AN AUSTRALIA WIDE COMPARISON OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS / COUNSELLORS / GUIDANCE OFFICERS 2013 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY as per ACT Education & Training Directorate (ETD) Title School Psychologist and Senior School Psychologist. Entry Requirements Employment as a School Psychologist requires eligibility for registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia. The ETD employs psychologists both with and without teacher training. Induction and continual in-service training is provided to new staff. Pre-Service Training There are no training courses that are currently available outside ETD’s on-the-job training. Professional Learning Offered by Employer Regular training opportunities are offered by the counselling section of the ETD. In addition, the recent EBA negotiated an allowance of $8,000 to finance additional expenses associated with registration and CPD costs. Location School Psychologists are based in schools at college, high school and/or primary levels, as well as in early childhood sector. Senior Psychologists have a school component and an office component to their duties. Tenure Depending on personal circumstances, School Psychologists can be employed as permanent officers, permanent part-time officers, or otherwise on a time-limited contract basis. Total Establishment One Manager, one Assistant Manager, eight Senior Psychologists and 42.5-full-time-equivalent positions for School Psychologists. Ratio by numbers of students serviced Approximately 1:850. Salary With the implementation of the recent EBA, School Psychologists at the top of the scale currently receive $86,881 (with a range dependent on years of service) and a starting salary from $58,041. This will increase under the current agreement by a further 7% by April 2014. Senior School Psychologists receive $100,271. The maximum salaries for both Level One and Level Two officers will rise to $90,388 and $104,319 by April 2014. Psychologists and teachers 1 work from the same scale, and movement along this range is dependent on annual review. School Psychologists/Senior Psychologists also receive an extra $8,000 per annum to meet professional development and registration expenses. Conditions School Psychologists and Senior Psychologists work school hours and conditions. Supervision Structure School Psychologists receive administrative and professional supervision from a Senior Psychologist in their network, and this includes observed practice. Senior Psychologists receive supervision from the Assistant Manager. Provisional Psychologists are supervised by Senior Psychologists who have all received supervision training. 2 NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS (Not updated) Title School Psychologist, Senior School Psychologist, School Counsellors Entry requirements School Psychologists: A teaching credential and at least 2 years of successful teaching experience; a four year Psychology degree; registration with the Psychologists’ Registration Board of the NT. For School Counsellors: A qualification sufficient for registration with the ACA, the PsyBA, ASWA, etc. Pre-Service Training Nothing specific., Professional Learning Offered by Employer. Location School Counsellor positions are school based. Tenure School Psychologist: All positions are now on contract. Some people hold permanent positions from previous employment conditions. School Counsellors: Contract, usually for 3 years but negotiable within a 3 year period. Total Establishment 19 School Counsellors, 2 Senior. School Psychologists, 8 School Psychologists (However, rarely are all positions filled) Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced Approximately 1:2500 when all positions are full Salary School Counsellor: up to $71.933 School Psychologist: $77,584 Snr School Psych.: $81.204 Conditions Public sector administrative hours and conditions apply. Supervision Structure No formal supervision structure. Snr School Psychologists have some informal supervisory responsibilities. Comments A major challenge exists for the NT in attracting and retaining suitably qualified staff who have to be sourced from interstate as NT tertiary institutions do not offer training at the required level. 3 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Title School Counsellor (SC), District Guidance Officer (DGO), Principal Education Officer (PEO) Entry Requirements Teaching Qualifications and successful teaching experience, A degree with a major in psychology, Post graduate qualifications in school psychology/school counselling sufficient for eligibility for provisional registration, registration as a psychologist (currently desirable but not required), personal suitability as demonstrated at interview. Pre-Service Training Approximately 40-50 suitably qualified teachers are sponsored each year by DEC to completed post graduate qualifications in school counselling offered at the University of Wollongong, preparing school counsellors for urban and rural positions. A Masters of Teaching (School Counselling) program is offered at the University of Sydney, with between 30 and 40 students across the two years. Professional Learning Offered by Employer Regular training & development opportunities are offered by both State & Regional Offices. Counsellors and DGOs are able to access some school professional learning funds to attend appropriate programs. Location