When you think of Jesus which of these words or phrases best

When you think of Jesus which of these words or phrases best expresses how you think
of him:
• Author and finisher of our faith.
• Beginning and end
• Bread of life.
• Bright and morning star
• Chief Shepherd
• The Good Shepherd
• The Christ
• Desire of all nations.
• Emmanuel.
• First and last
• I Am.
• King over all the earth
• Lamb of God
• Light of the world.
• Messiah.
• Mighty God.
• Redeemer.
• Resurrection and life
• Son of Man.
• Son of God
• The Way, the truth and the life
They are all wonderfully evocative descriptions of the one who came to us as a baby in
But there is another more provocative description of Jesus we’ve camped on this month
at Grace.
Jesus is the divine disruption. He is the “stone that makes men stumble
and the rock that makes them fall”
We’ve seen just how disruptive Jesus can be as we’ve looked through the eyes of 3
people who were there when he was born. 3 people whose lives were changed by the
coming of the one.
He challenged Herod the Great’s his notions of power and control
John the Baptists understanding of God were completed
And Jesus totally disrupted Joseph’s reputation.
Tonight we look deeper into the heart of the one who arguably was the most
changed by the coming of this baby. And we’ll see that perhaps the disruption of Jesus
for her was a blessing in disguise.
Her name was Mary...the one who carried God into this world.
My son is now my Savior. That would sound crazy coming from anyone else but me
wouldn’t it? But for me it is a reality – a reality that I knew for sure just a few moments
ago. It was a moment I will never forget. I was sitting in a home with some of the
disciples and he was there. He was just there – no door opened – they were locked –
but he was there – he just…appeared. And I knew – I knew immediately that it was him
– but he was no longer my son. He was now without a doubt – my savior. He was the
world’s savior. The horrible, excruciating death that I had witnessed just days before
was now a distant memory – because there he stood before me in all of his glory. I had
gone to the tomb – I knew it was empty, but now…to see him… Peace be with you –
that is what he said – peace be with you. In that moment – in that instant I knew that
everything that I had lived for – everything that I had sacrificed, my reputation, my
friends, at times even my family – it was all worth it – it was real – it was true – it was
beautiful – it was God.
Since I was 14 years old I had given my whole life to this boy – this boy who became a
man – who was here showing me the scars that remained from the brutality of the
cross. And this boy – this man – he is God. My whole life was flashing before me in
that moment. Remembering when the angel came to me telling me that I was to give
birth to the son of god. I was a child. I can’t even begin to explain what that was like. I
was so frightened – so confused and yet at the same time I had a peace about it. It was
the strangest thing – I still to this day have a difficult time comprehending it. Growing up
I had heard the stories – the stories of my people, of my community, of the coming of
the messiah. And I was and always have been the Lord’s humble servant – whatever
he had asked of me – I would do. I just wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of what he
would ask of me. Becoming a mother is frightening enough – becoming the mother of
the son of God is…well… To say that this disrupted my life does not even begin to tell
the story. The birth of Jesus changed my life forever. When any woman becomes a
mother that maternal instinct kicks in immediately to protect and sacrifice and
defend. For me these instincts became my mission – I was not just fighting for me son
– I was fighting for my savior. I gave up everything for Jesus – everything. Not
because I had to, but because from the moment this was asked of me, I knew – I
believed that this beautiful baby that I had the honor of carrying was the messiah – the
king – the holy. I still find it ironic that God chose me – this poor little girl to bear the son
of God.
And that God brought him into the world as a baby. The most innocent, vulnerable thing
in the world – a baby. Yet what people expected was a king not a gentle, humble man
that was born to a family with so little. There were times that people thought I was
insane – literally insane for believing in him for having faith in him – for trusting
him. Even my own children – his siblings – would look at me at times like I was crazy –
like mom what are you doing – take a break – rest – stop for a bit. I even had brief
moments when I thought HE was insane. This was not an easy road – not at all. There
were times that I didn’t want to go on – that I was tired and scared and confused. And
there were times that it was so painful that I wanted to take him away with me and just
hide. Yet, He was my son! What else would I do? When the angel came to me he did
not say, “Fear not Mary this journey that we are asking you to go on will be easy – you
will not encounter any hardship or pain or ridicule”. No the angel said, “The Lord is with
you…do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God”. And I held those words in
my heart year after year after year. I couldn’t stop – I wouldn’t stop – Jesus was not just
my son – he was my mission.
I knew that he was the savior of the world and that changed my life. I believed it as I
spent hours in labor sweating and crying and screaming – I believed it as I laid there
with my newborn baby and realized that I was stroking the face of God – I believed it as
I watched him perform miracle after miracle – I believed it when he said “I am the way,
the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but thru me.” – I believed it when
he said that he had not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. I believed it as he rebuked
the Pharisees and the teachers of the law – I believed it as his told he stories and
thousands came to listen - I believed it as I observed him interacting with people in love
and peace and truth – as little children would flock to him and grown adults were
compelled to give up their lives and follow him - I believed it as I watched him suffer and
die on that cross and I believed it just a few moments ago when I saw him in all his
resurrected glory. And when you believe in something like that – when you believe in
someone like that it changes your life forever. And if it doesn’t then it should. It should
change your life. It should change who you are. It should change what you hold
important. It should change what and who you fight for. It should change you. My son
is my savior. And my soul will rejoice in that forever.
No one’s life was more disrupted by Jesus than Mary’s.
Like all mom’s her body, her day to day existence, and her life’s purpose were
transformed with the coming of this baby.
But unlike other mom’s she had a lot more to deal with...
Unending questions about the legitimacy of the birth
siblings of Jesus who questioned His sanity
the emotional roller coaster of all the supernatural activity around Jesus
the horror of observing his trial and torture
and the indescribable terror of watching him die before her eyes.
Yes, Mary experienced the Divine Disruption.
This is what Jesus does and what he requires of anyone who would follow him.
Change. Revolution. Transformation. Disruption.
A quick survey of some of Jesus’ challenges to those who followed him makes that very
"Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven. Then come, follow me."
“The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will
keep it for eternal life.”
"No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who
loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
“Take up your cross and follow me”
It is a clear to me that Jesus is calling you to follow him but, be advised, should you do
so, like Mary, you will have your life disrupted.
But...listen carefully....I want you to note something that is very important...that
disruption is not without benefit.
Yes, Jesus will initially trip you up, challenge your assumptions, and force you to rethink
your life.
But in so doing he will save you.
The baby that Mary bore, raised and buried was not just her son – he was her
savior. And he will be yours too if you choose to allow him to disrupt your life.
Jesus will save you.
To be “saved” or the word “salvation” in the scriptures means to be delivered from a bad
place to a good one.
It means to be rescued from a poor existence into a wonderful life.
To be saved is to be given the gift of a new existence.
And should you follow him, truly follow Jesus – that is what will become of you – you will
be saved.
There are three wonderful gifts that come from Jesus’ divine disruption in our lives...3
gifts that save us.
Yes, follow him and Jesus will disrupt your life but he will introduce you to the Love of
A love that means you are accepted by God.
A love that puts you in direct relationship with God
A love that transforms you into a daughter or son of God.
And it’s a love that is unshakeable.
Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39
Jesus will disrupt your life but should you follow him, he will give you the gift of hope.
Hope that you are forgiven, your guilt removed because of his sacrifice for you...And as
a result – there is hope beyond this mortal existence
God's gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And
there's more life to come—an eternity of life! - Titus 3:7 the Message
Jesus will disrupt your life but he will give you the gift of strength.
The strength that comes through his ongoing presence in your life
The strength that comes over you when His Spirit fills you
The strength that gives you direction to navigate the pain of life.
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like
eagles;they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Jesus is the divine disruption. Do not think you can follow him or believe in him without
your life being upended, reoriented, or changed.
But do not forget that Jesus is the Divine Savior. And that he offers to those who choose
to follow him great gifts of Love, Hope and Strength.
They are yours for the taking if you engage him with your mind, heart and will
If you believe with your mind that all this is true, that Jesus is who he claimed to be....
If you accept with your heart that this “saving” is what you want and need...
If you decide with your will to follow this Jesus, deliberately and with purpose...
...you do those things...believe those things ...feel those things... You choose too follow
him and your life will be disrupted but you will have found your savior.
You will have found love, hope and strength.
And aren’t those all you really need this Christmas?