planningminutes13January2015 - Sunninghill & Ascot Parish Council

The Courtyard kshfkjdshdsk
(Ascot Racecourse)
High Street, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7JF
Tel: 01344 630141
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held at the Parish Council Office, The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, SL5
7JF on Tuesday 13 January 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.
Members Present: Councillors B Hilton (Chairman), P Deason (Vice-Chairman), M Duffield, R Ellison, C Lester,
D McKay, B Story
In attendance: Elizabeth Yates, Clerk to the Council, Peter Standley (SPAE) and Lise Andresssen, Voluntary Bio-Diversity
Councillor David Hilton.
The minutes of the meeting, held on 16 December, were approved as a correct record and signed as such.
The Chairman asked to receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. None were received.
Application No.
Location and Description
14/02984 (Full)
First Floor Office, Crossman House, 9 High Street, Sunninghill, SL5 9NQ
Change of use of first floor to 2 x 1 bed apartments
Recommendation: Due to the response date, previous comments had been submitted.
14/03636 (Full – amended) 28 Geffers Ride, Ascot, SL5 7JY
Two storey front and side/rear extensions, part single storey rear extension with associated works
Recommendation: Due to the response date, previous comments had been submitted.
14/03706 (Full – amended) 29 Vernon Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TN
Part single storey front extension, part single storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage
and carport to form one garage with pitched roof over
Recommendation: Due to the response date, previous comments had been submitted.
9 Llanvair and Rear of 11 Llanvair Close, Ascot
14/03801 (Full)
Erection of 3x detached two storey dwellings with access driveways following the demolition of 9
Llanvair Close
Recommendation: Objections on the following grounds:
 No proper site layout was presented on the planning portal, except that contained within the
tree report which made it difficult to evaluate the application.
 The application is considered to be a cramped, back garden development, contrary to
policies NP/DG1.3 and NP/EN4.
 The existing building is two storey with a low roof pitch. The new proposals are taller, as
they would be 2.5 storey homes on 3 floors and could adversely affect neighbourhood
 The neo classical style was considered to be out of character and scale to the adjoining
properties, contrary to policies NP/DG1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.and NP/H2.1
14/03839 (Full)
The boundary separation, scale and bulk was also considered to be contrary to NP/DG2.1
and 2.2.
The committee noted that no landscaping proposals were included with the application,
contrary to LP policy DG1 (6) and N6 and were opposed to the potential loss of 5 TPO
The committee noted that the application needed to comply with NP/DG5 – energy
The urban close form could destroy the rhythm of the street scene. This application for a
cul-de sac off a cul-de sac was considered inappropriate, contrary to NP/DG 2.1 &2.2
The environmental survey was carried out in autumn 2014, 1 week after the trees were cut
The application was considered to be contrary to NP/H2
In addition the committee noted the 24 community objections, and those from the NPDG, which must be
taken into account in accordance with the NP principles.
Woodberry Down, St Marys Road, Ascot, SL5 9JE
Detached triple garage with habitable accommodation above
Recommendation: No Objections, subject to a single occupancy condition.
14/03841 (Full)
6 Woodlands Close, Ascot, SL5 9HU
Front and rear ground floor extension, side and rear first floor extension and internal alterations
Recommendation: Due to the response date, previous comments had been submitted.
14/03848 (Works to Trees
Covered by TPO)
High Pines, 13 Woodlands Ride, Ascot, SL5 9HP
(T1) Scots Pine (TPO 011 of 2014) – fell
Recommendation: Objections as the tree was not dead, dying or dangerous and no sound
arboricultural reasons had been given. Refer to Tree Officer.
14/03858 (Full)
Oakfield Farm, Wells Lane, Ascot, SL5 7DY
Retention of steel framed building and weighbridge for temporary period of 36 months
Recommendation: Objections. This is to an illegal structure in the Green Belt. The committee
requested that the matter be referred to the Borough’s enforcement team.
14/03897 (Certificate of
Lawfulness of Proposed
Greenhays, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7DG
Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions, insertion of dormer
windows in front, side and rear elevations. Erection of replacement double garage with
accommodation above. Erection of front boundary wall with gates and pier
No Parish Council Recommendation Required
Former Pinewood, Coronation Road, Ascot
Erection of two storey replacement dwelling with basement accommodation and detached garage
with staff accommodation
Recommendation: The following concerns were raised:
14/03914 (Full)
14/03915 (Full)
That the proposal was too large for the site, out of keeping with the area and contrary to design
There were no landscaping proposals, contrary to LP policy N6 There is limited screening on
the street, and further tree planting to soften the visual impact would be valuable.
The application needed to comply with NP/DG5 – energy efficiency.
The committee requested that a single occupancy condition be imposed, should the Borough be
minded to approve the application and that clarification be sought as to the building’s intended
The parking provision was not considered appropriate to a dwelling of this scale.
As the site was derelict, the committee requested an ecology report.
In addition, the committee requested the removal of permitted development rights.
12a Gainsborough Drive, Ascot, SL5 8TB
Two storey front extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
14/03917 (Full)
Winchmore Chase, London Road, Ascot, SL5 7EG
Single storey rear extension
Recommendation: No Objections.
14/03953 (Full)
Woodside, Horse Gate Ride, Ascot, SL5 9LS
Erection of 2no. detached dwellings with associated garaging following demolition of existing
dwelling and outbuildings
Recommendation: Objections on the following grounds:
14/03967 (Full)
The committee considered that the application would further erode and adversely affect the character
of the area, contrary to policies NP/DG1.2
The gates were not considered to be in keeping with the Townscape Assessment which defined the
area as being ‘Villas in a Woodland Setting’.