School Counsellors and DGOs are school-based and have teacher hours and conditions. PEOs are non-school based, and have administrative hours and conditions. Tenure Permanent Total Establishment 678 Counsellors 113 DGOs,9 PEOs (i.e. 1 per region across the state) Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced Counsellors provide service to a district of schools, usually a high school and feeder primary schools. The average ratio of counsellors to students is 1 SC: 1,050 students. Salary S C: up to $89.000(approx.) DGO: up to $102,000 (approx.) Conditions: School conditions, as relate to teaching awards. Supervision Structure SCs and DGOs receive administrative supervision from the base school principal. School counsellors receive professional supervision/ support from their DGOs. All DGOs in a region receive professional supervision/support from a PEO. 4 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Title Guidance Officer and Senior Guidance Officer Entry Requirements Full registration or eligibility for full registration as a teacher in Queensland, plus, A Minimum of 2 years full time, supervised experience working with children and/or young people in an education, child protection or counselling environment , And one of the following: One year (minimum) full time (or part-time equivalent) coursework Masters, majoring on guidance and counselling, or, Full registration as a psychologist through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Psychology Board or a fourth year qualification in psychology that will enable general registration as a psychologist through the AHPRA Psychology Board following completion of the board approved internship or accredited sequence of study Professional Learning Offered by Employer All guidance officers are required to participate in regular individual or group supervision sessions provided by a Senior Guidance Officer Guidance Officers will be actively supported as an individual and will have access to a range of flexible work options, an employee assistance program and learning and development opportunities. Location The department is committed to the provision of a quality educational opportunities to all Queenslanders, in rural, urban and remote areas of the state. To assist in this, the department has statewide transfer guidelines and it is a requirement of permanent employment that employees may be required to serve anywhere in the state. The department refers that school based classified officers serve a minimum of two (2) years from the date of appointment to the position and location Guidance Officers are appointed to a region. School based work locations will be negotiated with a Senior Guidance Officer prior to commencement of each school year. Guidance Officers are able to indicate a preference for working in the primary or secondary school sector Tenure A range of employment types exist including permanent, temporary, full-time and parttime. Total Establishment The number of Guidance and Senior Guidance Officer positions varies across the state and region by region. Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced The ratio of students to Guidance Officers varies across the state and region by region Salary Stream 2/paypoint 21-33 (Teachers’ Award State) 5 Conditions School hours and school holidays apply to Guidance Officer positions Supervision Structure All guidance officers are required to participate in regular individual or group supervision sessions provided by a Senior Guidance Officer Requirements As the Guidance Officer you will: Advocate, provide counselling, psycho-educational assessment and/or individual student support, recommendations and advice to students, teachers and parents concerning educational, behavioural, career development, mental health and family issues. Provide professional expertise, leadership and support to school communities and networks in the development and implementation of plans, programs, and procedures to assist students in achieving positive educational, developmental and lifelong learning outcomes. Collaboratively negotiate, develop and implement programs for students that have a focus on preventative and early intervention strategies; are responsive to identified personal, social, emotional and educational needs; and aim to foster resilience and personal development Guidance Officers contribute towards, and are accountable for the provision of a comprehensive student support program that is responsive to the identified and changing needs of students. The program will be negotiated with the lien manager, usually the school principal. Guidance Officer are required to provide this service in collaboration with other school based personal and external agencies in a variety of educational contexts, including schools and alternative educational programs 6 QUEENSLAND CATHOLIC EDUCATION SCHOOLS Title Until recently, most used ‘School Counsellor’; however, within BCE ‘Guidance Counsellor’ is now the designated title. Entry Requirements The Teacher’s Award has an addendum which specifies mandatory requirement for appointment to School Counsellor positions which included a minimum (9 years) teaching (presumably pre-service training years). A Master’s degree in guidance and counselling is required as is eligibility for ordinary membership in QGCA. As a minimum requirement, either a 4+2 or 5+1 (i.e., 4 or 5 year’s university study in an