Mosaic Academy EPSS Plan 2014-2015 State Goal 1: Strengthening Reading Instructional Programs All students will meet or exceed proficiency by meeting the SGT of 61% in Reading by May 2015 as measured by the PARCC. Strategy 1. Core Reading Program 1. Continuation of Common Core Standards Implementation a. Daily posted and/or shared learning focus b. Quarterly review of CCSS implementation 2. Daily Provision of Core Reading/ ELA Curriculum a. Differentiation opportunities within Tier I 3. Strengthening of Classroom Reading Instruction a. Early Release Mondays b. Participation in Reads to Lead grant c. PD related to strengthening of reading instruction i. Training in computer-based testing ii. Review of PARCC prototypes iii. Review of available NAEP test items iv. Incorporation of information gleaned from CCSS Professional Development Summit work with PED 4. Assessment of impact of core reading program a. Implementation of Early Release Mondays b. Review of End of the Year 2014 DIBELS Next data c. Review results of spring 2014 NMSBA d. Plan next steps of instruction e. Implementation of nwea SCA, beginning of year 2014, midyear 2014, end of year 2015 f. Review of results of SCA; student goal setting g. Implementation of DIBELS Next for K-3 students, Beginning of Year (BOY), Middle of Year (MOY), End of Year (EOY) h. Review of results of DIBELS Next data i. Plan next steps of instruction 5. Supplemental Integrated Language Arts Instruction (Quest, Mosaic University) Strategy 2: Tier II Supports for Students in Reading 1. Identification of students 2. Placement of students (specific discussion of timeframes identified) 3. Implementation of Tier II Interventions 4. Documentation of RtI impact Note: the “state goals” and strategies have been provided for the 2014-2015 academic year by the NM PED. (I have designated the state-scripted items with bold font in the outline above.) All action steps and tasks have been written specific to Mosaic Academy. Strategy 3: Tier III Supports for Students in Reading 1. Individualize instruction for students with IEPs 2. Strategies for students with IEPs (PD) 3. Weekly meeting, training with special education instructional assistants. Strategy 4: Professional Development to support reading 1. Reading/ Language Arts Professional Development a. Professional Development for Staff b. Professional Development by Collaborative Group c. PD via Professional Resources Strategy 5: Collaborative Time for Reading Teachers 1. Incorporation of Early Release Days 2. Common Planning Times for Cluster Level Groups 3. Data Review and Discussion Strategy 6: Monitoring of Reading Instructional Programs 1. Monitoring of Reading Program Implementation Strategy 7: College and Career Ready (Grades 8-12) 1. Completion of next step plan for 8th graders Strategy 8. Use of Data to Analyze Reading 1. Opportunities for Data Review and Analysis (classroom level, short cycle assessment and NMSBA data) a. Individual student data (teachers) b. Classroom level data (teachers) c. Grade level data (clusters) d. School level data (whole school) i. Emphasis on disaggregated subgroups Note: the “state goals” and strategies have been provided for the 2014-2015 academic year by the NM PED. (I have designated the state-scripted items with bold font in the outline above.) All action steps and tasks have been written specific to Mosaic Academy. State Goal 2: Strengthening Math Instructional Programs All students will meet or exceed proficiency by meeting the SGT of 55% in Math by May 2015 as measured by the PARCC. Strategy 1. Core Math Program 1. Continuation of Common Core Standard Implementation a. Daily posted and/or shared learning focus b. Quarterly review of CCSS implementation 2. Daily Provision of Core Math Curriculum a. Differentiation opportunities within Tier I 3. Strengthening of Classroom Math Instruction a. Early Release Mondays b. PD related to strengthening of math instruction i. Training in computer-based testing ii. Review of PARCC prototypes iii. Review of available NAEP test items iv. Incorporation of information gleaned from CCSS Professional Development Summit work with PED 4. Assessment of impact of core math program a. Implementation of Early Release Mondays b. Review results of spring 2014 NMSBA c. Plan next steps of instruction d. Implementation of nwea SCA, beginning of year 2014, midyear 2015, end of year 2015 e. Review of results of SCA; student goal setting f. Implementation of nwea MAP for Primary Grades for K-2 students, beginning of year 2014, midyear, end of year 2015 g. Review of results of MAP for Primary Grades data h. Plan next steps of instruction 5. Supplemental Integrated Math Instruction (Quest, Mosaic University) Strategy 2: Tier II Supports for Students in Math 1. Identification of students 2. Placement of students 3. Implementation of Tier II Interventions 4. Documentation of RtI impact Strategy 3: Tier III Supports for Students in Reading 1. Individualize instruction for students with IEPs 2. Strategies for students with IEPs (PD) 3. Weekly meeting, training with special education instructional assistants. Strategy 4: Professional Development to support math 1. Math Professional Development a. Common core resources Note: the “state goals” and strategies have been provided for the 2014-2015 academic year by the NM PED. (I have designated the state-scripted items with bold font in the outline above.) All action steps and tasks have been written specific to Mosaic Academy. i. Information related to monthly practice standards ii. Incorporation of information gleaned from CCSS Professional Development Summit work with PED Strategy 5: Collaborative Time for Math Teachers 1. Implementation of weekly early-out Mondays once/month to facilitate professional learning and collaboration Strategy 6: Monitoring of Math Instructional Programs 1. Monitoring of Math Program Implementation Strategy 7: College and Career Ready (Grades 8-12) 1. Completion of next step plan for 8th graders Strategy 8. Use of Data to Analyze Math 1. Opportunities for Data Review and Analysis (classroom level, short cycle assessment and NMSBA data) e. Individual student data (teachers) f. Classroom level data (teachers) g. Grade level data (clusters) h. School level data (whole school) i. Emphasis on disaggregated subgroups Note: the “state goals” and strategies have been provided for the 2014-2015 academic year by the NM PED. (I have designated the state-scripted items with bold font in the outline above.) All action steps and tasks have been written specific to Mosaic Academy. State Goal 3: Transformation Goal Strategy 1. Use of Data—per PED guidance sheet, only three additional are required: I. “Use of Data to Analyze Reading and Math is a strategy embedded within the Reading and Math Goal” II. “The Strengthening the School’s Instructional Program goal for Reading and Math counts as one of the 4 required principles.” Strategy 2. Effective Teachers I. In conjunction with the new requirements for the teacher observation portion of the Teacher Evaluation system, teachers at Mosaic Academy will discuss and work toward improvement in their teacher effectiveness; teachers will be encouraged to set goals related to Domain 1 look fors and to seek out. a. Teachers will address one component of Domain 1 on their PDP, targeting planning and preparation. b. Observers will target Domains 2 and 3 during walkthroughs and observations c. Principal will complete training in effective implementation of Teacher Evaluation system. II. Professional development during the 2014-2015 school year will emphasize improving instruction at least once each month. This will be presented by the principal, the reading coach, or will employ technology (including YouTube, Teachscape Learn or other source of modeled instruction). Strategy 5. Parent, Family and Community I. Documentation of community events II. Parent helpers III. Evening events (Raise the Roof, math night, literacy night, game night) IV. 100% goal for conferences Strategy 6. School Safe Environments I. Incorporation of behavioral expectations on report card a. Teachers report on individual student’s ability to meet behavioral expectations as discussed in the Mosaic Academy charter through the quarterly report card shared with parents. Note: the “state goals” and strategies have been provided for the 2014-2015 academic year by the NM PED. (I have designated the state-scripted items with bold font in the outline above.) All action steps and tasks have been written specific to Mosaic Academy.