the application form - Brewer

The University of Alabama
Brewer Porch Children’s Center (BPCC)
Community Autism Intervention Program (CAIP)
In order to apply for preschool services, children must be four years of age on or before
September 2, 2015 and not be eligible for kindergarten (they cannot have turned 5 before
September 2, 2015).
A valid birth certificate or other document for age verification purposes must be provided.
A limited number of spaces will be available in each classroom, and we anticipate serving 8-10
children without disabilities
All applications for preschool must be returned to Brewer-Porch Children’s Center no later than
Friday, July 10, 2015. Applications may be submitted in the main office of Brewer-Porch
Children’s Center located at 2501 Woodland Road, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, or submitted via mail to
P. O. Box 870156, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, or faxed to 205-348-9368.
Parents of selected students will be invited to attend an information session the week of July 1416, 2015. This will consist both of a tour of the facilities as well as a brief, interactive evaluation
with prospective students to determine their readiness to succeed in the program.
Parents of students selected to attend preschool at BPCC will be contacted by phone or letter by
July 24, 2015 to indicate readiness for participation in the program and to confirm their
acceptance. Parents will need to verify participation in the program within three (3) days if
contacted by phone or within seven (7) days of the postmark if contacted by mail. If parents fail
to verify participation within the allotted time, the next name on the waiting list will be contacted
to fill the slot.
Eligible students for whom no spaces are available will be placed on a waiting list.
In the event of a vacancy during the school year, the next name on the waiting list will be
contacted using the procedures listed in the previous bullet.
Parents must provide transportation to and from school.
School Operation Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
BPCC’s Preschool Academic and Holiday Calendar will correspond with the Tuscaloosa County
School System’s Academic Calendar
The cost for tuition is $400.00 per month. Fees are due on the first Monday of each month.
The full monthly rate is due even if your child is absent for one or more days during the month.
There will be no deductions due to sickness, absence or holidays.
BPCC participates in The Alabama State Department of Education Child Nutrition Program. Unless
students qualify for free or reduced price lunch (forms available at admission), lunch is not
provided as part of the program. Students may bring their lunch from home or purchase lunch
from the BPCC cafeteria. Meal prices are as follows:
o Breakfast
 Reduced rate - $ o.30 (Application for school nutrition program required)
 Full Price - $ 1.25
o Lunch
 Reduced rate - $o.40 (Application for school nutrition program required)
 Full Price – $2.25
No one is discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, or religion in any aspect
of the program, admissions process, or services provided.
Brewer-Porch Children’s Center (BPCC)
Community Autism Intervention Program (CAIP)
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Name preferred: _____________________ Gender: ________ DOB: _________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): __________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
__________________________ _________
Home Phone: _________________________
Mother’s Work Phone: ___________________
Cell Phone: ________________
Father’s Work Phone: ____________________
Cell Phone: ________________
Name of current preschool or daycare: ____________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________
Elementary School Zone: _______________________________________________________
My signature below affirms my understanding as the parent/guardian of ___________________
that he/she must be age four (4) on or before September 2, 2015 and will not be eligible for
kindergarten (5 years old on or before September 2, 2015) to be considered for the Tuscaloosa
County School System Preschool Program. The instructional day is 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and
parents will provide transportation. I further affirm and understand that the selection process will
be based on applications submitted on or before July 10, 2015 to be considered for enrollment.
Parent/Guardian signature
Date received: ________________________ Received by: __________________________________
Number assigned: ___________________