5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Feature Curriculum, Instruction and Classroom Management 1. Clear and consistent expectations created with students. Evidence: Captured by the SET 2. Instructional strategies and teaching styles are frequently varied to meet the needs of all learners. Evidence: Classroom observations: 3-5 classrooms for @ least 15 minutes (as ID’d from literature) Lesson Plans: 3-5 academic plans, look for CR instructional strategies 3. Struggling students receive ongoing support that incorporates their strengths. Evidence: Academic intervention/referral process and tier system of support documentation Team Summary form Ask principal what staff member is responsible for academic student assessment. Interview academic coach/literacy coach, when appropriate (prompts below) : o 1. How is the fidelity of interventions measured? o 2. How is data used to guide assessment process and instruction? 4. The students’ culture is incorporated into instructional materials. Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence: Classroom observations: 3-5 classrooms for @ least 15 minutes looking for materials used Lesson Plans: 3-5 plans, look for CR instructional strategies, note materials to be used PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 1 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. 5. Cultural examples are incorporated in teaching and learning. Evidence: Classroom observations: 3-5 classrooms for @ least 15 minutes looking for connections made with student background, culturally relevant subjects, multiple perspectives, role models Lesson Plans: 3-5 plans, look for CR instructional strategies, note connections that teacher anticipates/used PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 2 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Rating Feature Assessment and Accountability 1. Varied assessment methods are used to assess student learning. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence: Listing of assessments given by grade level (formal, informal, summative, formative, portfolio, authentic) 2. Assessment data is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, language, and IEP status. Evidence: Reports that indicate disaggregation (academic & behavioral data) 3. Assessment data is consistently used to inform instructional practice. Evidence: Data wall, data team notes, staff meeting notes, grade level team notes 4. Racial/ethnic representation in advanced placement and gifted and talented programs is proportionate to the racial/ethnic population of the school. Evidence: Data Report (School Data Audit) 5. Racial/ethnic representation in remedial classes, tier 2 supports, and/or special education is proportionate to the racial/ethnic population of the school. Evidence: Data Report (School Data Audit) PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 3 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Feature Family and Community Engagement 1. A system is in place to determine family preferences for ongoing communication. Evidence: Plan for family engagement (school improvement plan) Parent Liaison staff member job description/role 2. Specific efforts are made to involve families who generally have low participation rates. Evidence: Planned activities for family engagements School calendar Community collaborations/initiatives Parent Liaison interview, when appropriate (prompts below): o 1. Tell me about the history of family engagement at your school. o 2. Tell me about school activities and events that involve families. o 3. How do you communicate with families? 3. Family and community are involved in making decisions about programs and services that meet the needs of all students. Evidence: School improvement team members (PL 221) sign in/notes Community forum sign sheets 4. Staff finds ways to include the use of community resources (such as libraries, cultural and community centers). Evidence: Documentation of Community collaborations/initiatives Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. Some family events are held off site in the community. Evidence: Calendar, fliers, participation sign-in PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 4 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Feature Professional Development 1. Professional development helps staff reflect on their own cultural backgrounds, experiences, and expectations. Evidence: Topics Covered Powerpoint/activities 2. Professional development helps staff understand other cultures. Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence: Topics Covered Powerpoint/activities 3. Professional development activities are culturally relevant to the lives of students at the school. Evidence: Topics Covered Powerpoint/activities 4. Book study and/or discussion groups are an ongoing part of professional development. Evidence: List of books used Notes from discussion groups 5. Professional Development enhances teacher skill in integrating culturally relevant materials into the content areas. Evidence: Topics Covered Powerpoint/activities PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 5 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Feature Environment 1. Information, students work, and other materials displayed around the building represent the cultures of the school community. Evidence: Observation in hallway, classroom, entryways, office, library 2. Bilingual staff or interpreters are utilized during assessments, interventions, and family events. Evidence: Listing of Bilingual staff Policy for assessment Sign in sheets for family events Action plan/fidelity for interventions 3. Signs and labels around the school are in relevant languages. Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 Evidence: Observation in hallway, classroom, entryways, office, library 4. Teachers frequently collaborate to implement best practices for teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students. Evidence: Collaboration, grade level team meeting time built-in (check master schedule) 3-5 sets of meeting notes from collaboration time Observation of team meeting, when appropriate 5. School is a safe, caring, and responsive learning environment for all students. Evidence: Randomly ask 10-15 students at the school: o “Do you think the [“school motto/SW expectations”] works well for all students?” o Optional: “What do you like about your school?” PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 6 5X5 School Walkthrough The 5X5 School Walkthrough assesses the level of culturally responsive practice implementation in five broad areas through the collection of artifacts and documents, observations at the school, and short interviews. Assessment Rubric: Score 0 1 2 3 4 5 Rating Description No CR Practices in Place/No consideration of effects on all groups of students Little to No CR Practices in Place/Beginning to consider effects on all groups of students CR Practices Partially in Place/Beginning to consider effects on all groups of students CR Practices Partially in Place/Beginning to evaluate CR practices and consider effects on all groups of students CR Practices in Place/Regular & Measureable Evaluation of CR Practices/Making progress towards being effective for all groups of students CR Practices in Place/Regular & Measureable Evaluation of CR Practices/Effective for all groups of students PBIS-Indiana Center on Education and Lifelong Learning/Equity Project Page 7