Group 4: Samantha Boone, Kelsey Bradley Shawn Holley Topic: Menifee County Health Department. Project Proposal Step One: “A brief description of the overall project and what drawings are included in the complete set of plans:” As a group we will understand and evaluate the various sections of Menifee County Health Department in Frenchburg, Kentucky. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate our group’s comprehension of technical drawings related to construction and their use in industry. After completing this project, the group will be able to explain the concepts and attributes of the drawings. The following drawings are included in the Menifee County Health Department plans: Mechanical Plan Site Layout Plan Plumbing Plan Grading Plan Plumbing Risers Erosion Control Details Lighting Plan Plan First Floor Plan Power & Systems Erosion Control Reflected Ceiling Plans Details Plan Roof Framing Plan Electric Panels, Details Roof Plan Schedules, and Utility Layout Plan Exterior Elevations Notes Landscape Plan Sections Existing Conditions Foundation Plan Enlarged Plans Demolition Plan Framing Plan Project Proposal Step Two: “A description of the project section (drawings) to be analyzed/interpreted by the individual student. This description must include the number of drawing sheets and the types of information that will be analyzed/interpreted by the student.” As a group we will cover the structural section of the blueprints (the S section, pages S-101 to S104). The following is lists of individual pages that each group member will analyze and interpret. Shawn Holley will analyze and interpret pages S-101 and S-102 which are the foundation plan and the framing plan. The foundation plan (pg S-101) will be analyzed and interpreted by viewing the foundation coded notes, general notes, various annotations and notes to the contractor. The framing plan (page S-102) will be analyzed and interpreted by viewing the framing notes, framing coded notes, and the annotations used. Samantha Boone will analyze and interpret page S-103, which is the roof framing plan sheet. On this page the roof framing coded notes, roof framing legend notes, truss notes, truss types, and annotations used will be examined. The annotations on this page will likely be referenced back to the framing plan. Kelsey Bradley will analyze and interpret page S-104, which is the structural detail sheet. On this page the header elevation, detail-exterior wall, detail construction joint, attic access/stair detail, truss detail, typical load bearing wall detail, and other included details will be analyzed and interpreted on this sheet. Project Proposal Step 3: “A brief description of the “notes” or “specifications” contained within the student project drawings. Do not give details of the actual notes/specifications, but rather a general description of the information provided by the notes/specifications.” Page S-101: Notes/specifications included are: foundation coded notes and general notes. Under the foundation coded notes there are notes about dimensions of the concrete slabs and footings. The general notes section includes specific notes about: concrete, reinforcement steel, foundation design, design live loads, snow design data, wind design data, earthquake design data, and notes to the contractor. Page S-102: Notes/specifications included on this page are: framing coded notes and framing notes. For the framing coded notes there are details about the dimensions of the bearings, wood studs, floor trusses, etc. Framing notes include: lumber specifications, roof sheathing specifications, and wall sheathing specification. Page S-103: This page includes most of the same materials as the previous page but there is a roof framing legend and truss notes. The Truss notes include the lumber specifications, chord specifications for the loads and other details. Page S-104: This page has all the detail views and dimensions for the walls, trusses, and exterior walls. Project Proposal Step 4: “A description of the material quantity takeoff to be performed….” Foundation S-101 (We found pricing for concrete to be $150/yd3) Concrete Volume Coded note 1: Main floor. 4” CONCRETE SLAP REINFORCED W/ 6x6-W2.9xW2.9 WWP OVER VAPOR BARRIER OVER 4” CRUSHED STONE. CONTROL JOINT SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 10’ IN EITHER DIRECTION. L=78’ W=78’ D=4” Coded note 2: File Room. 12” THICK SLAB W/#5 BARS 16” O.C EACH WAY. CONTROL JOINT CONTINOUS AROUND PARAMETER AND NORTH TO SOUTH THRU CENTER OF ROOM. L=24’-01/2” W =13’-6 1/2” D= 12” Coded note 3: Corner column locations. 16”X16” THICKENED EDGE SLAB AT CORNER COLUMN LOCATIONS. (2) #5 BARS VERTICAL FOR REINFORCMENT. L= 6” W= 6” D=4” Coded note 4: Footing Reinforcement. 10” THICK FOOTING, THICKENED SLAB 8” ABOVE, FOOTING REINFORCING (2) #5 BARS EACH WAY. File Room: { [ (24*12) + 0.5 ] * [(13*12) + 6.5] 12 } = 562575 in3 562575 in3 = 325.56 ft3 325.56 ft3 = 12.06 yd3 12.06 * $150 = $1809 Overall foundation: { [ (78*12) * (78*12) ] + [(6*12) * (4*12)+10]*3 + { [(6*12)+3] * [(14*12)+2] } 4 = [876096 + 12528 + 12750] * 4 = 3605496 in3 3605496 in3 = 2086.514 ft3 = 77.28 yd3 $11,592 Columns: 8 columns * (16 * 16) = 2048 in2. 2048in2 * 4in thick = 8192 in3. 8192 in3 = 4.74ft3 = 0.176 yd3. $26.40 Total = $13,427.40 Framing Plan (prices listed below were found through Coded note 6: Wood studs: (4) 2X6 WOOD STUDS NAILED @ 12” O.C STAGGERED. BOTH SIDES, ½ DIA THRU BOLTS TO BE INSTALLED 12” FROM EACH END. Approx. $6 a piece. = $24 Coded note 7/9: Bearing stud : (6) 2X12 W/2 BEARING STUD AND 3 FULL HEIGHT STUD EACH END. Approx. $17 a piece = $102 Coded note 8: Bearing stud. (3) 2X10 W/2 BEARING STUD AND 2 FULL HEIGHT STUD EACH END. Approx. $15 a piece = $45 Coded note 10: Bearing stud. (2) 2X8 W/1 BEARING STUD AND 2 FULL HEIGHT STUD EACH END. Approx. $9 a piece = $18 For material we found prices of the total would be: $186 Project Proposal Step 5: “A description of the construction activity sequence or schedule for the portion of the project undertaken by the student.” Plan Layout = 5 day Framing = 7 days Excavation = 5 days Roofing = 7 days Pour Concrete = 6 days Details = 6 days