Problem - Micro Focus

When for any reasons a Container Managed service of type Web Service sets a return-code
which is superior to the maximum success RETURN-CODE which indicates to Enterprise
Server to Rollback,
It can be interesting to retrieve to the client consuming the service a detailed information
about what occurred.
This is the aim of the MFRHSOAP User Exit 8.
I.) Introduction
This sample demonstrates a simple COBOL user exit 8 program for MFRHSOAP, the Web
Services request handler for Enterprise Server.
MFRHSOAP user exits can be used to manipulate the SOAP request and response messages,
the parameters passed to and from the COBOL service program, and other aspects of request
processing. For more information, see the Net Express or Server Express 5 documentation.
In the current documentation set, information on MFRHSOAP user exits can be found in
Micro Focus Server → Configuration and Administration → Reference → User Exits.
The sample user exit 8 allows you to update the content of the Soap Exception returned
to the Web Service client
II.) Contents
The sample includes the following files:
Source for the user exit 8 program.
A simple web service to test the exit.
The generated client application for legacy
Additional generated sources for the client.
Service mapping for the test service.
Net Express 5 project file.
III.) Building and Running the Sample
Using Net Express 5 Websync3 and >
If you have Net Express 5 Websync 3 or >, you should be able to build and run the sample
using the enclosed project file:
Start the target ES server.
Open in Net Express.
Open the mapping file WShelloWorldSoapException.mpr in Net Express.
See the service is of type container managed and it uses a maximum success
RETURN-CODE of 5 to indicate success/failure
5. See the operation named LEGACY has one Input parameter of type int and one
Output parameter of type int. The Input parameter is used to set a return-code
6. Set the service to use an exit handler for exit 8 ("End of Response Processing ") and
exit 4 (“End of Input Request Processing”) In Net Express, this is configured using
Operation → Properties... from the mapping window; In the service settings, set the
name of the user exit program to " UserExit8". [ the Exit 4 is used to load the user
Exit before the legacy code is invoked ]
7. Go to Service → Settings... and select your Enterprise Server.
8. Deploy the service For convenience, the is deployed with the service. In
a real life example, you would have to copy it to a directory listed in COBDIR on the
system where your Enterprise Server is running..
9. Generate the Web Service Client using Net Express menu Service->Generate Client
using WSDL and select WSmanageSoapExceptionDetail.wsdl on sub-directory
10. Rebuild the project
11. Run the sample WSmanageSoapExceptionDetail-app. Supply an input numeric string
when prompted.
The LEGACY sample works this way:
If your type as the input parameter an integer < 10 then the default SOAP exception
is returned
faultcode: Server
faultstring: Error in Web Service application
errordetail.errorcode: 6
errordetail.errortext: No more information available
If your type as the input parameter an integer > 9 and < 21 then the service legacy
code generates a RTS error and the following is returned
faultcode: Server
faultstring: Execution error in Web Service application
errordetail.errorcode: 173
Load error : file 'GenerRTS173'
error code: 173, pc=1A9, call=1, seg=0
173 Called program file …
If your type as the input parameter an integer > 20 and < 31 then the following SOAP
exception is returned
faultcode: Server
faultstring: Custom: Error in Service application 25
errordetail.errorcode: 25
errordetail.errortext: Custom: Service has set RETURN-CODE to 25 which
If your type as the input parameter an integer which is > 30 then the following SOAP
exception is returned
faultcode: Application ( APP-ERR )
faultstring: Custom: Error in Service application 35
errordetail.errorcode: 35
errordetail.errortext: Custom: (|) errortext 1 | errortext 2 (|)
IV.) More glue on the implementation of the user exit 8
and its integration within the LEGACY code (legacy.cbl)
41) The SOAP envelope returned to Web Service client when an error occurs on Enterprise
Server (ES) server side is:
(errorcode = 35 is just an example here)
<faultstring>Error in Web Service application</faultstring>
<e:errordetail xmlns:e="">
<errortext>No more information available</errortext>
42) See in the XML node <SOAP-ENV:Fault> we would like to customize the elements
faultcode & faultstring & errortext
(errorcode is set by the legacy code mapped as a service)
43) See the LEGACY Code, legacy.cbl uses in its working-storage a COPY file named
(COPY file below used commonly by Service LEGACY code and user-exit 8)
(copy custom-SOAPException. *> Declaration of an external variable named
78 faultcodeLength
value 15.
78 faultErrorLength
value 256.
01 custom-SOAPException
is external.
02 custom-faultCode
pic x(faultcodeLength).
88 custom-faultCodeServer value "Server".
88 custom-faultCodeAppl value "Application".
02 custom-faultstring
pic x(faultErrorLength).
02 custom-errortext
pic x(faultErrorLength).
44) See, in the legacy code you just have to MOVE content to custom-faultCode & customfaultstring & custom-errortext
So these values are retrieved to the Web Service client
linkage section.
01 LS-rtncode cblt-rtncode.
procedure division using LS-rtncode.
initialize custom-SOAPException
move LS-rtncode to WS-rtncodeD
when < 10
*> return default
when > 9 and < 21
call "GenerRTS173" *> generate a RTS error, 173 here
when > 20 and < 31
custom-faultCodeServer to TRUE
string "Custom: "
"Error in Service application "
into custom-faultstring
string "Custom: "
" Service has set RETURN-CODE to "
" which means ..."
into custom-errortext
when other
custom-faultCodeAppl to TRUE
string "Custom: "
"Error in Service application "
into custom-faultstring
string "Custom: "
" <|> "
"errortext 1"
"errortext 2"
" <|> "
into custom-errortext
exit program returning LS-rtncode
stop run returning LS-rtncode.
*> END CALLED mode
45) Previous step means you don’t have really to know how the User Exit 8 was implemented
In the current documentation set, information on MFRHSOAP user exits can be found in
Micro Focus Server → Configuration and Administration → Reference → User Exits.
V.) .ZIP attached contains a Dot Net solution too
This solution contains a WPF COBOL project & a WPF C# project & a VB
WPF project,
The aim of these projects being to consume the WS detailed above
And handle the SOAP Exception
Retrieve the Detail of this SOAP exception (customized)
As in the screenshot below: