part of the water cycle

Weather Visual Study Guide
the condition of the atmosphere
the air surrounding a planet
air, water, heat
3 things needed to make weather
Weather is not the same
everywhere because there are
different combinations of air, water,
wind- moving air
When warm air rises and is
replaced by cooler air.
This moving air is what causes our
changing weather.
The journey water takes as it
circulates from the land to the sky
and back again.
1. evaporation
2. condensation
3. precipitation
4. collection
water cycle
part of the water cycleto change from a liquid → gas
When water (liquid) heats up, it rises
up into the sky and changes into
water vapor.
part of the water cycleto change from a gas → liquid
When the water vapor cools and
condenses high in the atmosphere,
the millions of tiny water droplets
form clouds.
made up of millions of tiny liquid
water droplets
4 common types of clouds:
1. cirrus
2. cumulus
3. cumulonimbus
4. stratus
Thin, wispy ice clouds high in the
sky. Often seen in clear skies and
mean good weather, but usually
appear the day before rain or
cirrus clouds
Large, thick, and fluffy lower clouds
that often “grow” during sunny
days. Usually mean good weather.
cumulus clouds
Giant thunderhead clouds that
tower to high heights.
Thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail,
winds, and lightening are on the
cumulonimbus clouds
Blanket like, flat layer of low level
clouds. Fog, light rain, drizzle, or
flurries likely.
stratus clouds
part of the water cycleclouds lose their water when water
in either liquid or solid state falls
down from the sky.
a form of precipitationliquid water that falls from the sky
back to the earth
a form of precipitationsolid water that falls from the sky
back to the earth
a form of precipitationsolid water that falls from the sky
back to the earth
part of the water cycle-
collection or run off
when precipitation is either
absorbed into the ground or runs
off into rivers that flow into ponds,
lakes, or oceans. Water that was
absorbed into the ground is taken
up by plants.
Instrument that measures weatherused to measure how much rain fell
measured in inches or millimeters
rain gauge
Instrument that measures weatherused to measure what direction the
wind is blowing: north, south, east,
or west
weather vane
Instrument that measures weatherused to measure temperature: how
hot or cold the air is
measured in degrees Celsius or
degrees Fahrenheit
extreme type of stormy weather
Storm with heavy rains and wind.
They form over warm oceans and
move to the land.
generally June to November
(summer and fall seasons)
extreme type of stormy weather
Storm with large amounts of snow
and heavy winds.
winter season
extreme type of stormy weather
Violent wind storm with strong
winds that spin.
generally spring, sometimes fall
extreme type of stormy weather
Storm with heavy rain, thunder and
generally summer, sometimes
spring and fall
cause: lots of rain falls
effect of weather: there is so much
water that it overflows onto land.
cause: very little to no rain falls
effect of weather: very dry land,
plants and animals often die due to
lack of water to survive
weather over a long period of time
Our climate in Ashburn (northern
Virginia has hot and humid
summers, mild winters, and 4
Part of the year that has the same
kind of weather patterns.
We have 4 seasons:
Winter, spring, summer, autumn (or
one of the four seasonsWinter weather can be cold and
snowy. Animals grow thick fur and
some hibernate. Many plants die
or lay dormant.
one of the four seasonsSpring weather can be windy and
rainy. Many animals give birth to
their young in spring. Plants begin
to grow.
one of the four seasonsSummer weather can be hot and
dry. Some animals estivate (sleep
in the summer because so hot).
Plants grow and give fruit.
one of the four seasonsFall weather can be cool and dry.
Animals prepare for the winter.
Plants mature and are harvested.
Seeds fall to the ground.
autumn or fall