Hi! I have some troubles, when run on mainframe a IBM java-sample code-> jzos_sample_2.4.0(com\ibm\jzos\sample\MvsJobOutput). But,I have error.See above: SYSOUT: … parse: /u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2/jobStatus 1: FSUM7351 not found /u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2/jobStatus 5: FSUM7332 syntax error: got EOF, expecting then … FSUM7351: not found Explanation You attempted to execute a command that could not be found. User response Ensure that the command exists and that the PATH environment variable is valid. FSUM7332: syntax error: got string1 expecting string2 Explanation When processing your input, the shell encountered string1 when it was expecting string2. User response Check the description of sh in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference for the correct syntax for various shell commands. Reenter your input with the correct syntax. Help me,please! What wrong? Sorry For My Bad English) Source: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JCL: //IASOUT JOB '9999','Run Hello World', // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID //JAVA EXEC PROC=JVMPRC61, // JAVACLS='MvsJobOutput', // ARGS='IASOUT JOB05434', // LOGLVL='+T' //IN1 DD DSN=DAINEK.TAPE,DISP=SHR //STDENV DD * . /etc/profile export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1 export PATH=/bin:"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin LIBPATH=/lib:/usr/lib:"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/s390 LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/s390/j9vm LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin/classic export LIBPATH="$LIBPATH": APP_HOME=$JAVA_HOME CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME:"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib:"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/ext for i in "${APP_HOME}"/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH":"$i" done export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH": IJO="-Xms16m -Xmx128m" export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="$IJO " export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH":/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 -Djzos.script.path=/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 // jobStatus and jobOutput REXX scripts MvsJobOutput.class: /* * %Z%%W% %I% * * ========================================================================= * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * "Restricted Materials of IBM" * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All Rights Reserved * * DISCLAIMER: * The following [enclosed] code is sample code created by IBM * Corporation. This sample code is not part of any standard IBM product * and is provided to you solely for the purpose of assisting you in the * development of your applications. The code is provided 'AS IS', * without warranty of any kind. IBM shall not be liable for any damages * arising out of your use of the sample code, even if they have been * advised of the possibility of such damages. * ========================================================================= */ //package com.ibm.jzos.sample; import import import import import import import import java.io.BufferedWriter; java.io.IOException; java.io.OutputStreamWriter; java.io.Writer; java.util.Iterator; java.util.List; java.util.Properties; java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.ibm.jzos.Exec; import com.ibm.jzos.RcException; import com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil; /** * Sample program which reads all sysout data for a MvsJob (jobname and jobid), * and writes the output to a specified Writer. * * The class relies on the sample REXX script "jobOutput", spawned as a child process * via the {@link com.ibm.jzos.Exec} class. * * @since 2.1.0 */ public class MvsJobOutput { public static final String JOB_STATUS_CMD = "jobStatus"; public static final String JOB_OUTPUT_CMD = "jobOutput"; /** * A sample main method that writes sysout output for * a job to System.out (STDOUT). * * The first argument is the jobname, and the second argument * is the jobid (JOBnnnnn). */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < 2 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing arguments: jobname jobid"); } MvsJob mvsJob = new MvsJob(args[0], args[1]); // print out the status of the job // this will throw an exception if there is no such job System.out.println("JOB " + mvsJob + " " + getStatus(mvsJob)); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); writeJobOutput(mvsJob, writer); writer.close(); } /** * Returns the job status using the TSO "status" command, which * is invoked via the "jobStatus" REXX USS script. * * @return String the TSO "STATUS" command status * @throws IOException if there was an error communicating with the child REXX script process */ public static String getStatus(MvsJob job) throws IOException { Exec exec = new Exec(getStatusCommand(job), getEnvironment()); //exec.run(); //start test try{ //exec.setTimeout(60000); exec.run(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("now occured exeptions, when exec.run!!!"