Art May 2013 - Fulton County Schools

May 2013
Nancy Walsh, Lauren Beard O’Hara and Katie Murphy
Our new curriculum, Art Connection from SRA, is an exciting visual arts education
program being implemented into Fulton County Art classes. Students in the art class
• Explore the great art, artists, and cultures of the world.
• Develop skills to understand and appreciate artwork.
• Participate in hands-on art activities.
• Develop critical thinking skills by studying other’s works of art as well as their own
pieces. More and more, the arts are playing a vital role in education and learning. Unlike
many other subjects areas, the arts introduce students to way of thinking that are based
upon imagination and judgment. The arts encourage students to think and learn in a
variety of ways, in addition to using language and logic skills.
One of the most exciting aspects of art education for students is creating their own
artwork. A few activities your student has to look forward to this year are drawing,
painting, clay, weaving, printmaking, and sculpture. Students will begin to see the world
through an artist’s eyes and develop critical thinking skills that will last a lifetime.
Art with Walsh
Kindergarten –Bogolanfini Mudcloth Weaving- Students will study the traditional art form
of the Bamana people from the country of Mali. The traditional way of creating these
cloths are to weave the cloth and hand dye it with plant juices and mud. Students will be
introduced to the art of weaving fabric. Art terms of warp and weft will be reinforced as
neutral paper strips construct the woven section of the mud cloth. To complete the
bogolanfini, stamp printed patterns will be used.
Burlap Stitchery - Students are advancing with the use a yarn needle to be introduced to a
running stitch after the completion of paper weaving. The children will observe that fabric is
woven just as paper mats are woven – (weft threads interweave warp threads). Students will
have a challenge exploring how to thread yarn through the eye of a yarn needle, making a knot
and using stitching a running stitch. The boarder of the burlap will be framed with the bright
colored yarn and fun sponge characters will decorate the inside.
Later in the month Kindergarten will explore and manipulate clay to construct a slab mobile
First Grade – Cup Weaving – Students will explore the art of woven baskets of
Cherokee Indians of Georgia. Students will review the essential terms of warp and weft
which is used in weaving and apply to weaving a cup basket.
Burch Cats - Folk artist, Laurel Burch, will inspire 1st graders to design bright and
colorful playful cats! Each student will create our own cat, keeping Laurel Burch’s artistic
style in mind. The final step will be to make flat 2-D paintings turn into 3-D cat sculpture
that will stand up.
Second Grade – Straw Weaving –Students will create colorful woven straw loom
weavings. Students will review the art of weaving and the terms of warp, weft and tabby
stitch. This year yarn is introduced to the students and the need of looms to support the
Third Grade – Radial Stain Glass – Students will create colorful radial designed strain
glass windows. The focus of radial symmetry to inspire each design.
Native American Dream Catchers – Students discuss the lore of the dream catcher and
how they are constructed by the Native American Indians will excite the students in
preparation for their radial weaving. Students will design beautiful radial weavings and
are urged to use weaving terms throughout the project.
Fourth Grade – Woven Bookmark – Students will weave colorful book markers.
Students will review the terms and steps of the art of weaving and how it is one of the
oldest crafts and arts to be developed. In the early stages of civilization satisfied to
essential needs: those of clothing and shelter. New terms such as picking, shuttle and
packing are introduced.
Fifth Grade – Parody Memory Tile - Students will get their creative juices going as they
plan and begin work on art parodies for memory tiles. Students will be divided into
groups to design a memory of their years at Lake Windward Elementary. Group
collaboration for the preliminary sketches establishes the design. Students will transfer
and paint their design on a ceiling tile. The tiles will be placed on permanent display at
the school.
Art with Beard
Kindergarten: Kindergarteners are just about finished with their “Starry Night” collages.
Next, they are going to learn about weaving! Students will learn about a warp, weft, and
loom, and they will create their own weave out of paper!
~Ms. Beard
1st Grade: First graders have completed their unit on weaving, and got to bring home
their own creations! Now, they are learning about the Folk artist, Laurel Burch, who
paints the colorful, playful cats! We will create our own cats, keeping Laurel Burch’s
artistic style in mind, and turn our cats into 3D art, so they can stand up!!
~Ms. Beard
2nd Grade: Second graders will soon complete their unit on weaving. They have been
learning how to create a loom, warp, and weft. Their colorful weavings are long and can
be used for anything---a scarf, a bracelet, a belt, and more!
~Ms. Beard
3rd Grade: Third graders have just begun their unit on weaving! They have learned how
to warp their loom, and will create a simple tabby stitch pattern using yarn to make a
beautiful work of art!!
~Ms. Beard
4th Grade: Fourth graders have worked hard building their clay artworks! They are ready
to add a coat of glaze, which will make their clay colorful and shiny like glass!! Next,
they are going to begin their unit on weaving!!
~Ms. Beard
5th Grade: Fifth graders are currently working on their “Memory Tiles.” It is a tradition at
LWES for the fifth graders to team up and paint a memory from their time at LWES.
Their paintings will be on ceiling tiles that will be displayed in the school hallway’s
~Ms. Beard
Adaptive Art
The Adaptive Art program at Lake Windward is off to a wonderful start. We have an
exciting fall planned with activities centered on classroom themes, seasonal changes
and holidays. We will explore many art mediums while introducing art concepts and
terminology. The art class will work closely with other classroom teachers in providing
reinforcement to academic skills being introduced across all areas of academics. Art
will provide students the opportunity to further develop fine motor skills, increases
vocabulary, observe the environment around them while providing an avenue for selfexpression. We have an excellent year planned and can't wait to get started! Please
enjoy each of the wonderful art pieces that arrive home and PLEASE talk to your
children about their work.
Katie Murphy
Adaptive Art
Art sites to visit:
Adaptive Art Website: