SNC2D – Ms. Venables The Eye! Instructions: Use pg 572-576 of your textbook to fill out following note. This handout will be your notes for this topic and it will be on the unit test on Friday May 30th. PARTS OF THE EYE 1. Label the parts of the eye in the diagram below. If you have time colour the diagram. 2. Fill in the structures of the eye you identified in 1) and then describe the function of that part. Structure A)Cornea Description/Function -Transparent bulge on top of the pupil that focuses light -Light refracts more here than through the lens B)Pupil -Hole where light enters the eye C)Iris -Coloured part of the eye -opens and closes around the pupil to let more or less light in D)Lens -causes light to converge (focus) E)Retina -Contains light sensitive cells that convert the light signal into an electrical signal F)Optic Nerve -Carries the electrical signal created by your retina to the brain HOW WE SEE! 3. Draw a ray diagram of an image form on our eye and then fill in the blanks below. The cornea-lens combination of our eye acts like a CONVERGING lens. Describe the image characteristics: o Location: IN FRONT (opposite side as object) Orientation: INVERTED o Size: SMALLER Type: REAL Electrical impulses from the RETINA travel through the OPTIC NERVE to the brain where we “see” the image. The brain takes the INVERTED image from the retina and FLIPS it so that the image we “see” appears UPRIGHT EYE ACCOMODATION In human eyes, CILIARY muscles help the eye focus on distant and nearby objects by slightly changing the SHAPE of the eye lens. The change in shape of the eye lens changes the FOCAL length of the lens to allow focusing of the image on the RETINA. FOCUSING PROBLEMS 4. Fill in the table below Problem Definition Far-sighted Hyperopia Presbyopia Myopia Trouble seeing.. -Can see distant objects -Has trouble seeing objects nearby Age-related vision condition Has trouble reading fine print as they get older Near-sightedness -Can see up close -Has trouble seeing distant objects Caused By.. -distance between the lens and retina is too small -OR because the cornea-lens combination is too weak -light focuses BEHIND the retina -loss of lens elasticity Corrected By.. -converging lens (positive meniscus) Ray Diagram -converging lens N/A -distance between lens and retina is too large -cornea-lens combination converges light -diverging lens (negative meniscus) too strongly -light focuses IN FRONT of the retina VIDEO: 5. HOMEWORK: Complete the following questions on a separate piece of paper p.577 #1-5 1. Describe at least three similarities between a camera and a human eye. Camera Eye Function diaphragm iris Controls amount of light entering Aperture Pupil Hole where light enters Converging lens Lens and Cornea Refract light to converge to form a sharp image Film or digital sensor Retina Converts light into an electrical signal 2. The text states that we actually “see with our brain.” What is meant by this? The eyes simply capture the light, the brain is what processes the information. 3. a) What is the difference between far-sightedness and near-sightedness? Far-sighted (hyperopia): can see distance but not up close, image focused past retina Near-sighted (myopia): can see up close but not distance, image focused closer than retina b) What simple lens shape would correct each of these problems? Far-sighted converging lens (positive meniscus) Near-sighted diverging lens (negative meniscus) 4. The actual lens shape to correct the two vision problems of far-sightedness and nearsightedness have been modified. a) what are these new lens shapes called? Draw an example of each new shape. Positive meniscus and negative mensicus b) Why have they been changed from the basic lens shapes? More cosmetically appealing than the thick shape of a basic lens