To make a bank transfer

《For Students》
Necessary Documents from the
① Application Form
Applicant’s handwriting
②Five Passport photos(3 ㎝×4 ㎝)
Sign on the back
③Personal History Record / Resume
Applicant’s handwriting
④Purpose of studying Japanese
Applicant’s handwriting
and how the student desires to use
Japanese after graduation
⑤Translation of ④
into Japanese
⑥Certificate of graduation from last
school attended
⑦Letter of Recommendation
Use school letterhead
⑧Copy of Passport
⑨Certificate of studying Japanese
All pages if you have.
⑩If you studied Japanese before,
⑪Birth Certificate
⑫Certificate of applicant’s
Necessary Documents from the
If you have a job now.
① Affidavit of Support
② Proof of bank account balance
Yen or US$
③ Copy of sponsor’s passbook
How the sum of ②
was made
④Certificate of sponsor’s employment
⑤Certificate of sponsor’s income
For the past one year
⑥ Proof of Relationship
※ Japanese documents are valid for three months and foreign ones are valid for six months.
Utsunomiya Japanese Language School
Tuition and Fees of Pre-college Students
① Processing
② Admission
③ Equipment
④ Tuition
① +③+④
8% tax included
terms of payment
1、You must pay ①when you apply to our school.①is not refund
2、You must pay ②③and④ when you receive your certificate of eligibility From
immigration(We will send you original certificate as soon as you send us ②③ and④)
Payment a Refunds
1、Tuition should be paid yearly as principle.
2、NO refund of fees paid by the applicant will be made after receiving certificate of eligibility.
To make a bank transfer
金融機関名:栃木银行 泉が丘支店
口座番号 : 普通 1001796
Tochigi Bank/Izumigaoka Branch
Saving Account
口座名義 : 宇都宫日本语学院
Utunomiya Japanese Language School
Utsunomiya Japanese Language School
Invitation points and Presentation papers
Invitation points and Application term
◆Months of entrance
April , October
◆Qualification of Admission
Persons who have been educated in their countries more than twelve tears,
or who have a qualification equal to that.
◆Studying terms
◆School hours
Two years, A year and a half.
Five days a week. (from Mon. to Fri.)
Either the morning or afternoon course.
cf. From 9:00 to 12:45 (In the morning course)
From 13:15 to 17:00 (In the afternoon course)
◆Acceptance terms of necessary documents for Admission
a. From 5th in Sep. to 15th in Nov.
(In case of Entrance in April)
b. From 15th in Mar. to 15th in May. (In case of Entrance in October)
※ Necessary to have prepared all the documents.
Documents to be prepared by an Applicant
① Application Form
◇ Be to fill out in the proper form in the mother language.
( ※ Necessary to fill out in English except the students in Chinese characters` culture range.)
② Five Passport photos ( 4cm x 3cm )
◇ Ones having been taken with full face, no hat or cap within the latest six months.
( Signing on the backs. )
③ Resume, The Reason or Purpose of studying Japanese
④ Be to fill out in the proper form in the mother language
( Necessary to fill out in English except the students in Chinese characters` culture)
⑤ Be to be concrete and concise in the Reason or Purpose.
( Be to append the translation of that into Japanese on another sheet if you can.)
◇ Necessary to mention your studying career, professional one without blank terms and the address,
the position with no omission.
◇ Necessary to mention your birth place in detail referring to your family register.
⑥ Certificate of graduation from last school attended.
⑦ List of school grades.
◇ A copy of the certificate or the original one.
◇ The school certificate or a proof equal to that in case of still an undergraduate at the school.
(In case of a graduate of the night course or the correspondence one in a university or college, or a
student who is in temporary absence from school or who left school halfway, the following proofs are
◇ The proper proof of the university or college.
◇ The certificate of graduation of the high school of the graduate or student.
The other proofs of school career
◇ Necessary to present the proof of the school graduated from in the case applicable to either of the
following cases.
a. In case of an elementary which has five years or the age of the entrance under six or above eight.
b. In case of leaving school or advancing over each grade during the school terms from an elementary to
last school attended.
List of school grades
◇ Necessary to present any of the three of 1~3mentioned below if you are Chinese.
➊ Achievement proof of United Examination of University
➋ Passer Certificate of United Examination of Graduation from High School.
➌ Achievement proof of United Examination of Graduation from High School.
⑧ Copy of Passport (If you have.)
◇Necessary to present the copy of all the pages without a blank.
⑨ Certificate of studying Japanese.
(If you have ever had the experience of studying Japanese)
◇ Necessary to present the certificate issued by an educational institution of Japanese.
(Desirable to be more than 150hours of having studied Japanese)
⑩ Proof of Japanese Proficiency. (If you have got the following qualification.)
◇ Japanese Proficiency Test
◇ J.TEST (Japanese license examination)
◇ BJT ( Business Japanese proficiency test)
◇ Japanese NAT-TEST.
◇ STBJ(Standard business Japanese proficiency test.)
◇ TOPJ (Total practical Japanese proficiency test)
◇ GNK ( livelihood・function Japanese license test.)
⑪ Certificate of applicant`s employment ( If you have o job now.)
◇ Necessary to present the certificate issued by the company you have worked in.
Necessary Documents from the sponsor.
① Affidavit of Support
◇ Necessary for the sponsor himself to fill in a proper form concretely sign his name and stamp his
registered seal.
◇ In the necessary case of the details of guaranteeing of the support, write on another sheet.
Cf. The amount of bearing the living expenses:
More than ¥80,000 if the applicant has no lodger.
The method of a remittance : for example,
“sending money in his own bank account regularly”
② Proof of Deposit Balance
◇ The one issued within three months
( Desirable to be the amount more than about three million yen.)
③ Copy of the sponsor’s bankbook
◇ The ones for about three years as the data which makes those clear; details which led the sponsor to
raise funds as the expenses for supporting the applicant.
④ Certificate of the sponsor’s employment
◇Necessary to present any of the following1~3 According to the kind of profession.
➊ A certified copy of the register (as a manager or corporate officer)
➋ A copy of certificate of Business License
A copy of the income tax final return report with the seal of the tax office.
(as an owner and runner on his account)
➌ Certificate of employment
(※The one made by the sponsor’s place of employment (as an employee of a company)
⑤ Proof of sponsor’s income
◇ Necessary to present the one filled in the company’s proper form with the latest three years of income.
(※ Necessary to present the certificate of payment of taxes and a copy of the settlement of accounts if
you are a corporate officer.)
Certificate of payment of taxes.
◇ The one with the amount of the latest three years’ income.
⑥ A copy of the sponsor’s family register and so on.
◇ The one showing the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant.
Matters that demand special attention.
● Above-mentioned documents can’t be returned except the original work of certificate of graduation.
● Expenses support by one sponsor to a few applicants can’t be accepted.
● Expenses support by a few sponsors to one applicant can be accepted.
● An applicant oneself can pay his own expenses.
● In case of the documents written except in Japanese, append Japanese translation to them in another
● It’s necessary to fill in the blanks with the correct birth place and present address.
● The identity of the present address among the application for admission, personal history and
Identification is demanded.
● If an applicant who has never admitted applies again, inform us of the matter.
● If the necessary documents are not presented within the term of acceptance for the application, there
are oversights in filling in its form, or a necessary fee for admission ; an entrance and school fee and so
on, is not paid, the applicant can’t apply for a visa.
● If more than five years have passed after the graduation from the last school attended, write down
concretely purpose of studying Japanese and how the applicant desires to use Japanese after graduation
from our school.