approved psychology sequence + 1 or 2 year’s supervised practice) are required by psychologists seeking full registration within the APS. Teachers seeking APS membership are required to complete an approved post-graduate qualification in psychology. Registered psychologists without teacher training are employed by BCE and some Independent schools but under the School Officer’s Award with different conditions and salary. Within BCE, preference is given to employing psychologists for GC positions who have MPsych (Educational & Developmental) qualifications. Pre-Service Training As with Ed. Qld. An entitlement covered by the Teacher’s Award Professional Learning Offered by Employer BCE: Until recently, 10 days were set aside for professional development. This has recently been reduced to 4 days at which attendance is mandatory. Attendance at the Catholic School Counsellors’ Conference is optional. Location In secondary and P-12 BCE schools, GCs are located on-site. In comparison, BCE primary GCs work between a cluster of 2 or more schools. One of the schools in this cluster serves as the base office for the GC. Tenure As with Education Queensland. GCs in BCE schools cannot be transferred between schools: those seeking a position at another school must apply for and be interviewed for the advertised position. Total Establishment 100-150 (est.) Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced 1 EFT position equates to 350-500 students at secondary level. Over 900 students – additional positions appointed. Varies in primary schools. One person may also serve across a cluster of schools. Salary Has parity with the state system Conditions Guidance Counsellors work normal school hours; however, psychologists without a teaching qualification are employed under the School Officer’s award and may be 7 required to work 40 hours/48 weeks. (However, the latter is generally relaxed). The School Officer’s Award may be less in salary. Supervision Structure Within BCE schools, 3 days per term are mandated to be provided for supervision: two of these are two-hour group supervision sessions with peers and their Education Officer—Counsellor Supervision‘; and the other involves a 2-hour face-to-face private session with their EOCS 8 SOUTH AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Title Psychologist Educational Services - work in schools and preschools. Entry Requirements 1. Provisional Psychologist (Allied Health Professional level 2 - AHP2)* - eligibility for provisional registration as a psychologist and must have experience in teaching children and/or students and must have a sound knowledge of curriculum, teaching and learning practices as applied in educational settings 2. Psychologist AHP2- generally registered psychologist 3. Psychologist – Educational Services AHP3 generally registered psychologist with experience working as a psychologist in an educational setting *Professionals in the public service are classified from AHP 1- 6, there are only AHP 2 – 4 in DECD Pre-Service Training Eligibility requirements as above Professional Learning Offered by Employer Psychology specific and agency Induction for all new recruits Psychologists have regular statewide PD program of 1 day a term regional PD events interest groups additional optional and agency run PD events (minimal subsidy for attendance at outside PD and conferences) Supervision towards registration for provisional psychologists On the job training for AHP2 registered psychologists Location Based in regional offices and work within multidisciplinary teams. A small number of state office based specialist positions. Public Sector Act employment and conditions. Tenure Permanent or temporary Total Establishment 52.3 FTE based in regions 3.6 FTE in specialist positions Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced Psychologist to student ratio - average is1:3500 Salary 2013112 AHP 2 - $72,201 - $83,601 APH 3 - $86,135 - $91,835 AHP 4 - $95,001 - $103,867 (one state-wide policy and leadership position, one statewide specialist working with new arrivals and EALD students, and one part time statewide position for oversight of 4+2 supervision programs) Progression in classification from AHP2 to AHP3 is through a management supported application and work report submitted to a moderation panel Conditions 9 Public Service hours and conditions - 37.5 hour week 20 days recreation leave a year Access to Flexible work options Supervision Structure No formal professional supervision structure, except for provisional registration requirements. Comments Operate within multidisciplinary teams based in regions. Recruitment and retention of staff remains a challenge with unfilled positions, particularly in the country. Limited professional support, particularly in the country. Limited career and no formal supervision structure within school psychology work. (except for 4+2 and endorsement) One professional leadership position exists within the bureaucracy; poor salary relativity compared to teachers given that psychologists often have dual qualifications and they do not have school holidays. DECD use of outsource psychology for intellectual assessment. DECD also employs ‘school counsellors’ in many primary and all secondary schools. These positions are teacher positions, and there is no formal requirement for formal training or qualifications in counselling or psychology. The Catholic Education Office in S.A. buys in psychology services. The Independent schools have psychologists and counsellors employed under various conditions and some small independent schools get subsidised outsourcing through the Association of Independent Schools SA. