A Microsoft Word Template for Automated Sequential Numbering of Figures (F), Tables (T) and Equations (E) Scott B. Jones et al. Department of Plants, Soils and Climate Utah State University, Logan, Utah The following text is largely taken from the Soil Science Society of America Journal Publications Handbook and Style Manual with Figure, Table and Equation excerpts taken from a journal article by Drs. Teamrat Ghezzehei and Dani Or, formerly of Utah State University. The formatted draft publication of these authors was used for demonstration of the F, T and E examples. URL for SSSAJ manual https://www.soils.org/files/publications/style/chapter-01.pdf Citation for the Published version of this partial draft paper: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2001WR001137/pdf Scott B. Jones Phone: (435) 797-2175 Fax:(435) 797-2117 Email: scott.jones@ usu.edu 1 Contents ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................................2 1.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................3 2.THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................................4 2.1. Geometrical Considerations ...........................................................4 3.MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................................5 3.1. Soil Densification Under Steady Stress .........................................6 4.RESULTS .........................................................................................................................7 5.DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................8 6.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................8 7.REFERENCES .................................................................................................................9 2 Abstract “A journal abstract has two typical uses, 1) Printed at the head of a scientific paper, an abstract helps readers decide whether to delve into the paper as a whole. 2) Abstracts are also published via abstracting and indexing services. Because the abstract will be seen and read by many more people than will read the paper, everything that is important in the paper must be reflected in the abstract. The abstract should call attention to new techniques, observations, or data. In essence, an informative abstract presents the paper in miniature, complete within itself. It moves from an introductory statement of the rationale and objectives or hypotheses, through materials and methods, to the results and conclusions. A descriptive abstract is more like a table of contents for the paper and is rarely used in scientific publications except, perhaps, for review or opinion papers.” Here’s an example from the Soil Science Society of America Journal Style Manual. 3 1. Introduction “Use the introduction to review published literature and issues related to your topic. A thorough introduction helps the reader recognize what your research contributes to the current knowledge in your subject area. Begin your article by clearly identifying its subject, and state the hypothesis or definition of the problem the research was designed to solve. To orient readers, give a brief reference to previous concepts and research. Limit literature references to essential information, and do not rely on old references when newer ones are available. Keep the introduction short, but include (i) a brief statement of the problem that justifies doing the work, or the hypothesis on which it is based; (ii) the findings of others that will be further developed or challenged; and (iii) an explanation of the general approach and objectives. This last part may indicate the means by which the question was examined, especially if the methods are new. Abbreviations and acronyms defined in the abstract do not need to be defined again in the main body of the text.“ Below is an example of the use of a Figure Cross-Reference. Note that placing the cursor on Figure 1 and clicking highlights the text is gray. Right-click on Figure 1 and you can then Update Field (this updates the figure number, which isn’t always done automatically), Edit Field (not sure what this does, but it sounds powerful) or Toggle Field Codes (allows you to see what the secret codes are). Discrete representation of soil aggregates as individual units applies to the initial loose state of soil aggregate beds, while adjacent interaggregate contacts are not touching each other (see Figure 1). After attainment of a critical strain value c, adjacent contact regions begin to overlap. Consequently, further deformation involves flow of soil material in a complex pattern towards the center of the enclosed pore that cannot be represented adequately by the radial flow assumed in the coalescence model. The purpose of this note is to extend the applications of the contact coalescence model by introducing a complementary geometry that considers shrinkage of pores enclosed in soil. What about Figure 2? 4 Figure 1. Transition from open pore geometry to closed pore geometry in aggregated soil subjected to axial stress [Braunack et al., 1979]. After the aggregates have been deformed adjacent interaggregate contacts begin to touch each other. The analogs using the conceptual model of this study are shown. 