CCA+Minutes+4-15-13 - Cypresswood Community Association

A meeting of The Cypresswood Community Association, Inc. (“Master Association”) Board of Directors
(“Board”) was held Monday, April 15, 2013 at the Cypresswood Golf & Country Club. The following
Board and Officers were in attendance.
Sandhill Lane
Eagle Pond Condominium
Palma Ceia
Greenfield Village
Garden Patio
Villas on the Green
Club Patio
Fairway Patio
Golf Villas
Cypress Pond
Mark Kluytenaar
Kevin Regan
Robert Kelly, Jr., VP
Rock Davis
Glen Phillips
Frank McMillian
Gary Ciaffone
Tom Brett
Paul Hisey
Gloria Dumas
Steve Roy
Jim Lammer
Vice President
Paul Hisey
Bill Shira
George Haun
Judith Haun
Landscape Committee
Landscape/Lawn Care
Drainage & Road Committee
Traffic Control Committee
Oversight Committee
Golf Course Committee
Cypresswood Golf & Country Club
Fred Wilson
Tom Grauer
Mark Kluytenaar & Bill Shira
Fred Carl
George Haun
Bert Whitten/Doug Ellis
Bob Schade
CAM/Property Manager
Property Manager Assistant
Anne Wood
Sue Smith
Paul Hisey, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00pm, Monday, April 15, 2013. Eleven (11)
Presidents and one (1) Vice President were present, as listed above, establishing a quorum. President
Hisey introduced Chris Desrochers, the Master Association legal counsel, who will start in June.
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Master Association Minutes
April 15, 2013
Approval of March 18, 2013 Minutes
President Hisey requested approval of the March 18, 2013 minutes of the meeting of the Board, which
were distributed earlier to the Board, and whether there were any additions or corrections. There were
none. Gary Ciaffone (Club Patio) made the motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Steve
Roy (Meadows). The motion passed.
Approval of the Agenda
President Hisey asked if there were any additions to the agenda distributed earlier to the Board. There
were none. Tom Brett (Fairway Patio) made the motion to accept the agenda as printed, seconded by
Rock Davis (Oakgrove). The motion passed.
Treasurer/Oversight Committee Report
Mr. Haun advised that the first quarter 2013 financials are not available as yet. They should be available
for the May meeting and he will have a report at that time.
Legal Counsel Committee
President Hisey said there is no report.
CAM Committee
George Haun reported that six CAM companies have been interviewed and the CAM Committee will
meet shortly to discuss the qualifications of these companies. Mr. Haun indicated there is one issue
which relates to the payroll for Traffic Control, but different options are being discussed. He added that
most of these CAM companies are accustomed to providing full service property management, not just
the financial portion. The committee would expect to be ready at the May meeting to make a
recommendation. He also said that the fees proposed look very favorable.
Mr. Haun also advised that in the Articles of Incorporation of The Cypresswood Community Association,
Inc. that Traffic Control is referred to as “security” and this word must be amended. It was his
understanding that this was voted on at an earlier meeting but, if not already, this section must be
amended and changed with the State of Florida.
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Master Association Minutes
April 15, 2013
Articles and By-Laws Committee
Gloria Dumas (Golf Villas) said the committee has not finished examining the 2012 Statutes. Frank
McMillan (Garden Patio) has agreed to help put these into a Word document. There is a need for a
current set of documents and the committee is working toward this end.
Drainage/Road Committee Report
Bill Shira reported that the drainage lines at the end of Augusta were inspected via TV camera. After
reviewing the tape it was determined there are some options and they will get some pricing to repair.
He also reported that the drainage issue on hole no. 8 is not critical but could perhaps be accomplished
at the same time as the no. 8 fairway project. These lines have been TV’d and some pipes need to be
replaced and some can be lined.
Mark Kluytenaar (Sandhill) reported he is reviewing the revised FEMA flood plain maps to identify any
areas in Cypresswood that might be affected. FEMA was asked to come to Cypresswood and look at
flood plain elevations and they did and many areas of Cypresswood have benefited. The question was
asked whether insurance companies would be aware of these changes. Mark did not know. Glen
Phillips (Greenfield) said he had met with the Planning Department in Bartow and an elevation
certificate is required with notification to the insurance carrier.
