Application No. - Sheffield Hallam University

PT SHU Financial Bursary Application Form 14/15
Part-Time Student: Sheffield Hallam Financial Bursaries - Academic Year 2015–16
Sheffield Hallam University are providing cash bursaries ranging from £200 to £800 to help with the cost of living,
which are paid alongside financial support from the government. The University will be awarding Sheffield Hallam
Financial Bursaries to students entering in the 2015/16 academic year subject to eligibility criteria. For further
information see
How much is the award?
The bursary ranges from £200 to £800 for eligible full-time students, depending on your household income.
Household income (£)
Student Finance England (SFE) funding
(loan + grant £)
Total SFE funding plus
Sheffield Hallam Financial Bursary (£)
Up to 25,000
25,001 – 30,000
30,001 – 35,000
35,001 – 40,000
40,001 – 42,620 (max)
If you study part-time you will receive a proportion of this cash bursary, depending on your course fee. The £200
bursary is awarded for your first year only. If you receive a bursary of £400, £600 or £800 you will receive it for
each taught year.
Am I eligible for the award?
Depending on your household income (see above) you could be eligible for this bursary if you are
 studying an undergraduate course at Sheffield Hallam University starting in 2015–16
 liable to pay the University's 2015–16 tuition fee of £9,000 (part-time students will pay a proportion of this fee)
 a student from England
The following students are not eligible for the Sheffield Hallam Financial Bursary
NHS-funded students
students continuing directly from one course to another in 2015 (for example from foundation degree or HND
to final year of an honours degree)
postgraduate students
part-time students who are studying at less than 25% intensity of the equivalent full-time course
students whose fees are paid in whole or part through sponsorship (for example by their employer)
students from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
How do I apply?
Full-time students are assessed automatically. If you are a part-time student please complete this application form
and provide evidence of your household income, which can be checked by our Student Funding and Money Skills
The deadline date for applying is 27th May 2016 and all payments from the scheme have to be paid by 31 July
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PT SHU Financial Bursary Application Form 14/15
Application No.
Applications must be submitted together with all documentary evidence not later than 27th May 2016 for
September 2015 starters.
Personal Details:
Title: _____ Forename: __________________
Surname: ____________________________
SHU student ID No: __________________ (if available)
Date of birth: ____ / ____ / _______ (DD/MM/YYYY)
Postcode: ____________________
Email address:
Country of domicile: _________________
Are you ordinarily resident in England? Yes / No* (delete as appropriate)
* The Sheffield Hallam Financial Bursaries are not available to a student who is ordinarily resident in Scotland,
Wales or Northern Ireland.
Course of Study: ________________________________________________________
Year of Study: __________
Length of Course: __________
How many credits are you studying: __________
Are you repeating the year? Yes / No (delete as appropriate)
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PT SHU Financial Bursary Application Form 14/15
What is Household Income?
Your household income is the total amount your family earns each year before tax and national insurance.
Household income is usually based on earnings for the previous tax year (2013–14 if you’re applying to study in
Dependent students - If you’re a dependent student your income and your parents’ income is assessed. You’re
classed as a dependent student unless one or more of the bullet points below applies.
Independent students - If you’re an independent student your income and your partner’s income is assessed.
You’re classed as an independent student if:
you’re 25 years old or older
you have a child
you have no living parents
you are or have been married or in a civil partnership
you’ve supported yourself for three years
you’re estranged from your parents
How much is your current household income? £_______________
You must attach copies of documentary evidence for each item to your application or we will not be able to
process your application.
Please supply evidence of household income e.g. Earnings (P60, P45 or wage slips) OR Evidence of benefits
(Working Tax Credit, Job Seekers' Allowance, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Incapacity Benefit/ESA).
The evidence of any current income or benefits must be no more than four weeks older than the date of your
Fill in either weekly, monthly, or annual figures ONLY in the table below for you and your parent or partner as
Your Income
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Job Seekers' Allowance
Income Support
Incapacity Benefit/ESA
Council Tax Benefit
Housing Benefit
Other Income (Please specify)
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Parent / Partner Income
PT SHU Financial Bursary Application Form 14/15
I certify that the information that I have given in this application is true and correct to the best of my
I understand that giving false information will automatically disqualify my application and may also
lead to disciplinary procedures resulting in possible expulsion from the University and/or referral to
the police. I further undertake to repay any funding obtained by me as a result.
I understand that I must provide documentation as requested. I agree that relevant third parties may
be contacted by University staff in connection with this application and that information I have
provided in this application may be disclosed to those parties for the purpose of verification or
clarification. I will not unreasonably refuse to grant permission to a third party to disclose relevant
information to the University if a third party requests such permission. I understand that my failure to
grant such permission without good reason may result in the University being unable to process my
application for financial support.
I also agree to repay the whole amount of any payment made to me as a result of this application if the
information I have entered on this form is shown to be false in any way.
Date _____ / _____ / _____
Once you have fully completed this form please hand it in together with all supporting documents to:
Student Support Services
Student Funding and Money Skills Team
Sheffield Hallam University
5th Floor
Owen Building
S1 1WB
Please note that this bursary will be paid at the end of February 2016.
OFFICE USE ONLY - print out enrolment form and STU screen from SI.
- check whether student is being charged £9000 fees
- check HEBSS portal (print off sheet)
Check on SI, if not available contact faculty
INTENSITY OF STUDY __________________
CREDIT POINTS _______________________
COURSE FEES £_______________________
Decision: Amt paid fees £_______
Approved By: ______ Date: ___________
Put on dbase ______
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