4 Expert 3 Proficient 2 Emerging 1 Beginning

Writers Workshop
Aesop Fable News Story Rubric
Spring 2013
Procedural Requirements
Used 12 pt. Times New Roman font
500 words
Titled GoogleDoc File Correctly (Last Aesop Fable)
Shared Document with Dr. Pierce, Mrs. Riley
Used the proper heading (Headline, Byline)
Double- Spaced
Submitted on time
News Story
Points Worth
4 Expert
3 Proficient
Headline is well-written
and catchers the reader’s
Lead is creative, wellwritten sentence or series
of sentences that grabs the
reader’s attention.
Headline is well-written, but
does not catch the reader’s
Lead is well-written
sentence or series of
sentences that attempts to
grab the reader’s attention
but lacks creativity.
Headline is not well-written
and does not catch the
reader’s attention.
Lead is not a well written
sentence or series of
sentences that attempts to
catch the reader’s attention
and fails in creativity.
Headline is poorly written
or it is not present
The facts of the story are
all accurate and are clear.
Relevant anecdotes and
details enrich the story.
The facts of the story are all
accurate and are usually
clear. More details and
anecdotes are needed to
enrich the story.
The story is very
inaccurate and/or vague.
The reader does not know
what the story is about.
All sides of the issue are
presented clearly, without
bias and given an
appropriate amount of
All sides of the issue are
presented clearly, without
bias. Problems exist with
writer not attributing an
opinion to a source.
The facts of the story are not
always accurate. The facts
are clear, though they may
not be detailed or show that
the writer has a great
understanding of the subject.
The reader is left with
All sides of the issue are not
equally covered. Preference
is given to one over the other.
The story is very well
organized. One idea
follows another in a logical
sequence with clear
transitions. Inverted
pyramid is followed.
The story is pretty well
organized. One idea may
seem out of place. Clear
transitions are used.
Inverted pyramid is
The story is a little hard to
follow. The transitions are
sometimes not clear. Inverted
pyramid is missing.
Ideas and quotes seem to
be randomly arranged.
Inverted pyramid is
All sentences sound natural
and are easy-on-the-ear
when read aloud. Each
sentence is clear and has an
obvious emphasis.
Almost all sentences sound
natural and are easy-on-theear when read aloud but 1 or
2 are stiff and awkward or
difficult to understand.
Most sentences sound natural
and are easy-on-the-ear when
read aloud, but several are
stiff and awkward or are
difficult to understand.
The sentences are difficult
to read aloud because they
sound awkward, are
distractingly repetitive, or
difficult to understand.
Three separate sources
used for quotes are credible
and relevant to the story.
Two separate sources used
for quotes are credible and
relevant to the story.
One source used for quotes
are credible and not entirely
relevant to the story.
No sources used for quotes
are present or relevant to
the story.
Spelling and
No spelling or grammar
No more than 1 or 2 spelling
or grammar errors.
No more than 3 spelling or
grammar errors.
Several spelling or
grammar errors.
2 Emerging
Points Earned
1 Beginning
Lead is poorly written or
no evidence of a lead is
present at all.
Only one side of the issue
is presented.