The History of Science


Topic/Title: “History of Science- How Did the Maggots Get on the Meat?”

Essential Question: How has Science changed throughout time?

*Chunk notes and develop at least 3 questions that can be answered using your notes.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher- intellectual; lover of wisdom. o Made many contributions to field of science. o “Authority” in science and many other fields- what he spoke as truth was taught in society and universities for over 1,000 years o Logical thinking, made conclusions based on observations

“How did the maggots get on the meat?” o Evidence-

 Maggots appear on decaying meat if left in the open.

 Maggots do not appear on meat that is in a sealed container. o Claim-

Spontaneous generation- maggots are formed when decaying meat mixes with the air. o Because of Aristotle’s powerful influence, this was accepted as truth. o Problem- Aristotle never performed scientific experiments to support his ideas. He created

“Laws of the Universe” from simple observation and creative reasoning.

Francesco Redi (1626-1697)- Italian biologist who challenged the idea of spontaneous generation. o Conducted experiments to test Aristotle’s idea. o Evidence-

 Results from scientific tests showed maggots would form on mesh lid of jar if meat was decaying inside. o Disproved Aristotle- maggots do not spontaneously generate from meat. o New Claim-

 Maggots hatch from eggs laid by flies.

Science is not just a body of knowledge- Science is a process in which we develop tests to gain sufficient evidence to support our claims!