Gloria Dumas (Golf Villas) asked what kind of work Progress Energy is doing on the boulevard. Mark
Kluytenaar (Sandhill) advised that the work is being done by MasTec and it is to improve service in
Enclave, which had been weak.
Rock Davis (Oakgrove) said that Oakgrove has a storm drain pipe with erosion around it which needs to
be resupported before the rainy season.
Bill Shira estimates that the boulevard roads from the 4-way stop south will need repaving within about
three years. He understands the safety issues walkers have and they are looking at alternatives. Mike
Brady (Golf Villas) had sent an earlier e-mail regarding this subject with suggestions and he and Bill Shira
will get together and talk.
Storm Water Control/Pumps
Bill Shira said there is nothing new to report; that currently golf personnel (Mark Kluytenaar, Bob Schade
and Jimmy King) provide for the maintenance of the pumps when it rains. He said they are trying to find
a company to provide this service but without much luck. One company looked at it but has since
decided not to get into this business. He said, long term, equipment that operates itself and can be
monitored at the gate is needed. As has been said before, the pumps we have are usually used for
agriculture and no one else uses this type of equipment.
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Master Association Minutes
April 15, 2013
President Hisey asked if this could be annexed to SWFWMD and asked Mark and Bill to put this question
to them. It was pointed out that the older areas of Cypresswood are reliant on these pumps and that
the pump on no. 15 was installed to protect Cypresswood because water backflowed into Cypresswood.
Traffic Control Committee Report
Fred Carl said that there have been some issues with the gate at the entrance. President Hisey said he
feels the access to the community needs to be updated and there are other methods, such as using bar
codes or rubber arms. President Hisey believes some of the old equipment needs to be replaced and
asked Fred Carl to get some proposals and factor it into his budget for next year.
Landscape Committee Report
Tom Grauer reported that the committee is trying to save some of the bushes at the front entrance. He
also reported that they are getting a quote to remodel the sign structure at the entrance, perhaps
adding stack stone or tile work. The estimated cost is about $10,000. He said that the plan is to sod the
area by the ponds at the entrance to Plantations in June or July. He also said it has been difficult to get
grass to grow in some of these areas because of the trees. President Hisey asked the committee to
consider a parking area on the other side of the street by the ponds so there will be no parking on the
new sod. The committee will address this.
Golf Course Committee
Doug Ellis said he is new to the Golf Course Committee but will be providing the reporting. He said the
escrow account was established to provide improvements to the golf course and the committee is
looking at several projects. The committee will submit a formal request at a later meeting but pointed
out that projects need to get started because of the upcoming rainy season. Rock Davis (Oakgrove) said
the community wants to make it a better golf course but so far nothing seems to get done. Doug Ellis
advised that the committee is looking at projects to redo the 8th fairway and improve the black tees.
President Hisey added that the golf course owner and the Golf Course Committee, which is an advisory
committee to the owner, will propose projects and then the Master Association will approve or not
approve the expenditure. Lou Duke (Fairway Patio) asked how frequently the golf course pays dues into
the escrow account. The answer was quarterly, the same as all the HOAs.
Master CC&Rs Committee
President Hisey said the committee has not met recently. Rules were established and the committee is
waiting for the legal counsel to start and then they will proceed. A question was asked of Chris
Desrochers as to the effective date of legislation in Florida and Chris responded that it is usually July or
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Master Association Minutes
April 15, 2013
Open Floor
Mark Kluytenaar (Sandhill) reported that there has been vandalism once again relating to the pump on
no. 15. A number of deterrents have been tried, such as putting up a fence and attaching a lockbox.
The lockbox was broken and someone attempted to turn on the pump. This is a continuing problem. A
new lockbox is needed and a camera was suggested. President Hisey indicated that the emergency fund
could be used to pay for this.
Frank McMillian (Garden Patio) asked for clarification regarding the new law for HOAs which establishes
30% as a quorum. Chris Desrochers advised that you must look at your local CC&Rs. Each one is
different as to requirements.
Oakgrove again asked for clarification as to who is responsible for mowing certain areas in Oakgrove
around the pond. After discussion it was determined that this area is similar to other Cypresswood
HOAs, such as Enclave, and at one time the HOA was reimbursed by the Master Association but this was
discontinued a couple of years ago.
Kevin Regan (Enclave) said he heard there was a prospective buyer for the golf course and wondered if
anything came from this offer and the answer was no.
A motion was made to adjourn at 7:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Haun, Secretary