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New Course Proposal for:Gaelic Media
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Course Proposal Details for - Gaelic Media (Course code not assigned)
Course Description
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
This course considers the development of Gaelic print and electronic media, from the early twentieth century to the present. In addition to addressing the institutional development of these media, the course considers the role that such media play in the maintenance and revitalisation of Gaelic, as well as the broader cultural and intellectual role they play for Gaelic speakers, and they ways in which they represent and help to define Gaelic cultural identities. The course will also place the development of Gaelic media in the wider international context of minority language media in other countries, especially
Ireland and Wales.
Normal Year Taken Year 3 Undergraduate
Course Level
Visiting Student
SCQF Credits
Available to all students
Credit Level
SCQF Level 10
Home Subject Area Celtic
Other Subject Area
Course Organiser Robert Dunbar
Course Secretary Christine Lennie
% not taught by this institution
Information (School
/ Institution)
Total contact teaching hours
Any costs to be met None
by students
Visting Student Prerequisites
Fee Code (if invoiced at course level)
Proposer Robert Dunbar
Default Mode of
Default delivery period
Classes & Assessment incl. centrally arranged exam
Marking Scheme to be employed
Common Marking Scheme - UG Honours Grade Only
Taught in Gaidhlig? Yes
Course Type Standard
Summary of
Intended Learning
By the end of this course, students should:
- Develop a clear understanding of the development of Gaelic print and electronic media from the early twentieth century to the present
- Develop a deeper understanding of the role of these media in contemporary language policy and planning for Gaelic
- Develop an understanding of the way in which Gaelic media represent and help to define Gaelic identities, and how they contribute to cultural and intellectual life in Gaelic communities
Learning Outcome 2
Learning Outcome 3
Learning Outcome 4
Learning Outcome 5
Components of
Exam Information
One class presentation (20%), one 3000 word class essay
(30%), one two-hour degree exam (50%)
1. The role of media in minority language policy and planning
2. Gaelic print media
3. Gaelic radio broadcasting and the development the Gaelic radio service
4. Gaelic television broadcasting to 2000: brief beginnings,
institutional development, structural challenges
5. Gaelic television broadcasting, 2000-present: the process of creating BBC Alba, a digial service
6. Gaelic radio: genres and audiences
7. Gaelic television: genres and audiences
8. Current issues for Gaelic television
9. Gaelic in new electronic media
10. The wider institutional and policy context: S4C (Wales),
TG4 (Ireland), the European Charter for Regional or Minority
Study Pattern
Transferable Skills
Study Abroad
Reading Lists
BBC Trust (2007). Gaelic Digital Service: Public Value Test provisional conclusions. London: BBC Trust.
BBC Trust (2008). Gaelic Digital Service: Public Value Test final conclusions. London: BBC Trust.
BBC Trust (2010). BBC ALBA review: Final conclusions.
London: BBC Trust.
BBC Trust (2011). Service Review of the BBC¿s national radio stations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales:
Findings, Radio nan Gàidheal. London: BBC Trust.
Caimbeul, Dòmhnall and Green, Eilean (2010). 'Observations on Bilingualism in Digital Media', in Strategies for Minority
Languages: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and
Scotland, ed. by John M. Kirk and Dónall P. Ó Baoill, 180-87.
Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona.
Comunn na Gàidhlig (1988). Towards a Gaelic Television
Service. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Comunn na Gàidhlig (1989). The Case for a Gaelic
Broadcasting Service: Response to the White Paper
¿Broadcasting in the 90s¿. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Cormack, Mike (1995). 'The Use of Gaelic in Scottish
Newspapers'. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, 16, 269-80.
Cormack, Mike (2003). 'The Case for a Weekly Gaelic
Newspaper in Scotland', in John M. Kirk and Dónall P. Ó
Baoill (eds.), Towards Our Goals in Broadcasting, the Press,
the Performing Arts and the Economy: Minority Languages in
Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland.
Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona. 95-99.
Cormack, Mike (2004). 'Gaelic in the Media'. Scottish Affairs,
46, 23-43.
Cormack, Mike (2005). 'The cultural politics of minority language media'. International Journal of Media and Cultural
Politics, 1, 107-22.
Cormack, Mike (2006). 'The media, language maintenance and
Gaelic', in Wilson McLeod (ed.), Revitalising Gaelic in
Scotland. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press. 211-19.
Cormack, Mike (2008). 'Gaelic, the Media and Scotland', in
Neil Blain and David Hutchison (eds.), The Media in Scotland.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 213-26
Cormack, Mike (2010). 'Gaelic in the New Digital Landscape', in Gillian Munro & Iain Mac an Tàilleir (eds.),
Coimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig An-diugh / Gaelic Communities
Today. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press. 127-37.
