MATEJ BEL UNIVERSITY, BANSKÁ BYSTRICA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS TITLE OF THESIS BACHELOR THESIS Evidence number YEAR Title, name and surname MATEJ BEL UNIVERSITY, BANSKÁ BYSTRICA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS TITLE OF THESIS Bachelor thesis Evidence Number Study program: Business Economics and Management Study field: Business Economics and Management Department: Department of Corporate Economics and Management Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Ján Kováč, PhD. Banská Bystrica, 2013 Title, name and surname Thesis Assignment Insert the thesis assignment printed from AIS and signed by the head of your department. Declaration (optional) I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and effort. Where other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged. Banská Bystrica, 26 April 2013 ............................................... Signature 3 Acknowledgement (optional) I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. Ing. Ján Kováč, PhD. for his constant and constructive guidance throughout the study. Special mention should go to XYZ. To all others who gave a hand, I say thank you very much. 4 ABSTRACT PEKNÁ, Zuzana: Financial planning in the selected company. [Bachelor thesis] / Zuzana Pekná. – Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica. Faculty of Economics; Department of finance and accouting. – Supervisor: prof. Ing. Ján Kovač, PhD. – Qualification degree: Bachelor. – Banská Bystrica : Faculty of Economics, MBU, 2013. 50 p. The bachelor thesis is focused on …... The aim of the bachelor thesis is based on the theoretical resource analyses…… The abstract is written in an impersonal style in the third person singular. The author presents the main aim of the work, the object and subject of research, research methods, and the sources of the primary and secondary data. The abstract should be brief and concise characteristics of the bachelor thesis. The abstract is written as a block of text without indention of the first line. Keywords: Keyword 1. Keyword 2. Keyword 3. ... 5 ABSTRAKT (IN SLOVAK) PEKNÁ, Zuzana: Finančný plán podniku. [Bakalárska práca] / Zuzana Pekná. Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Ekonomická fakulta; Katedra financií a účtovníctva. - Vedúci: Prof. Ing. Ján Kováč, PhD. - Stupeň odbornej kvalifikácie: Bakalár. - Banská Bystrica : Ekonomická fakulta UMB, 2013. 50 s. Abstrakt je písaný v neosobnom štýle v tretej osobe jednotného čísla. Autor uvádza najmä cieľ práce, objekt a predmet skúmania, použité metódy skúmania, zdroje primárnych a sekundárnych údajov. Abstrakt má byť stručnou a výstižnou charakteristikou obsahu práce. Abstrakt sa píše ako jeden blok textu bez odsadenia prvého riadku. Text je zarovnaný do bloku. Bakalárska práca sa orientuje na …... Cieľom bakalárskej práce je …… Kľúčové slová: Kľúčové slovo1. Kľúčové slovo2. Kľúčové slovo 3. ... 6 CONTENT ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... 5 ABSTRAKT (in Slovak)................................................................................................... 6 CONTENT ........................................................................................................................ 7 LIST OF TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS .................................................................. 8 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (optional) .......................................................................... 9 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 10 1. TITLE OF CHAPTER .............................................................................................. 11 1.1. Title of section ..................................................................................................... 11 1.1.1. Title of subsection ........................................................................................ 11 1.1.2. Title of subsection ........................................................................................ 11 2. TITLE OF CHAPTER .............................................................................................. 12 2.1. Title of section ..................................................................................................... 12 2.1.1. Title of subsection ........................................................................................ 12 2.2. Title of section ..................................................................................................... 12 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 13 ZHRNUTIE (in Slovak) .................................................................................................. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 15 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 17 Obsah ZP je vygenerovaný na základe štýlov Nadpis 1-3 a Nadpis_do_obsahu, ktorým sú upravené nadpisy bez číslovania (abstrakt, obsah, zoznamy ..., úvod, pozri ukážku obsahu vyššie) 7 LIST OF TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Table 1 Rudolf Doucha Balance Analysis ...................................................................... 12 Graph 1Proportion of production on sales ...................................................................... 12 Zoznam tabuliek a ilustrácií ZP je vygenerovaný na základe štýlu Popis a príslušnej menovky (Tabuľka, Graf ...), ktorým sú upravené popisy tabuliek a ilustrácií. 8 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (OPTIONAL) 9 INTRODUCTION The author briefly and concisely describes the state-of-the-art knowledge or experience in the field, which is the subject of the final work and informs the reader of the importance of the objectives. The length of the introduction is usually 1 – 2 pages and it is not a numbered chapter. Introduction is a mandatory part of the thesis. 10 1. TITLE OF CHAPTER 1.1. Title of section The sections should divide and clarify the text of the thesis. 1.1.1. Title of subsection Recommended size for a bachelor thesis is 30 – 40 pages (54 000 – 72 000 letters including spaces). This includes only the introduction, chapters, conclusion and bibliography. 1.1.2. Title of subsection 11 2. TITLE OF CHAPTER 2.1. Title of section 2.1.1. Title of subsection 2.2. Title of section EXAMPLE Table 1 Rudolf Doucha Balance Analysis Rudolf Doucha Analysis Indexes of stability S1 = Equity / Long-term assets S2 = 2 x Equity / Long-term assets S3 = Equity / Debts S4 = Assets/ (5 x Short term debts) S5 = Assets / (15 x Inventories) Overall stability = (2 x S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + 2 x S5) / 7 2009 0,9247 1,8494 1,7523 1,9356 0,2883 6,7502 2010 0,8304 1,6607 1,4213 2,2951 0,3378 6,5453 2011 0,8688 1,7375 1,2497 2,0228 0,2640 6,1428 Source: Own elaboration Proportion of production on sales (2011) Sales from bakery products 19 % Sales from pasta products 25% Sales from mill production 56 % Graph 1Proportion of production on sales Source: Own elaboration based on XY Annual Reports 12 CONCLUSION It is necessary to briefly summarize the results obtained in relation to the set objectives. The conclusion should capture a clear and precise presentation of inferences based on the core work. It must be a factual summary of the author’s contribution or a perspective on the researched issues. It may also include quantitative data, but no details should be placed. The conclusion does not contain anything that is not in the text of the thesis and it must be linked to considerations and arguments in the text work. In conclusion, it is appropriate to point out other open (yet unsolved) problems which are appropriate and where attention needs to be paid and which exceed the recommended scope of this thesis. 13 ZHRNUTIE (IN SLOVAK) Bakalárska práca prezentuje .... 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ALLPORT, G. W. 2004. O povaze předsudků. Praha : Prostor, 2004. 320 s. ISBN 80–7260–125. 2. ANZENBACHER, A. 1991. Úvod do filozofie. Praha : SPN, 1991. 304 s. ISBN 80-04-26038-1. 3. BAGALOVÁ, Ľ., GOGOLOVÁ, D. 2006. Výchova a vzdelávanie k ľudským právam. In Pedagogické spektrum, roč. 15, 2006, č. 3 – 4. ISSN 1335-5589, s. 30–39. 4. COVEY, S. R. 1994. 7 návyků vůdčích osobností : pro úspěšný a harmonický život. Praha : Pragma, 1994. 284 s. ISBN 80–85213–41–9. 5. Člověk a lidská práva : sbírka úmluv a deklarací. 1990. Praha : Spektrum, 1990. 314 s. ISBN 80–7107–000–9. 6. DĚDEČKOVÁ, J., HEJLOVÁ, H. (eds.) 1991. Dětská práva : dokumenty a informační materiály o ochraně dětí. Praha : PÚ JAK ČSAV, 1991. 256 s. 7. First Steps: A Manual for Starting human Rights Education [online]. 1996. Electronic Resource Centre for Human Rights Education. [cit. 2005-06-20]. Dostupné na internete: 8. GRÁC, J. 2001. Osobitosti morálky v internormatívnych súvislostiach a možnosti výchovy. In Pedagogická revue, roč. 53, 2001, č. 4. ISSN 1335-1982, s. 363–372. 9. HART, H. L. A. 2004. Pojem práva. Praha : Prostor, 2004. 312 s. ISBN 80– 7260–103–2. 10. KAMENICKÝ, M., MRVA, I., TONKOVÁ, M. 1997. Lexikón svetových dejín. Bratislava: SPN, 1997. 319 s. ISBN 80–08–02479–8. 15 11. MISTRÍK, E., HAAPANEN, S., HEIKKINEN, H. et al. 1999. Kultúra a multikultúrna výchova. Bratislava : Iris, 1999. ISBN 80–88778–81–6. 12. STEINEROVÁ, J. 2000. Základy filozofie človeka v knižničnej a informačnej vede. In Kimlička, Štefan et al. Knižničná a infomačná veda na prahu informačnej spoločnosti. Bratislava : Stimul, 2000. ISBN 80-88982-29-4, s. 9-56. 16 APPENDICES Appendices contain information giving details about the procedure and techniques used in the main part of the thesis. Appendices do not belong to the numbered pages of the main text. Each appendix has its own number and title and starts on a new page. 17 Appendix 1 Title of appendix 18