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS 10 Title School Psychologist/Senior School Psychologist Entry Requirements 1. Registered Psychologist and a preference for teacher qualification also. 2. School Psychologists must have teacher qualifications to be promoted to Senior School Psychologist, Pre-Service Training 1. For permanent employees, at least a four year degree in psychology, including honours plus registration as a psychologist. 2. 2 For non-permanent employees, an M Psychology in addition to registration as a psychologist. Professional Learning Offered by Employer Non specific professional learning is offered, but psychologists can attend general teacher professional development activities. The AEU have offered 2 days of PL a year for school psychologists since 2007. PL budget constraints mean that school psychologists often pay for their own PL, or seek free or reduced rates for PL. Location School based: Teacher award and conditions apply. Tenure Permanent and temporary. Total Establishment 50 school psychologists 8 senior school psychologists Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced 76,000 students, which makes the psychologist student ratio approximately 1 :1,600 (when all positions are filled) Salary School Psychologist Band 1 Level 4 $58,716.00 (beginning wage) School Psychologist Band 1 Level 12 $85,868.00 (top of the range for school psychologists Senior School Psychologist $102,052.00 Conditions Teacher award and conditions Supervision Structure Senior school psychologists are line managers to school psychologists. Managers of school support are line managers of senior psychologists. Comments The Tasmanian Department of Education has undergone structural changes and now operates with three Learning Services (geographically determined). Two Learning 11 Services have two senior psychologists attached and the largest Learning Service has four senior school psychologists attached. School Psychologists also service schools. There is a limited career path for School Psychologists as there are only eight promotable positions in the state. 12 VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Title Psychologist - Student Support Services Officer Entry Requirements Registration with Psychologists Registration Board (Vic) Pre-Service Training As required by Psychologists’ Registration Board Professional Learning Offered by Employer Arrangements are made at a local Network level – employers and managers are provided with Registration requirements by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Location Psychologists are employed by Principal Networks (based primarily on local government areas) as part of a Student Support Services Team comprised of a locally determined mix of Psychologists, Social Workers, Speech Pathologists and other Allied Health professionals. Teams are based in a single office and travel to schools daily. Tenure Employment is on an ongoing or contractual basis in line with Department of Education and Early Childhood Development policies. The department also outsources some Program for Students with Disability assessments to a private company following a tender process. Total Establishment These figures are not available. Funding at the network level is not identified for specific professions and calculated according to a funding amount rather than a ratio. Networks determine the mix of professions employed within the salary allocation. Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced Not available Salary Following the implementation of a restructure in mid-2012 Student Support Services staff, including psychologists may be employed under the Victorian Public Service Agreement (DEECD Allied Health) or the Victorian Government Schools – School Services Officers Agreement 2004. Appointments prior to June 30, 2012 (grandfathered) AH3 $69 242 to $78 563, or Allied Health Grade 4 - AH4$79 894 to $96 666. Appointments from July 1. 2012 Education Support Class Level 1 Range 3 ($54 030 - $65 503)* Education Support Class Level 1 Range 4 ($71 558 - $84375)* *see note on conditions below Conditions VPS appointments are made on 52/52 model with four weeks paid leave per year. Additionally flexible work arrangements may be accessed. Education Support Class standard model of employment is for 20 days of annual leave + 30 days of additional leave and is reflected in the salaries above. Positions may be advertised that require attendance at some or all of the additional 30 days of leave and this leave is ‘purchased back’ resulting in an increase in annual salary. 13 VICTORIAN NON-GOVERNMENT AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Title Counsellor, educational psychologists, social workers Entry Requirements No uniform qualifications Pre-Service Training No uniform requirement Professional Learning Offered by Employer No uniform system, many schools are members of the Careers and Counselling association which provides PD for workers in private schools AISV, private schools association also provides some PD. Workers usually have a PD allowance. Location School Tenure Permanent, contracted for time period or outsourced Total Establishment Varies Conditions School conditions Supervision Structure Supervision may be expected and provided within negotiated work location arrangements. 