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(8); } //System.out.println("after exec.run"); //System.out.println("getStatus MvsJobOutput"); //* //exec.setTimeout(5000); //exec.run(); System.out.println("String line = exec.readLine();"); String line1 = null; try{ line1 = exec.readLine(); System.out.println("length content =" + line1); System.out.println("exec.getReturnCode() =" + exec.getReturnCode()); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("error String line = exec.readLine();"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(8); } ///* //System.out.println("after run"); //String line1 = exec.readLine(); //System.out.println("line ="+line1); List lst = exec.getErrorLines(); Iterator it=lst.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { String value=(String)it.next(); System.out.println("Value :"+value); }//*/ //end test String line = exec.readLine(); if (line == null) throw new IOException("No output from jobStatus child process"); // close the stream which is connected // to the stdin input of the external process BufferedWriter wdr = exec.getStdinWriter(); wdr.close(); // slurp other output while (exec.readLine() != null) {}; int rc = exec.getReturnCode(); if (rc != 0) { throw new RcException("REXX 'jobStatus' process failed: " + line, rc); } StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line); if (tok.countTokens() < 3 ) { throw new IOException("Invalid output from jobStatus child process: " + line); } String next = tok.nextToken(); // skip over message id if (next.startsWith("IKJ")) { next = tok.nextToken(); } if (!next.equalsIgnoreCase("JOB")) { throw new IOException("Invalid output from jobStatus child process: " + line); } // skip jobname(jobid) tok.nextToken(); String answer = ""; // concat remaining words while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { answer += tok.nextToken(); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { answer += " "; } } return answer; } /** * Returns the command to be executed via Runtime.exec(). * This is the REXX script 'jobStatus' followed by the jobname and jobid. * By default, this script needs to be present in the current PATH. * However, if the System variable jzos.script.path is defined, it will * be used to prefix 'jobStatus'. */ protected static String getStatusCommand(MvsJob job) { String cmdPath = System.getProperty("jzos.script.path", "/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2"); if (cmdPath.length() > 0 && !cmdPath.endsWith("/")) { cmdPath = cmdPath + "/"; } cmdPath = cmdPath + JOB_STATUS_CMD + " " + job.getJobname() + " "; if (job.getJobid() != null) { cmdPath = cmdPath + job.getJobid(); } System.out.println("cmdPath= " + cmdPath); return cmdPath; } /** * Writes all of the output for a given job to a writer. * Note: this method flushes the writer, but does not close it. * It is the caller's responsibility to close the writer. */ public static void writeJobOutput(MvsJob mvsJob, Writer writer) throws IOException { Exec exec = new Exec(getJobOutputCommand(mvsJob), getEnvironment()); //exec.run(); //start add List lst = exec.getErrorLines(); Iterator it=lst.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { String value=(String)it.next(); System.out.println("Value :"+value); } //end add try { String line; while ((line = exec.readLine()) != null) { writer.write(line); writer.write('\n'); }; writer.flush(); } finally { int rc = exec.getReturnCode(); if (rc != 0) { throw new RcException("REXX 'jobOutput' process failed", rc); } } } /** * Returns the command to be executed via Runtime.exec(). * This is the REXX script 'jobOutput'. * By default, this script needs to be present in the current PATH. * However, if the System variable jzos.script.path is defined, it will be * used to prefix 'jobOutput'. */ protected static String getJobOutputCommand(MvsJob mvsJob) { String cmdPath = System.getProperty("jzos.script.path", ""); if (cmdPath.length() > 0 && !cmdPath.endsWith("/")) { cmdPath = cmdPath + "/"; } return cmdPath + + + + + JOB_OUTPUT_CMD " " mvsJob.getJobname() " " mvsJob.getJobid(); } /** * Returns the environment to use for the child process. * This is the current environment with _BPX_SHAREAS and _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT * set to "YES", so that the child process will execute in the same * address space. */ protected static String[] getEnvironment() { Properties p = ZUtil.getEnvironment(); p.put("_BPX_SHAREAS", "YES"); p.put("_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT", "YES"); String[] environ = new String[p.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<Object> iter = p.