressed and eventually
hardened/lithified into rock.
Which handle would be best for a
skewer that is being used to toast
marshmallows at a campfire: a
metal skewer or a plastic skewer?
The best skewer handle to use
for toasting marshmallows at a
campfire would be a plastic
Metal is a good conductor of
heat. Plastic is not a good
conductor of heat.
It would be better to use a
material that is not a good
conductor to prevent getting
Which mineral is harder, Mineral
A or Mineral B?
Mineral B is the harder mineral.
Mineral A could be scratched
with a nail, fingernail, and a
penny. Mineral B could only be
scratched with a nail. Mineral B
left a scratch on Mineral A.
Harder substances can leave scratches
on softer substances. Mineral B could
not be scratched with a fingernail or
penny, so it is harder than those
substances. Mineral A could be
scratched with those two items , so it is
softer than the items. Also, Mineral B left
a scratch on Mineral A, do Mineral B is
Which travels faster, light or
Light travels faster than sound.
When it is storming, lightening
can be seen before the thunder is
Since lightening can be seen first,
the light is traveling faster than
the sound.
Which of the following resources
are non-renewable resources and
important to conserve? Water,
wind, oil, coal and solar energy.
Oil and coal are resources that
Water, wind and solar energy are
are non-renewable and should be renewable and can be
replenished in a short amount of
time. Oil and coal take thousands
of years to make.
Since non-renewable resources
like oil and coal cannot be
replenished in a short amount of
time, they should be conserved.
What factor contributes to the
different seasons, the tilt of the
Earth or the elliptical shape orbit
of the Earth?
The different seasons are caused
by the tilt of the Earth.
Which rock has the highest
Rock B has the highest density.
Predict how a shell-less egg
would appear if left in corn syrup
for 2 days.
The egg would be shriveled up if
it was placed in corn syrup.
Because the Earth is tilted, as it
orbits the sun, there are some
times that the northern
hemisphere is titled towards the
sun and some times that the
southern hemisphere is tilted
towards the sun.
Density is calculated by dividing
mass by volume. For Rock A,
125/24 = 5.2 g/mL. For Rock B,
100/14= 7.1 g/mL. For Rock C,
135/22= 6.1 g/mL. Even though
Rock C weighed the most, Rock B
has the highest density.
An egg left in salt water shrinks
as water leaves the egg to flow
into the salt water. An egg left in
distilled water expands as water
enters the egg.
The hemisphere that is tilted
towards the sun would receive
more sunlight and experience the
summer months. The other
hemisphere would receive less
sunlight and experience the
winter months.
Rock A: Mass= 125 g, Vol.= 24 mL
Rock B: Mass= 100g, Vol.= 14 mL
Rock C: Mass=135g, Vol.= 22 mL
Water flows in or out of a cell to
equalize the amount of water on
both sides of the membrane. IF
there is a higher concentration of
water on the inside (such as with
corn syrup), the water will flow
out of the egg.
Does soil contain air?
Soil contains air, along with
water, organic material, and
pieces of rock.
In a lab experiment, 20 mL of
water was added to cup FULL of
When water is added to soil, it is
replacing the air that exists in the
What shape are cells?
Cells can have lots of different
In this lab, the animal cell was
like a wavy circle. The plant cell
looked like a rectangle. The
bacteria was squiggly.
Since all these cells had different
shapes, I can tell that cells don’t
just have one shape.
Do you think the “scar” on the
Atlantic Ocean floor is a ridge or
The scar is a ridge.
Station 1 has the elevation of 5700 meters. Station 2 has the
elevation of -3300 meters.
Station 3 has the elevation of 5700 meters.
The elevation of the scar is higher
than the two stations on either