ANSWERS Review sheet for The Canterbury Tales History: What is

ANSWERS Review sheet for The Canterbury Tales
1. What is one of the most famous churches in England? Canterbury Cathedral
2. Who was Thomas á Becket? Archbishop of Canterbury
3. Why is he considered a martyr? He was killed at the altar while in prayer; died for religious
4. What is a pilgrimage? A trip to a holy city or destination to pray or pay respects
5. What interesting thing did Chaucer’s parents do when he was little? They gave him to the
King/Palace for raising to ensure that he would have an education
6. What else—other than writing—did Chaucer do for a living? Comptroller; justice of the peace;
diplomat; member of Parliament
Who witnessed Thomas a Becket’s brutal murder? Edward Grim
What is an example of imagery from his murder? Answers from the text will vary
Who killed (actually/physically) Thomas a Becket? King Henry II’s knights
Who ordered that he be killed? King Henry II
What is Becket’s status now with the church? He is considered a saint
The Characters:
12. What is the purpose for the prologue? To introduce the story, sometimes the theme, and the
13. How many characters are there (total) in The Canterbury Tales? 20
14. What is the job of a Manciple? Person in charge of food purchase and storage for a monastery
15. What is the job of a Miller? He grinds corn or wheat for flour
16. Analyze the symbolism Chaucer uses when describing the Wife of Bath. What does this say
about her? Red stockings- a promiscuous woman
17. Yes or no: are all of the characters similar in social class and rank? NO
The Tales:
18. What was the challenge from host, Harry Bailey? To tell a story (one on the way to Canterbury
and one on the way back)
19. What was the prize for the contest? A free dinner
20. How many stories were SUPPOSED to be in the book? 40
21. Why was the book never finished with all of the stories? Chaucer died before he could finish
writing it
The Pardoner’s Tale
What do the rioters plan to do when they leave the tavern? Catch Death and protect each other
Who do they encounter along the way? A very poor old man
What does the man tell them to do? Go find Death (the old man left him) under an oak tree
What do they find under the tree? A pile of gold money
What role does the youngest of the three play? He is supposed to go to town to get supplies
bread and wine
27. What does the youngest do while in town? Goes to an apothecary and buys poison
28. What do the other two rioters decide to do while the youngest is away? They decide that they
will kill the youngest when he returns
29. What is the resolution (ending) of this story? All three die; the youngest is murdered by the
other two; then, the other two sit down and drink the poisoned wine and die.
The Wife of Bath’s Tale
30. Why does the knight have to set out on a quest to save his life? To repent for raping the girl; he
has to find the answer to the Queen’s question…otherwise, he will be killed for his crime
31. What is ironic about what the knight had done? He is supposed to be above others, virtuous,
and he raped a maiden
32. During what time period is this tale set? (You don’t have the know dates, but the main
character is a hint) Medieval times
33. What must the knight do to save his life? Find out what women REALLY want
34. How long does the knight have to find an answer Exactly one year
35. Who finally provides the knight with the answer? (The answer he gives the queen) an old,
unattractive hag (woman)
36. What promise did the knight make in order to get this answer? He will do anything that she asks
37. Name one of the reasons why the knight objects to the old woman. (He gives four reasons) 1.
You’re old; 2. You’re plain; 3. You’re poor; 4. You’re low-bred (low class)
38. What choice does the knight make? To either have her be ugly and faithful to him or beautiful
and desired by others (possibly unfaithful)
39. What is the outcome of the story? The knight tells her that she can choose; with that answer,
she transforms into a beautiful young maiden, and they live happily together
40. Why did the carpenter keep such a close eye on his wife? She was young and beautiful
41. Why was Nicholas (student) living with the carpenter and his wife? He rented a room from them
while he was studying
42. Why was the carpenter not really worried about Absalom (preacher)? He was a man of god and
his wife did not seem attracted to him
43. When the carpenter went to Nicholas’ room, when Nicholas did not come down to eat, what did
he discover that Nicholas was doing? Staring as if in a trance
44. What disaster did Nicholas say was coming? A great flood
45. What was the carpenter to build to allow himself, his wife and Nicholas to escape the disaster?
Three tubs-like boats
46. For what natural event did Nicholas and Alison (carpenter’s wife) have to wait before they could
carry out their plan to be alone? The carpenter to fall asleep
47. When Nicholas and Alison began to get intimate, where was the carpenter? Asleep in his
48. Who came to Alison’s bedroom window? Absalom
49. What did that person want? A kiss from Alison
50. What did Alison allow the person in the question above to kiss? Her behind
51. What did Absalom bring to Alison’s window when he came back for a second time? A red-hot
poker from the blacksmith’s fire
52. Who does Absalom hurt? Nicholas
53. What wakes up the carpenter? Nicholas screaming “WATER”
54. What is the outcome/resolution of the story? The carpenter cuts himself loose, falls, breaks his
arm, and Alison and Nicholas tell the entire town that he is crazy!
Literary Elements:
55. The majority of The Canterbury Tales are written in what poetic form? Iambic pentameter
56. Describe what iambic pentameter is. An unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (u /)
five pairs of these in a line of poetry or story
57. What type of irony is found in The Wife of Bath’s Tale? situational