14 WESTERN AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS Title School Psychologist, Senior School Psychologist. Advanced Skills School Psychologist (new), Lead School Psychologist (new). Entry Requirements A 4-year psychology degree plus a teaching qualification (eg Bachelor of Education or Graduate Diploma of Education).Eligibility for registration with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). Pre-Service Training Psychology degree offered at all W.A. universities. Graduate Diploma in Education (School Psychology) offered only at the University of Western Australia (UWA), however teaching qualifications majoring in other areas are equally recognised. School Psychology practicums are also offered in this course. Professional Learning Offered by Employer AN induction program is offered to newly appointed school psychologists on commencement and during first 2 to 3 years of service including suicide prevention, critical incident response, relevant policies and procedures. Location School psychologists are located in a “host school” within Regions across WA and are allocated a number of contact schools. Tenure Tenure can be permanent or fixed-term. Permanency is generally gained following 3 years of satisfactory service in a country location. However Public Independent Schools (including in the metro regions) can now advertise and employ a School Psychologist on a permanent basis. Ratio by Numbers of Students Serviced Due to an increase of School Psychologists (60 FTE), the ratio has improved to less than 1:1500. This can be significantly lower in schools identified as having high needs such as level of learning disabilities, socio-economic, distance/ remoteness factors and school purchased time. Salary (2013) School Psychologist: $67,671 - $102,939. Senior School Psychologist: $111,187$113,653. Lead School Psychologist: $122,744 Conditions 15 School Psychologists are employed under the School Education Act. Required to work 7.5 hours/day during normal teaching periods and 4 weeks per year when teachers are on vacation. This amounts to 8 weeks’ leave. Supervision Structure Line management is provided by the Principal of the “host” school and professional leadership is provided by Lead School Psychologists in the region. Strategic statewide leadership is provided by the Manager, School Psychology Service and two Manager Statewide Services (North & South). Supervision for Psychologists’ registration is provide by Lead School Psychologists and Senior School Psychologists. 16 WESTERN AUSTRALIA NON GOVERNMENT /INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Title Non Government Schools Psychology Service (available to all Catholic and independent primary schools and high schools - though not all choose to use the service): Psychologist, Senior Psychologist. Independent Schools: School Psychologist, School Counsellor. Entry Requirements As for government schools, however some independent schools do not require a teaching qualification. Pre-Service Training Similar to government schools school psychologists Location Non Government Schools Psychology Service: psychologists based at one of four metro office locations. One psychologist allocated to each of the following country locations: Broome, Kalgoorlie and Albany, with two based in Bunbury. Independent Schools: psychologists based at their contact school. Tenure Non-Government School Psychology Services: Short term or 5 year contract. Independent schools: Permanent or contract. 17 APPENDIX TABLE SUMMARY Table 1 State or Territory ACT SA NSW NT Queensland Tasmania Victoria WA Approx Total Numbers of School Psychologists/ Counsellors/ Guidance Officers working in Government Schools 42.5 School Psychologists, 8 Senior Psychologists, 1 Assistant Manager, 1 Manager 56 678 counsellors, 113 DGOs, 4 PEOs across the state Varies, according to region. 50 Unknown – data not collated by the department Approx 300 school psychologists Table 2 State or Territory ACT Qualifications Provisional or Unconditional General Registration with the PsyBA SA 4 year psychology degree plus registration as a psychologist, or provisional registration with PsyBA plus experience working in education; senior positions require registration and experience working in education settings Teaching Degree and a 4 year Psychology Degree or Post Grad in Psychology and post grad qualifications in School Counselling. Eligible for registration with PsyBA, AHPRA. NSW NT Queensland Tasmania State Ed: Full registration as a teacher plus a minimum of 2 years full time supervised experience working with children and a master majoring in guidance and counselling or full registration as a psychologist 4 year Psychology degree plus registration as a Psychologist. Senior School Psychologists must also have teacher qualifications. 18 Victoria WA Psychology Qualification (4 year or Masters) and full Registration with 4 year Psychology degree and a teaching qualification. Eligible for provisional registration with PsyBA, AHPRA. Table 3 State or Territory ACT Employment Arrangements and Service Delivery Structure F/T, P/T, permanent or contract. School based with teacher conditions. SA NSW NT Queensland F/T, P/T, permanent or contract. Located in Regional Offices Permanent, Part-time and casual. Tasmania Victoria WA A range of employment types including permanent, temporary, full-time and part-time. Guidance Officers: Teacher award State with school conditions. Senior Guidance Officer: Teacher award state with public service conditions F/T, P/T, permanent or contract. Located in schools, with a base in one school Full-time or Part-time on an ongoing or contract basis. Employed under Victorian Public Service (grandfathered) or Education Support Agreements. Employment is via School Networks, services delivered in schools. Co-location bases in school settings within a multidisciplinary team in most networks. Service delivery arrangements change from network to network F/T, P/T permanent or fixed term. Located in schools. Secondary schools - provision of office in the school. Primary schools –office accommodation in one of the schools Table 4 State or Territory ACT Salaries and Professional Career Pathways (2013) School Psychologists’ salary up to approximately $93 000. Senior Psychologists’ salary up to approximately $105, 000. SA AHP 2 - $72,201 - $83,601 (includes provisional) APH 3 - $86,135 - $91,835 AHP 4 - $95,001 - $103,867 (one state-wide policy and leadership position, one statewide specialist working with new arrivals and EALD students, and one part time statewide position for oversight of 4+2 supervision programs) 19 NSW NT Queensland Tasmania Victoria WA School Counsellors up to $89, 000 DGOs $102 000 Guidance Officer: 96,199-101,052 Senior Guidance Officer: 100,822-106,147 School Psychologists: $58,716 – $85,868 Senior School Psychologists: $102,052 Appointments prior to June 30, 2012 (grandfathered) AH3 $69 242 to $78 563, or Allied Health Grade 4 - AH4$79 894 to $96 666. Appointments from July 1. 2012 Education Support Class Level 1 Range 3 ($54 030 - $65 503)* Education Support Class Level 1 Range 4 ($71 558 - $84375)* *see note on conditions in full document School Psychologists rangeSenior School Psychologists rangeLead School Psychologists rangeManager School Psychologist L8 range - Table 5 State or Territory ACT SA NSW NT Queensland Tasmania Professional Development and Professional Supervision No formal professional supervision structure, except for provisional registration requirements. Four statewide days per year provided for psychology PD and departmental management issues, limited funding for other PD activities Regular Professional Development provided by both State and Regional offices. Accesses to some PD through school funds. All guidance officers are required to participate in regular individual or group supervision with a senior guid Australian Education Union provide an annual 2 day conference for school psychologists. School psychologists attend other PD as appropriate. Approximately $300 FTE for PD 20 Victoria WA Arrangements are made at a local Network level – employers and managers are provided with Registration requirements by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. A two year induction program is provided for new graduates, .05 FTE made available for the supervisor and supervisee for registration; central and regional PD is made available for all school psychologists, as well as $500 access annually for PD. Table 6 State or Territory ACT SA NSW NT Queensland Tasmania Victoria Main Professional Services Deployment Individual cases in the areas of learning, disabilities, mental health, wellbeing, behaviour, social and emotional development, funding and special facility placements. Includes assessments, consultation to school communities, and limited counselling. Limited whole school and targeted groups intervention Counselling, assessment (cognitive, behaviour, learning disability, funding requirements) providing staff, responding to critical incidents, group programs, management of complex cases. Provide counselling, psychoeducational assessment and/or individual student support, recommendations and advice to students, teachers and parents concerning educational, behavioural, career development, mental health and family issues. Counselling, providing PD to teachers, responding to critical incidents, assessment (cognitive, behaviour, learning disability, funding requirements) Services provided by psychologists may include (but are not limited to): conducting individual assessments and reports, providing individual counseling and support, group interventions or family engagement related to educational outcomes for students, supporting teachers by providing advice about relevant teaching and learning strategies, assisting teachers with program development and implementation, providing support and advice about the requirements of the Program for Students with Disabilities including acting as a DEECD nominee if required, providing professional learning to teachers and school communities, providing advice to schools on wellbeing and engagement policies, liaising with community service organisations, DHS, hospitals, specialist programs and other professionals, emergency management and attending critical incidents in schools where appropriate, providing case support, assistance and peer supervision to other psychologists and Student Support Services Officers. 21 WA Whole school, targeted groups and individual cases in the areas of learning, disabilities, mental health, wellbeing, social and emotional development and pastoral care. Includes assessments, counselling and consultation to school communities. 22