DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER Chapter 14 Sec 2 & 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the general time frame for mechanical and chemical weathering. What is the average rate at which carbonation dissolves limestone? At the average rate, how long would it take to dissolve a layer of limestone 150m thick? List three important factors that determine the rate at which rock weathers. Define differential weathering. Use the terms in this box to complete the sentences below # 6-11. Silicates weathering sand Calcite clay grains Rocks carbonation 6. Limestone and other sedimentary rocks that contain _________________________ weather most rapidly. 7. Limestone weathers rapidly because it undergoes ___________________________________. 8. Other sedimentary rocks are affected mainly by mechanical ________________________. 9. The rates at which these sedimentary rocks weather depends mostly on the material that holds the sediment ______________________________ together. 10. Shales that are not firmly cemented together may break up to form ___________________. 11. Conglomerates and sandstones that are strongly cemented by _____________________ resist weathering. 12. List two important factors related to exposure that determine the rate of weathering of a rock. 13. What is a rock’s surface area? 14. Describe the natural zones of weakness within a rock. 15. How does chemical weathering affect cracked rocks. 16. Why is the rate of weathering slowest in hot, dry climates? 17. Topograpghy, which influences the rate of weathering is ____________________________. 18. Because temperatures are generally cold at high elevations, what is more common at high elevations than at low? 19. What happens to weathered rock fragments on steep slopes? 20. New surfaces of mountains are continually exposed to weathering as a result of _________. Sec. 3 1. The layer of weathered rock fragments that covers much of Earth’s surface is called ____. 2. The solid, unweathered rock that lies beneath the top layer is called ________________. 3. A loose mixture of rock fragments and organic material that can support the growth of vegetation is called _________________. 4. What is a soil’s parent rock? 5. What is soil that forms and stays directly over its parent rock called? 6. Describe transported soil. 7. what kinds of rocks weather to form sandy soils? 8. What is the color of soil generally related to? 9. Give two examples of soil colors and tell what each means. 10. Describe the three main types of rock particles in soil. 11. What is one of the most important factors that influences soil formation? 12. Heavy rainfalls and high temperatures in tropical climates support chemical weathering that creates thick soils called ________________________. 13. What happens to tropical topsoil as a result as a result of heavy rains? 14. In tropical climates, a thin layer of humus usually covers the B horizon because _________. 15. In temperature zones, where temperatures range between cool and warm, which soil horizons reach a thickness of several meters? 16. What soil type forms in temperate climates tat receive more than 65cm of rain per year and contains clay, quartz, and iron compounds. 17. What fertile soil type containing large amounts of calcium carbonate forms in temperate climates that receive less than 65cm of rain per year? 18. The soil that forms in desert and artic climates, where mechanical and chemical weathering occur slowly, ________________________.