QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Title of the award: (A bachelor’s degree with honours) UCAS Code: Admission requirements. 1. To enter this programme at the start of Year 1 you must have: a minimum of 230 UCAS points and a minimum of two SQA Highers at Grade B (or equivalent) in (include specific subjects) and a minimum of two SQA Highers at Grade C (or equivalent) in (include specific subjects). 2. 3. To enter this programme at the start of Year 2 you must have either: three SQA Advanced Highers (or equivalent) in (include specific subjects) or an HNC in (include award titles) (or equivalent) or have successfully achieved 120 SCQF credits at SCQF level 7 (or equivalent). To enter this programme at the start of Year 3 you must have either: an HND in (include award titles) (or equivalent) or have successfully achieved 240 SCQF credits (or equivalent) of which a minimum of 120 credits are at SCQF level 8 (or equivalent). 4. To enter this programme at the start of Year 4 you must have either: a Scottish bachelor’s degree in (include award titles) (or equivalent) or have successfully achieved 360 SCQF credits (or equivalent) of which a minimum of 120 credits are at SCQF level 9 (or equivalent) and a minimum of 120 credits are at SCQF level 8 (or equivalent). (Programme teams may increase the number of UCAS points and the number and Grade of SQA Highers (or equivalent) required for entry. Where specific subject awards are required for SQA Highers, HNCs, HNDs or a bachelor’s degree these must be included as named awards. If a named award is not required the subject specific part should be deleted.) 5. Recognition of prior learning. If you do not hold any of the above qualifications or awards but have relevant work experience you may be able to enter this programme at any of the above points. Your application will be considered on an individual basis, taking into consideration your previous study and experience. You will be asked to reflect on your previous experience and demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding equivalent to that achieved on successful completion of the above entry requirements. We will provide you with support in your reflective process through interviews and guidance on presenting your evidence. (Programme teams should insert contact information for the school recognition of prior learning process – possibly the appropriate school support office; any cost to the prospective student associated with the recognition of prior learning process must be included) Document1 Page 1 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE 6. English language requirements. As all learning, teaching and assessment activities are conducted in English, if your first language is not English you must have a minimum International English Language Testing System score of 6.0 with all four elements having a score of at least 5.5. (Programme teams may increase IELTS scores as required.) Reasons to study this programme and educational aims. At Edinburgh Napier University we aim to be recognised as a University that is professional, ambitious, innovative and inclusive. In our dealings with you we will act with respect and integrity. We will create an environment to enable you to feel proud to be a student of the University, to feel confident, challenged and supported. This programme aims to develop your interest in and knowledge and understanding of (include specific subjects) and: Programme teams should develop a maximum of five programme aims, for example: (provide the knowledge and skills to equip you for a career in subject x) (develop your competence in subject x) (develop your critical, analytical, problem-based learning skills and the transferable skills to prepare your for graduate employment) (enhance the development of your interpersonal skills). Edinburgh Napier University is committed to delivering an excellent personalised student experience. You will be given the opportunity to acquire and develop many valuable practical skills such as the ability to collect, analyse, interpret and understand data and information. On completing this programme you will have been given opportunities to gain an appreciation of the value of education to society and to you as an individual. This programme is offered in (full-time (four years) and part-time) study modes. As a fulltime student you will study (enter the number of taught modules) in each year. A standard module is equivalent to 200 hours of learning and on successful completion of each module you will achieve 20 credits towards your chosen award. You will also undertake personal research and complete a dissertation or final year project to gain (enter the volume of credit to be achieved through the dissertation or final project) towards your final award. Further information on the volume and level of academic credit associated with this programme is set out in Appendix 1. Document1 Page 2 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Programme learning outcomes. Learning outcomes describe what you should know and be able to do if you take full advantage of the learning opportunities we provide. This programme will provide you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of (include specific subjects) and to develop your practical, critical and analytical skills and attributes. On completion of this programme you will have: A: Knowledge and understanding of: Programme teams should develop a maximum of six learning outcomes under each heading, for example: A1. (current developments in the practice of theory in subject x) A2. (principles, theory, philosophy and practice of subject x) A3. A4. A5. A6. B: Skills and other attributes which will enable you to: B1. (apply the skills needed for academic study and enquiry) B2. (evaluate research and a variety of types of information and evidence critically) B3. B4. B5. B6. Programme delivery. The programme is constructed using compulsory and option modules (delete ‘and option modules’ if the programme structure does not include any option modules). A compulsory module is a named individual module which is a compulsory part of a programme of study and must be successfully completed to gain the final award. An option module is one of a set of named modules compiled by the programme team from which you will be given the opportunity to choose a designated number. (delete this sentence if the programme structure does not include any option modules). Further information on the programme structure and the module choice available to you (delete this phrase if the programme structure does not include any option modules). is provided in Appendix 1. Document1 Page 3 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Learning, teaching and assessment methods. Programme teams should develop a concise description of the learning teaching and assessment methods for each learning outcome, for example: (Core knowledge and understanding (A1 to A6) is acquired through lectures, practical activities, seminars, tutorials, group work and guided independent learning. Your knowledge and understanding will be assessed using a combination of seen and unseen examination and coursework). (Cognitive skills and other attributes (B1 to B6) are promoted through lectures, tutorials, group discussions and practical group work. Learning to apply these skills to subject x is obtained through case studies and in particular fieldwork. Cognitive skills and other attributes are assessed by a combination of seen and unseen examination and coursework. Examinations provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to structure a clear, concise, reasoned argument and analyse a topic in a limited time period. The execution of a dissertation or final year project will allow you to demonstrate your thinking skills to the highest level of this award). (You will be assessed on activities that require you to show initiative and determination to solve problems that require research, creativity and perseverance). Student support. On your arrival at the University you will be provided with a comprehensive introduction to the University and your programme. You will have the opportunity to participate in a widerange of activities throughout your first week which will explain the resources that will be available to you and how to access them. Should you require additional personal or learning support at any point during your studies we will explain how this can be provided. You will be provided with a dedicated programme handbook which contains all the information you need to know about your programme and studying at the University more generally. You will also be given a student email account and provided with access to our student-focussed online information service myNapier. We will also introduce you to our virtual learning environment, known as Moodle, which enables you to engage and interact with a variety of learning support materials specific to your programme and the modules you will be studying. In addition to receiving support from the programme teaching team you will be allocated a Personal Development Tutor who will meet with you formally throughout your programme to ensure that your individual learning needs and aspirations are being met. The Napier Students’ Association works in partnership with the University to help to ensure that you have access to an excellent, personalised student experience and to encourage all students to engage actively as members of the University community. The Association manages the student representation scheme and supports a variety of extra-curricular activities such as sports societies and volunteering. Participation in such activities can help to develop your employability skills and broaden your graduate profile. Document1 Page 4 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Access to further study and employment opportunities. On successful completion of this programme you will have the knowledge, understanding and skills to gain graduate-level employment in (subject area or employment sector). Alternatively you will be eligible to progress to master’s-level study on our (enter name of programme) or to seek entry to postgraduate study at another higher education institution. Document1 Page 5 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Appendix 1 to (name of programme) Programme specification Programme structure information. Year 1: Scottish Credit Qualification Framework level 7. Compulsory modules. 1 (enter module title). 2 3 4 Option modules. (delete if the programme structure does not include any option modules) 1 (enter module title or a statement to indicate where students can find information on the pool of option modules). 2 . Progression requirements. To progress to Year 2 of your programme you must successfully complete all of the above compulsory and option (delete if the programme structure does not include any option modules) modules. If you meet the above progression requirement but decide not to continue your studies or should you be unable to do so for any other reason, you will be entitled to receive a Certificate of Higher Education (enter exit award title). This will enable you to demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes: Programme teams should develop a maximum of six learning outcomes, for example: 1. A broad knowledge of the scope of (subject specific information). 2. An awareness of the evolving nature of (subject specific information). 3. Practise routine professional skills and techniques in (subject specific information) in both routine and non-routine contexts. 4. Present and evaluate arguments, information and ideas which are routine to (subject specific information). 5. Use a wide range of routine skills and some advanced skills associated with (subject specific information). Document1 Page 6 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Year 2: Scottish Credit Qualification Framework level 8. Compulsory modules. 1 (enter module title). 2 3 4 Option modules. (delete if the programme structure does not include any option modules) 1 (enter module title or a statement to indicate where students can find information on the pool of option modules). 2 . Progression requirements. To progress to Year 3 of your programme you must successfully complete all of the above compulsory and option modules and have been awarded a minimum of 120 credits at SCQF level 7. If you meet the above progression requirement but decide not to continue your studies or should you be unable to do so for any other reason, you will be entitled to receive a Diploma of Higher Education (enter exit award title). This will enable you to demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes: Programme teams should develop a maximum of six learning outcomes, for example: 1. A broad knowledge of the scope, defining features and main areas of (subject specific information). 