Report to Portfolio Holder Partnerships Subject: Leisure Initiative Grant Scheme Status: Routine Matter for Decision 28 January 2014 Report Ref: Ward(s): All Key Decision: No Key Decision Ref: Report of: Head of Community Services Contact: June Balcombe Community Development Team Leader Appendices: Papers relied on to produce this report SUMMARY 1 This Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to consider the integration of the Leisure Initiative grant scheme funding with the Have Your Say grant scheme and approve the decision making process. 2 Recommendation 2.1 It is recommended that: a) The Leisure Initiatives Grant budget is integrated with the Have Your Say Grant budget from 2014/15. b) The decision on allocation of funding from the integrated scheme will be made via a public vote, held on a specified ‘Decision Day’. c) A record of funding decisions and allocations will be published on the council’s web-site. 1 of 5 PRIORITIES, IMPACTS AND RISKS Contribution to Council Priorities This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly supports the Council Plan priority/priorities of maintaining a reputation for quality arts and leisure and supporting active healthy and involved communities. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Definition MAIN CONSIDERATIONS 3 The Proposal Background 3.1 The Leisure Initiatives fund was designed to enable agencies and voluntary organisations of any kind to contribute to the overall vision of leisure in Basingstoke. 3.1.1 The main focus for the funding was to develop new areas of work that directly benefited residents of the borough. The criteria are attached in Appendix 1. 3.1.2 The decision to allocate funding is made by the Portfolio Holder for Partnerships. 3.2 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Basingstoke Voluntary Services working in partnership delivered the Basingstoke and Deane small scale community participatory budget initiative on behalf of Hampshire County Council known as ‘Have your Say’ in 2013. 3.2.1 The purpose of the Have Your Say grant scheme is designed to enable voluntary and community organisations of any kind to help improve their local environment, to support local groups or strengthen their community. Local people then have the opportunity to determine which local projects should receive funding through an open day (decision day), where local residents can vote for the projects they feel would most benefit their community. 3.2.2 The main focus of the funding is to support sustainable projects that will bring the community together to: enhance the local environment provide an identified service/activity for local residents strengthen community activity in areas of greatest need improve the health and wellbeing of the community. The criteria are attached in Appendix 2 3.2.3 The scheme was successful; Voting was planned in 3 areas: 2 of 5 3.2.4 Tadley Community Centre (Due to applications for funding being withdrawn a ballot was not needed in Tadley so this event was cancelled). The Civic Offices, The Gill Nethercott Centre, Whitchurch Residents had the chance to see information on the initiatives put forward and vote for the ones they thought should get funding. 338 people voted at the Civic Offices and 158 people voted at Gill Nethercott Centre, Whitchurch. 3.2.5 A total of 32 applications were received from voluntary and community groups within the borough of which, 27 organisations received funding, these included a variety of projects: a community café and local one stop shop, which will enable residents to meet their neighbours, get advice from local service providers and access computers; applications from different youth projects wanting to broaden the experiences for young people through new equipment, new activities and to encourage youth leadership; community associations wishing to extend the activities at their centre’s for their local communities; sports groups wishing to extend involvement of women, and wider age ranges in sport; groups looking at different ways to get information out to support disabled groups, including specialist equipment, and mobile services; and a project which aimed to provide a free service for fitting, styling and cutting wigs for breast cancer patients. 3.2.6 It is proposed that the scheme be expanded to include the Leisure initiative Fund budget, as there was more than 50% increase in applications, and by encouraging community involvement almost 500 residents were involved in the decision, thereby increasing local participation in decision making. 3.3 The pros and cons of continuing to administer the two schemes separately and the integration of the schemes are shown in section 4 of this report. 3 of 5 4 Options Analysis Option 1 4.1 Continue to administer the two grant schemes separately. Pros Cons Organisations familiar with the process Leisure Initiative budget decreasing Individuals can apply for funding Resources required to administer the schemes Leisure Initiative fund has 4 application rounds per year Recommendations not always based on community need/support Potential for double funding Option 2 4.2 Integrate the Leisure Initiative Scheme with the Have Your Say Scheme Pros Cons Reduction in resources for administration Individuals can’t apply for funding Greater community involvement in which projects get funded Have Your Say budget subject to Hampshire County Council funding The model of community participatory budgeting can continue regardless of County funding Only one round of applications per year Eliminates potential for double funding Simplified process, and outcomes of funding applications announced quicker The criteria for both schemes are similar with similar outcomes for the community; therefore it is proposed that the two schemes are integrated, with the decision making by the community rather than the Portfolio Holder from 2014/15. 4 of 5 5 Corporate Implications 5.1 Financial Implications 5.1.1 The budget for leisure initiative grants is £15,600 and funding of £25,000 ‘Have Your Say’ grant has been secured from HCC. Combining these will create a total ‘Have Your Say’ grant budget of £40,600 for 2014/15 within the Community Support and Development service. 5.2 Risk Issues 5.2.1 There is no guarantee that funding from Hampshire County Council will continue, as this is applied for on an annual basis. However, by integrating the two budgets the model for community participatory budgeting can be continued regardless of the amount of funding available. 5.3 HR Issues None 5.4 Equalities 5.4.1 No specific impact on equalities groups has been identified due to the fact the integrated scheme is aimed at and will benefit the same audience. Legal Implications 5.4.2 All successful applicants will be required to sign a funding agreement prior to receiving the funding. Any Other Implications 5.4.3 None 6 Communication and Consultation 6.1 If the proposal is supported, then by adopting this approach the community will be actively involved in the decisions. 7 Conclusion 7.1 The integration of the Leisure Initiatives fund with the have Your Say Grant Scheme will reduce the resources required to administer the grant and streamline the process to make it clearer for applicants. 7.2 It will also increase community engagement and involvement of residents in deciding which projects are most beneficial and meet community needs. 5 of 5