Graduate Council Minutes 1/28/15

GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: M. Alwell, B. Bach, K. Briknarova, S. Bywater-Reyes, I. Crummy, R.
Delaloye, A. Kinch, J. Hodgins, J. Johnson, M. McGuirl, D. Spencer, C. Stanick, K. Swift
Members Absent/Excused: M. Kia
Ex Officio Members Present: R. Arouca, M. Berthelson, N. Lindsay, S. Ross
Guests: Paulo Zagalo-Melo
The 12/10/14 minutes were approved.
Professors Jere Hodgin and Jesse Johnson were welcomed to the Committee.
Professor McGuirl has taken a position with NIH. So the Council will need another
member from the Sciences and a new chair-elect. Associate Dean Jansen is asking for
volunteers in DBS to serve on the Council.
Professor Bach volunteered to serve on the Graduate Teaching Assistant Award
Last year the Bertha Morton Deadline was extended until February 14th due to
department complaints. The policy mandates the deadline to be the first Friday in
February. The communication sent at the end of fall semester notified students of a
February 6th deadline. Departments have until March 6th to submit recommendation
letters. An extended deadline would delay the review and notification to award winners,
so it was not approved.
Chair Swift provided an overview of the agenda items for spring semester. Today the
priority is to approve the pending curriculum items and discuss a possible
recommendation for the Graduate School reporting structure.
The curriculum items appended were approved. Associate Provost Zagalo-Melo agreed
to change the language requirement to two semesters rather than 6 credits for the
proposed M.Ed and PhD in International Educational Leadership.
The Council discussed whether it should make a recommendation with regard to the
Graduate School Reporting Structure. Although the Council asked for more details, how
the change would be implemented is still ambiguous. Rather than make a
recommendation, the Council could reiterate its priorities in terms of Graduate School
functions. The last thing the Council would want to do is give a blanket approval without
knowing the form or substance of the plan. The Council agreed that Chair Swift will
send a communication to the Provost, President and Vice President Whittenburg that
includes the minutes of the last meeting as a record. That also asks for written
clarification / coherent plan with regard to financial support or changes to TAs,
implications for graduate students, the GSA, and programs, continuity of service,
assurance of information flow with academic deans (Could the Associate Dean attend the
Academic Officers meetings), proposed timeline, possible locations for the Graduate
School, and other ideas to increase retention, enrollment, and enhance the graduate
student experience. If the administration is asking for support from the Council more
details are needed.
It was somewhat reassuring to hear that VP Whittenburg, if given the position, would still
have an Associate Dean to attend to the day-to-day functions of the Graduate School.
However, the administration had not worked any further on a specific plan, which is what
was requested by the Graduate Council. The Provost’s initial reasoning for the transition
was to eliminate an administrative position. Dean Ross is willing to help with the
transition if his position is eliminated. The Council will support a structural change if it
gives a stronger presence and greater leadership university-wide for graduate education.
A structural change should have the consent of the faculty.
The GSA has 500 plus graduate student signatures on the petition to become an
autonamous entity. The GSA has been encouraged by the Provost to work with ASUM.
This has led to a collaborative proposal for a research fee for all students. If this fails, the
GSA will again try to negotiate a portion of the activity fee for GSA programming
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Level I Certificate
Certificate Program in Environmental Health
(and related new courses)
Introduction to Toxicology
Environmental and Rural Health
Epidemiology and Rural Health
Level II PhD and M.Ed. in Inter. Educational Leadership
(and related new courses)
EDLD 670
EDLD 672
EDLD 673
EDLD 677
EDLD 678
EDLD 679
EDLD 680
EDLD 681
EDLD 682
EDLD 683
Best Practices in Inter, Programs Leadership
International Program Dev. in Higher Ed
Leadership across Cultures
Globalization in Education
Cultural Proficiency
Linguistic Diversity
Politics of International Education
Comparative International Education
Cross Cultural Competence
International Student Perspective
Level I Intercultural Youth and Family Development
Change title to Global Youth Development
Program Modification
Change Rubric from IYFD to GYD
Level I Women Studies Certificate
Change Title to Women and Gender Studies