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String key = (String)iter.next(); environ[i++] = key + "=" + p.getProperty(key); System.out.println("environ(" + (i-1) + ")=" + environ[i-1]); } return environ; } } jobStatus REXX script: jobStatus REXX script when HEX ON: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protocols: JVMJZBL2004N Log level has been set to: T JVMJZBL2999T -> JzosVM() JVMJZBL1001N JZOS batch Launcher Version: 2.4.0 2010-11-16 JVMJZBL1002N Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. JVMJZBL2999T <- JzosVM() JVMJZBL2999T -> run() JVMJZBL1029I Region requested = 0K, Actual below/above limit = 11M / 1719M JVMJZBL1053I OS Release R23.00 Machine 2827 JVMJZBL2999T -> adoptEnvironment() JVMJZBL2999T -> spawnChild() JVMJZBL1036D Spawned child shell process with PID: 65588 JVMJZBL2999T <- spawnChild() JVMJZBL2999T Writing shell script to child's stdin: JVMJZBL2999T # This is a shell script which configures JVMJZBL2999T # any environment variables for the Java JVM. JVMJZBL2999T # Variables must be exported to be seen by the launcher. JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T . /etc/profile JVMJZBL2999T export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1 JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T export PATH=/bin:"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T LIBPATH=/lib:/usr/lib:"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin JVMJZBL2999T LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/s390 JVMJZBL2999T LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/s390/j9vm JVMJZBL2999T LIBPATH="$LIBPATH":"${JAVA_HOME}"/bin/classic JVMJZBL2999T export LIBPATH="$LIBPATH": JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T # Customize your CLASSPATH here JVMJZBL2999T APP_HOME=$JAVA_HOME JVMJZBL2999T CLASSPATH=$APP_HOME:"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib:"${JAVA_HOME}"/lib/ext JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T # Add Application required jars to end of CLASSPATH JVMJZBL2999T for i in "${APP_HOME}"/*.jar; do JVMJZBL2999T CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH":"$i" JVMJZBL2999T done JVMJZBL2999T export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH": JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T # Set JZOS specific options JVMJZBL2999T # Use this variable to specify encoding for DD STDOUT and STDERR JVMJZBL2999T #export JZOS_OUTPUT_ENCODING=Cp1047 JVMJZBL2999T # Use this variable to prevent JZOS from handling MVS operator commands JVMJZBL2999T #export JZOS_ENABLE_MVS_COMMANDS=false JVMJZBL2999T # Use this variable to supply additional arguments to main JVMJZBL2999T #export JZOS_MAIN_ARGS="" JVMJZBL2999T JVMJZBL2999T # Configure JVM options JVMJZBL2999T IJO="-Xms16m -Xmx128m" JVMJZBL2999T # Uncomment the following to aid in debugging "Class Not Found" problems JVMJZBL2999T #IJO="$IJO -verbose:class" JVMJZBL2999T # Uncomment the following if you want to run with Ascii file encoding.. JVMJZBL2999T #IJO="$IJO -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1" JVMJZBL2999T export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="$IJO " JVMJZBL2999T export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH":/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 JVMJZBL2999T -Djzos.script.path=/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 JVMJZBL1005I Output from DD:STDENV config shell script: JVMJZBL2999T -Djzos.script.path=/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2: FSUM7351 not found JVMJZBL2999T Found environment start string JVMJZBL2999T ___JZOS_ENV_START___ JVMJZBL1006I MAIL = /usr/mail/ JVMJZBL1006I PATH = /bin:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/bin JVMJZBL1006I IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS = -Xms16m -Xmx128m JVMJZBL1006I PS1 = $LOGNAME:$PWD: > JVMJZBL1006I _BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT = YES JVMJZBL1006I _ = /bin/env JVMJZBL1006I CLASSPATH = /usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/ext:/u sr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/*.jar::/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 JVMJZBL1006I STEPLIB = DSNA10.IAS.SDSNEXIT:DSNA10.SDSNLOAD:DSNA10.SDSNLOD2: JVMJZBL1006I LANG = C JVMJZBL1006I LIBPATH = /lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/bin:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/s390:/usr/lpp/Java601 _31/J6.0.1/lib/s390/j9vm:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/bin/classic: JVMJZBL1006I _BPX_SHAREAS = YES JVMJZBL1006I JAVA_HOME = /usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1 JVMJZBL1006I TZ = GMT-3 JVMJZBL1006I MANPATH = /usr/lpp/Printsrv/man/%L:/usr/man/%L JVMJZBL1006I NLSPATH = /usr/lpp/Printsrv/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat JVMJZBL1006I PWD = /u/DAINEK JVMJZBL2999T Setting current working dir to: "/u/DAINEK" JVMJZBL2999T Found environment stop string JVMJZBL2999T waiting for child shell process to complete JVMJZBL2999T -> waitChild() JVMJZBL2999T child shell process exited with exit code 0 JVMJZBL2999T <- waitChild() JVMJZBL2999T <- adoptEnvironment() JVMJZBL2999T argvг2…: MvsJobOutput JVMJZBL2999T argvг3…: IASOUT JVMJZBL2999T argvг4…: JOB05434 JVMJZBL2999T -> processExtraArgs() JVMJZBL2999T No JZOS_MAIN_ARGS found JVMJZBL2999T NO //DD:MAINARGS found JVMJZBL2999T mainArgsBuf="" JVMJZBL2999T <- processExtraArgs() JVMJZBL2999T -> initializeVMArgs() JVMJZBL2999T vm_args.version: 10004 JVMJZBL2999T Getting CLASSPATH JVMJZBL2999T Classpath option string: 'Djava.class.path=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib:/usr/ lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/ext:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/*.jar::/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2' JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- initializeVMArgs() JVMJZBL2999T -> createJvm() JVMJZBL2999T JNI_CreateJavaVM elapsed time=0.295764 seconds, cpu time=0.229858 seconds JVMJZBL2999T <- createJvm() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil.getJavaVersionInfo JVMJZBL2999T method invocation elapsed time=0.003901 seconds, cpu time=0.009045 seconds JVMJZBL2999T <- StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL1012I Java Virtual Machine created. Version information follows: java version "1.6.0" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 20110418_80450) IBM J9 VM (build 2.6, JRE 1.6.0 z/OS s390-31 20110418_80450 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled) J9VM - R26_Java626_GA_FP1_20110418_1915_B80450 JIT - r11_20110215_18645ifx8 GC - R26_Java626_GA_FP1_20110418_1915_B80450 J9CL - 20110418_80450) JVMJZBL2999T -> checkVersions() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil.getJzosJarVersion JVMJZBL2999T method invocation elapsed time=0.000359 seconds, cpu time=0.000786 seconds JVMJZBL2999T <- StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T Build versions match: 2.4.0 2010-11-16 JVMJZBL2999T <- checkVersions() JVMJZBL2999T -> redirectStandardStreams() JVMJZBL2999T No JZOS_OUTPUT_ENCODING found, using the default codeset 'IBM-1047' JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T com.ibm.jzos.ZUtil.redirectStandardStreams JVMJZBL2999T method invocation elapsed time=0.009127 seconds, cpu time=0.008786 seconds JVMJZBL2999T <- StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL1027I Using output encoding: IBM-1047 JVMJZBL2999T <- redirectStandardStreams() JVMJZBL2999T -> establishMvsCommandListener() JVMJZBL1016I MVS commands are ENABLED JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T com.ibm.jzos.MvsConsole.startMvsCommandListener JVMJZBL2999T method invocation elapsed time=0.000463 seconds, cpu time=0.001074 seconds JVMJZBL2999T <- StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T <- establishMvsCommandListener() JVMJZBL2999T -> invokeMain() JVMJZBL2999T javaClassName: 'MvsJobOutput' JVMJZBL2999T Arg 1='IASOUT' JVMJZBL2999T Arg 2='JOB05434' JVMJZBL1023N Invoking MvsJobOutput.main()... JVMJZBL1056I Arguments to main... JVMJZBL1057I IASOUT JVMJZBL1057I JOB05434 JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.convert() JVMJZBL2999T -> StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T MvsJobOutput.main JVMJZBL2999T method invocation elapsed time=0.039423 seconds, cpu time=0.016867 seconds JVMJZBL2010E Exception occurred invoking MvsJobOutput.main() JVMJZBL2999T -> JniUtil.writeStackTrace() JVMJZBL2007E Stack trace follows: java.io.IOException: No output from jobStatus child process at MvsJobOutput.getStatus(MvsJobOutput.java:124) at MvsJobOutput.main(MvsJobOutput.java:65) JVMJZBL2999T <- JniUtil.writeStackTrace() JVMJZBL2999T <- StaticMethod.invoke() JVMJZBL2999T invokeMain caught exception rc=1 JVMJZBL2999T <- invokeMain() JVMJZBL2999T <- run() JVMJZBL2999T -> cleanup() JVMJZBL1014I Waiting for non-deamon Java threads to finish before exiting... JVMJZBL2999T JvmExitHook entered with exitCode=0, javaMainReturnedOrThrewException=1 JVMJZBL2999T DestroyJavaVM elapsed time=0.003200 seconds, cpu time=0.002568 seconds JVMJZBL2999I JZOS batch launcher elapsed time=0 seconds, cpu time=0.550000 seconds JVMJZBL1047W JZOS batch launcher completed with Java exception, return code=100 JVMJZBL2999T <- cleanup() JVMJZBL2999T -> ~JzosVM() JVMJZBL2999T <- ~JzosVM() STDOUT: //JZOS SysOut.println(); cmdPath= /u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2/jobStatus IASOUT JOB05434 environ(0)=LANG=C environ(1)=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1 environ(2)=PWD=/u/DAINEK environ(3)=STEPLIB=DSNA10.IAS.SDSNEXIT:DSNA10.SDSNLOAD:DSNA10.SDSNLOD2: environ(4)=_BPX_SPAWN_SCRIPT=YES environ(5)=_EDC_PTHREAD_YIELD=-2 environ(6)=NLSPATH=/usr/lpp/Printsrv/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N:/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N.cat environ(7)=MAIL=/usr/mail/ environ(8)=PS1=$LOGNAME:$PWD: > environ(9)=_BPX_SHAREAS=YES environ(10)=IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms16m -Xmx128m environ(11)=MANPATH=/usr/lpp/Printsrv/man/%L:/usr/man/%L environ(12)=LIBPATH=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/s390/default:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1 /bin:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6. 0.1/lib/s390:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/s390/j9vm:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/bin/classic::/usr/lpp/Jav a601_31/J6.0.1/lib/s390/de fault:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib/s390 environ(13)=CLASSPATH=/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/lib:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J 6.0.1/lib/ext:/usr/lpp/Java601_ 31/J6.0.1/*.jar::/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2 environ(14)=TZ=GMT-3 environ(15)=_=/bin/env environ(16)=PATH=/bin:/usr/lpp/Java601_31/J6.0.1/bin String line = exec.readLine(); length content =null exec.getReturnCode() =1 Value :parse: /u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2/jobStatus 1: FSUM7351 not found Value :/u/DAINEK/MvsSubmitJob2/jobStatus 5: FSUM7332 syntax error: got EOF, expecting then