2. Theoretical Considerations This section is generally where the theory is described as well as any key mathematical models or functions used in the research. Although newer versions of MS Word have an equation editor, I strongly recommend use of the traditional Microsoft Equation 3.0 which is backward compatible with older versions of Word. I have seen many problems using the newer equation editor and when your coauthors can’t edit your equations, it is frustrating for everyone. To access Microsoft Equation 3.0, select Insert – Insert Object - Microsoft Equation 3.0. Although this can generate equations, formatting the equations with a number and getting it centered or other alignment option is another challenging task. This is why I like to keep a copy of this template handy and simply copy and paste the entire line into my new document. You can then simply edit the existing equation or replace it with one of your own. 2.1.Geometrical Considerations We consider a spherical pore of radius r1 surrounded by a concentric spherical shell of homogenous soil with radius r2, as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. We consider a uniform stress acting normal to the pore surface defined by oct 1 2 3 3 . (1) 5 where oct is the octahedral stress; and 1, 2, and 3 are stresses acting in the principal directions. From the simple geometry, we define the relative density of the unit cell relative to the density of the soil material forming the shell as 1 r1 r2 . 3 (2) The problem at hand is to determine the rate of decrease in pore radius r1, as determined by the stress , and the rheology of the soil matrix. The problem is solved by equating the rate of energy dissipation during viscous densification to the rate of work done by reduction of the pore radius [Frenkel, 1945]. 3. Materials and Methods “The In the Materials and Methods section, give enough detail to allow a competent scientist to repeat the experiments, mentally or in fact. In the materials section, describe the preparation method, equipment, and measurements, including SI units. Not all materials need to be identified by brand name and manufacturer. Consider first whether the particular product is essential to the outcome of the research, and then how readily available that particular product might be to other researchers. For example, if any standard test tube will work, it is not necessary to state the manufacturer of the tubes you used. If, however, the test tube must be lined with Teflon or be made of Pyrex (or in any other way differ from standard), then say so and, if such a test tube is not readily available, tell where it can be obtained. When a product must be identified by trade name, add the name of the manufacturer or a major distributor parenthetically after the first mention of the product. Example: “Soil respiration was measured with a CO2 analyzer Figure 2 (a) Schematic representation of the transition from open pores to closed pores. Note that for the open pores and closed pores the flow paths are symmetrical, whereas the transition has asymmetrical complex flow path. (b) Definition of closed pore. 6 (Model LI-6251, LI-COR).” If the particular product is both essential to the research and no longer commercially available, describe a suitable substitute and its source. In the case of specially procured or proprietary materials, give the pertinent chemical and physical properties (e.g., purity, pH, concentration). Chemical rather than trade names are preferred. Example: “Reference Suwannee River fulvic acid (IHSS-FA) and humic acid (IHSSHA) were purchased from the International Humic Substance Society (IHSS).” Plants and other organisms, including viruses, insects, bacteria, and pathogens should be identified accurately at first mention by scientific name (with authority for plants) and cultivar name if applicable. soil taxonomy, and special characteristics. Scientific names for larger animals (e.g., sheep) should be given if relevant to the article and/or there may be confusion as to what animal is being discussed. Identify soils by Great Group name at least, and preferably by soil series name and description. Cite references for your methods, and reference the edition you actually used. If the techniques are widely familiar, use only their names. If a method is modified, outline the modification or cite a reference, unless the modification is trivial. Give details of unusual experimental designs or statistical methods. The Materials and Methods section may be arranged chronologically, by a succession of techniques, or in any other logical manner, such as by experiment or location, and may include tables and figures.” 3.1.Soil Densification Under Steady Stress In this example, we focus on the ultimate density Error! Reference source not found. that results at a given external stress. The model performance is tested by comparison with isotropic compression of modeling clay reported by [Davis et al., 1973]. Equal-sized spheres were formed from modeling clay of plastic consistency. The spheres were arranged in cubic and rhombic packings inside a cylindrical rubber membrane of 100 mm diameter and 100 mm height. The samples were isotropically compressed inside a standard triaxial cell. In a completely unrelated twist, Table 1 gives novel information relative to this paper along with formatting guidelines for table footnotes. The Soil Science Society of America prefers the symbols shown in the foot note of the table to make notes regarding symbols in the table as shown in Table 2, where examples of different uses of statistical significance and footnotes are employed. 