2. Limited knowledge and understanding of some major current issues and specialisms in (subject specific information). 3. Adopt and use a range of routine professional skills and techniques in (subject specific information) within accepted standards. 4. Critically evaluate evidence-based solutions to defined routine problems in (subject specific information). 5. Select and use standard applications to process, obtain and combine information associated with (subject specific information). Document1 Page 7 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Year 3: Scottish Credit Qualification Framework level 9. Compulsory modules. 1 (enter module title). 2 3 4 Option modules. (delete if the programme structure does not include any option modules) 1 (enter module title or a statement to indicate where students can find information on the pool of option modules). 2 . Progression requirements. To progress to Year 4 of your programme you must successfully complete all of the above compulsory and option modules and have been awarded a minimum of 120 credits at SCQF level 7 and a minimum of 120 credits at SCQF level 8. If you meet the above progression requirement but decide not to continue your studies or should you be unable to do so for any other reason, you will be entitled to receive a (enter exit award title for a bachelor’s degree). This will enable you to demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes: Programme teams should develop a maximum of six learning outcomes, for example: 1. A broad and integrated knowledge and understanding of the scope, main areas and boundaries of (subject specific information). 2. A critical understanding of a selection of the principal theories, principles concepts and terminology in (subject specific information). 3. Use a few skills, techniques, practices and materials that are specialised or advanced in (subject specific information). 4. Identify and analyse routine professional problems and issues in (subject specific information). 5. Make formal and informal presentations on standard or mainstream topics in(subject specific information) to a range of audiences. Document1 Page 8 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Year 4: Scottish Credit Qualification Framework level 10. Compulsory modules. 1 (enter module title). 2 3 4 Option modules. (delete if the programme structure does not include any option modules) 1 (enter module title or a statement to indicate where students can find information on the pool of option modules). 2 . Final award requirements. Should you successfully complete the above modules you will have achieved a minimum of 100 credits at SCQF level 10 including a minimum of 40 credits achieved from a dissertation or final year project. To achieve a (enter name of final award) you must achieve a minimum of 480 credits of which: a minimum of 120 credits at SCQF level 7 or above a minimum of 120 credits at SCQF level 8 or above a minimum of 80 credits are at SCQF level 9 or above a minimum of 100 credits at SCQF Level 10, including a minimum of 40 credits achieved from a dissertation or final year project. Document1 Page 9 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Appendix 2 to (name of programme) Programme specification A matrix indicating how module learning outcomes demonstrate achievement of the programme and exit award learning outcomes The purpose of this matrix is to demonstrate that the modules you will study provide a coherent package of learning which will enable you to achieve the programme learning outcomes and or the award learning outcomes set out in Appendix 1. (Programme teams should insert the module title and the volume and level of SCQF credit attached to each module. An X should then be inserted against the appropriate programme learning outcome to indicate how successful completion of the module contributes towards achievement of the programme or award learning outcomes set out in Appendix 1). Knowledge and understanding learning outcomes Module title A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Document1 Page 10 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Skills and attributes learning outcomes Module title B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Document1 Page 11 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Appendix 3 to (name of programme) Programme specification A matrix clearly indicating how and when the programme learning outcomes, knowledge and understanding and the skills and attributes are assessed within the programme structure The purpose of this matrix is to provide you with information on the type of assessments used throughout your programme and the week in which each assessment will take place. A formative assessment is designed to assist you in identifying your strengths and any areas which might require additional learning or study. A summative assessment is used to evaluate your learning against the module learning outcomes. (Programme teams should insert the module title and the volume and level of SCQF credit attached to each module. An abbreviation for the type of assessment, both formative and summative, should be inserted in the week in which it will take place. A key of abbreviations should be provided and an example is included below). The timing and type of assessment during Trimester 1 Trimester 1 weeks Module title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Document1 Page 12 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Year 4 The timing and type of assessment during Trimester 2 Trimester 2 weeks Module title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Document1 Page 13 of 14 QUALITY FRAMEWORK 2015/16 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE Key: CS – Case Study CT – Class test D – Dissertation DE – Digital Exam DP – Dissertation Proposal E – Exam Es – Essay GP/R* - Regular Group presentation/Report O – Oral Exam (Listening and speaking) OT – On-Line Test Document1 P – Participation P – Portfolio [Languages] P* – Portfolio of continuous assessment for language modules PE – Practical Exam Pr – Practical PR – Presentation Q* – Weekly Quiz QS – Question Sheet R – Report RP – Research Project Page 14 of 14