Cormack, Mike and Niamh Hourigan, eds. (2007). Minority
Language Media: Concepts, Critiques and Case Studies.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Dunbar, Robert and Tom Moring (2012). 'Article 11. Media', in
Iñigo Urrutia et al (eds), The Interpretation and
Implementation of the European Charter for Regional or
Minority Languages. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. 373-424.
Dunbar, Robert (2012). 'BBC ALBA and the Evolution of
Gaelic Television Broadcasting: A Case Study'. European
Yearbook of Minority Issues 9, 2010, 389-418.
Dunn, David (1998-99). 'Clinging to the Edge: Hebridean
Representations in the Television Series Machair'. Media
Education Journal, 25, 53-59.
Fishman, Joshua A. (1991). Reversing Language Shift:
Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assistance to
Threatened Languages. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Fishman, Joshua A., ed. (2001). Can Threatened Languages Be
Saved? Reversing Language Shift, Revisted: A 21st Century
Perspective. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Fraser, Neil (1998). A Review of Aspects of Gaelic
Broadcasting. Report by Fraser Production and Consultancy for the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department,
Arts and Cultural Heritage Division.
Gaelic Broadcasting Task Force (2000). Gaelic Broadcasting
Task Force Report. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive
Gillies, Donald J. (2010). 'Media Ecology for the
Gàidhealtachd', in Kenneth E Nilsen, (ed.), Rannsachadh na
Gàidhlig 5: Fifth Scottish Gaelic Research Conference.
Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press. 311-21.
Jones, Elin Haf Gruffyd and Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed (eds.)
(2013). Social Media and Minority Languages: Convergence and the Creative Industries. Cleveden: Multilingual Matters.
Lamb, William (1999). 'A Diachronic Account of Gaelic
News-speak: The Development and Expansion of a Register'.
Scottish Gaelic Studies, 19, 141-71.
Lang, Alison (2011). 'Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san Ionadobrach: MG ALBA', in Richard A.V. Cox agus Timothy Currie
Armstrong (eds.), A¿ Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig: slatan-tomhais ann an dìon cànain sa choimhearsnachd. Slèite, An t-Eilean
Sgitheanach: Clò Ostaig. 167-178.
Lèirsinn Research Centre (2011). BBC Trust¿s Review of
Nations¿ Radio Stations: BBC Radio nan Gàidheal. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Lèirsinn Research Centre.
MacKay, John A. (2009). 'Gaelic-medium Broadcasting and the Economy', in John M. Kirk and Dónall Ó Baoill (eds.),
Language and Economic Development: Northern Ireland, the
Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na
Banríona. 175-82.
MacNeil, Catherine Ann (2003). 'The State of Gaelic
Broadcasting in Scotland: Critical Issues and Audience
Concerns', in John M. Kirk and Dónall P. Ó Baoill (eds.),
Towards Our Goals in Broadcasting, the Press, the Performing
Arts and the Economy: Minority Languages in Northern
Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland. Belfast: Cló
Ollscoil na Banríona. 60-66.
MacPherson, John A. (1998-2000). 'The Development of
Gaelic Broadcasting'. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of
Inverness, 61, 251-79.
Milligan, Lindsay (2008). ''Where Have All the Lassies Gone?'
An Examination of Proportionate Representation in Scotland's
Gaelic Television Programming', in Shane Alcobia-Murphy and Margaret Maxwell (eds.), The Enclave of My Nation:
Cross-Currents in Irish and Scottish Studies. Aberdeen: AHRC
Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies. 149-61.
Milligan, Lindsay, Douglas Chalmers, Mike Danson, and
Alison Lang (2011). 'BBC ALBA's contributions to Gaelic language planning efforts for reversing language shift'. Current
Issues in Language Planning, 12:3, 349-361.
O'Connell, Eithne, John Walsh and Gearóid Denvir (eds.)
(2008). TG4@10: Deich mBliana de TG4 - Ten Years of TG4.
Indreabhain: Cló Iar-Chonnachta.
O¿Donnell, Hugh (2001-02). 'Peripheral Fissions? Soap Operas and Identity in Scotland, Ireland and the Basque Country'.
EnterText, 2.1
The Scottish Parliament, Education, Culture and Sport
Committee / Comataidh an Fhoghlaim, a' Chultair agus an
Spòrs (2001). Report on the Gaelic Broadcasting Committee /
Aithisg air Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig. 14th Report 2001,
SP Paper 473, Session 1 (2001)
Stewart, Ann (2010). 'The Role of New Media in Scotland's
Gaelic Digital Service', in Kenneth E. Nilsen (ed.),
Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 5: Fifth Scottish Gaelic Research
Conference. Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press. 349-
Veljanovski, Cento (1989). The Case for a Gaelic Broadcasting
Service. Inverness: Highlands and Islands Development Board.
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