7 Table 1. Mean, standard deviation, and correlation length of log-permeability data collected in the Cross Drift and Niche 5. The spherical variogram parameter values for the cross drift were prescribed because the number of measurements was not adequate to compute the parameters. Location n Mean log (k) [m2] Niche 5 61 -10.95 Cross Drift 6 -10.73 Std. Dev. [m2] Spherical Variogram Sill Value [log(k)2] Correlation length [m] Nugget effect [log(k)2] 1.31 1.81 0.91 0.02 0.21 1.0 0.2 - * Significant at the 0.05 probability level. ** Significant at the 0.01 probability level. *** Significant at the 0.001 probability level. †, ‡, §, ¶, #, ††, ‡‡, §§, ¶¶, etc. Supplemental notes (each starting on a new line) 4. Results “Use tables, graphs, and other illustrations in the Results section to provide the reader with a clear understanding of representative data obtained from the experiments. Call attention to significant findings and special features (e.g., one quantity is greater than another, one result is linear across a range, or a particular value is optimum), but do not repeat in detailed prose what is already clear from an examination of the graphics. If you have minimal results, describe them in the text. For more complicated results, you may want to summarize them in tables or figures. If you do not have a separate Discussion section, relate the results to your objectives and to each other.” Table 2. Shows how to incorporate ANOVA results. The centered independent heading is used, together with the new main entry line in the stub, to alert the reader to a change in the type of data for the rows that follow. Adapted from Porter et al. (1996; Agron. J. 88:750–757). 8 5. Discussion “Use the Discussion section to interpret your results. Give particular attention to the problem, question, or hypothesis presented in the introduction. A good discussion typically covers most or all of the following steps: 1. Relate the results to the original objectives. 2. Explain the principles, relationships, and generalizations that can be supported by the results. 3. Address any exceptions or lack of correlation that qualify the findings, or difficulties that point to areas for further investigation. 4. Explain how the results relate to previous findings, whether in support, contradiction, or simply as added data. 5. Present conclusions, supported by a summary of the evidence. Whether combined with the Results section or standing alone, the Discussion section should focus on the meaning of your findings, not recapitulate them. Scientific speculation is encouraged, but it should be reasonable, firmly founded in observation, and subject to tests. It must also be identified as such. Where results differ from previous results for unexplained reasons, possible explanations should not be labored. Controversial issues should be discussed clearly and fairly.” 6. Summary and Conclusions To summarize, this document contains several examples of using Figures, Tables and Equations which are sequentially numbered and by copying an existing item and pasting a new one, numbering will automatically update whether in between or at the end of the list. Remember that creating Cross-References within text (i.e., ‘Figure 2’ or ‘Eqs. (3) and (7)’) allows your cross-references to any of these 3 items to be updated with any newly inserted F, T or E as well. 9 7. References Braunack, M.C., and A.R. Dexter, Compaction of aggregate beds, 119-26, in Modification of Soil Structure, edited by W.W. Emerson, R.D. Bond, and A.R. Dexter, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978. Braunack, M.V., J.S. Hewitt, and A.R. Dexter, Brittle fracture of soil aggregates and the compaction of aggregate beds, J. Soil Sci., 30, 653-667, 1979. Davis, P.F., A.R. Dexter, and D.W. Tanner, Isotropic compression of hypothetical and synthetic tilths, J. Terramech., 10, 21-34, 1973. Frenkel, J., Viscous flow of crystalline bodies under the action of surface tension, J. of Phys. Moscow, 9, 385-391, 1945. Fröhlich, H., and R. Sack, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 62, 180-, 1946. Ghezzehei, T.A., and D. Or, Rheological properties of wet soils and clays under steady and oscillatory stresses, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 65, 624-637, 2001. Horn, R., B.G. Richards, W. Grasle, T. Baumgartl, and C. Wiermann, Theoretical principles for modelling soil strength and wheeling effects - A review, Z. Pflanzen. Bodenk., 161, 333-346, 1998. Mackenzie, J.K., and R. Shuttleworth, A phenomenological theory of sintering, Proc. Phys. Soc., 62, 833-852, 1949. 10 This is where the Table of Figures is generated. Clicking on any of the text below creates a gray highlight over all text in the table. Note that the Table of Figures is an automated generation process using all figures in the paper by selecting References and then Insert Table of Figures. Figure 1. Transition from open pore geometry to closed pore geometry in aggregated soil subjected to axial stress [Braunack et al., 1979]. After the aggregates have been deformed adjacent interaggregate contacts begin to touch each other. The analogs using the conceptual model of this study are shown. Figure 2 (a) Schematic representation of the transition from open pores to closed pores. Note that for the open pores and closed pores the flow paths are symmetrical, whereas the transition has asymmetrical complex flow path. (b) Definition of closed pore. Figure 1. Transition from open pore geometry to closed pore geometry in aggregated soil subjected to axial stress [Braunack et al., 1979]. After the aggregates have been deformed adjacent interaggregate contacts begin to touch each other. The analogs using the conceptual model of this study are shown. Figure 1 Figure 2