No landscaping proposals were included, contrary to LP policy N6. These proposals were considered
an essential part of assessing the application in a green and leafy area.
Any conditions to be imposed should fully protect bats and ensure bird boxes are installed in
accordance with Jacobs’s advice.
The committee asked that the proposal to fell the T35, Western Red Cedar (Class B) be referred to
the Borough’s tree Officer.
The construction must comply with NL/DG5 – energy efficiency.
Hendersyde Lodge, Whynstones Road, Ascot
Erection of 3 no. 5 bedroom dwellings with associated garages, following demolition of existing
apartment building
Recommendation: Objections. The committee noted that application 14/02328, for 2 semis and 1
detached dwelling was refused, but is at appeal. They also noted that a lot of trees had already been
removed before the application was submitted which was considered contrary to the spirit of NP/EN2.
This application sought to address the reasons for refusal but the committee considered that the changes
failed to address the objections below:
The proposal was considered to be backland development, which was out of keeping with the
immediate area and could have a negative impact, contrary to NP/EN3.
 The gardens were thought to have insufficient amenity space, contrary to NP/DG3.2.
 Contrary to NP/DG2.1 in relation to density, separation (plot 3, south boundary separation is 2.5m),
 The committee considered the application to be detrimental to the street scene, contrary to
NP/DG1.2 &1.3.
 The front semis would project forward of the established building line, contrary to NP/DG2.2.
 A number of mainly category 3 trees are to be removed from the western boundary and from the
front of the site. The committee requested that these were replaced in accordance with NP/EN2.1.
No proposals were shown as to the proposed replacement trees and landscaping, or the boundary
treatment between plots 1 & 2 (contrary to NP/DG1.3), which are an essential part of assessing the
proposals. Contrary to LP policy N6 and NP/EN 2
 The access road and plot 3 parking was considered to be detrimental to the amenity of plot 2,
contrary to NP/DG2.2.
 Part of the access road is within the RPA of trees, and must be constructed appropriately.
 Plot 3 overlooks the garden of plot 1, which could result in a loss of amenity.
 The application would need to comply with NP/DG5 – energy efficiency.
 Plot 3 was not considered to have adequate parking contrary to NP/T1
 The committee noted that there was no ecology report
The site plan omitted hard standing from front to rear of properties, division of rear garden of plots 1&2
and patio areas, thus giving the impression of greater green space than was intended.
14/03978 (Works To Trees Flat 2 Catherine House London Road Ascot SL5 7EQ
Covered by TPO)
(T1) Oak, Remove two low branches
Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer.
Four Seasons, Bagshot Road, Ascot, SL5 9JL
Construction of a five unit apartment building, with associated garage, external parking and landscaping,
following demolition of existing
A Hearing would place at 10.00am on 13 January 2015 at Bray Room, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead.
Hendersyde Lodge, Whynstones Road, Ascot
Erection of two semi-detached and one detached dwellings with associated garages, following demolition of
existing apartment building
The appeal would be decided on the basis of an exchange of Written Representations. Any comments are to be received by the
Planning Inspectorate no later than 19 January 2015.
Sunninghill Day Nursery, The Terrace, Ascot, SL5 9N
The formation of a roof garden enclosure with a new external door and a window opening
The appeal was dismissed.
1-6 Beechcroft Close, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 7BD
The construction of 23 dwellings with access road and landscaping following demolition of existing 6 houses as
approved under planning permission 12/00808 dated 27 June 2012 without complying with the additional
condition imposed on permission 13/00550 dated 19 March 2013 for a non material amendment to planning
permission 12/00808 to list the approved drawings as a planning condition.
No further action would be taken.
No matters were received at the time of sending out the agenda.
Week ending 12 December 2014
Application Number: 14/02537
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Consent to fell T1 Sweet Chestnut and T2 Sycamore
Location: The Burleigh Bushes Cottage Burleigh Road Ascot SL5 7LE
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 14/02984
Type: Class J Permitted Development
Proposal: Change of use of first floor to 2 x 1 bed apartments
Location: First Floor Office Crossman House 9 High Street Sunninghill Ascot Maidenhead SL5 9NQ
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03181
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Consent to reduce height by 4m and sides by 3m of T1 Oak
Location: 6 St Johns Road Ascot SL5 7NQ
Decision: Partial Refusal/Partial Approval
Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 14/03182
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: TG1 x 2 Conifer trees - fell, T2 Oak tree - remove deadwood up to approx 1.5 metres
Location: Mile Ride Cheapside Road Ascot SL5 7DR
Decision: Application Withdrawn
Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03189
Type: Full
Proposal: Two storey side and single storey rear extension.
Location: 26 Gainsborough Drive Ascot SL5 8TB
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03222
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: Oak (T1) tip reduce north side of tree by 2m up to a height of 6m from ground level to achieve
a 4m clearance to the adjacent building line. Sycamore (T2) thin crown by no more than 20%
Location: Jacaranda Queens Hill Rise Ascot SL5 7DP
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 14/03262
Type: Full
Proposal: Alteration of existing roof to raise ridge height, including 4 x roof lights over detached garage to
create habitable accommodation
Location: Barberry Cottage Watersplash Lane Ascot SL5 7QP
Decision: Refuse
Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03276
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of a detached 5 bedroomed dwelling.
Location: Land At 1 Fir Tree Close Ascot
Decision: Refuse
Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03289
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey front and first floor side and rear extensions with associated external works to
Location: Bracken 11 Woodlands Close Ascot SL5 9HU
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Objections
Application Number: 14/03310
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of replacement dwelling, pool and detached garage following the demolition of existing
Location: 8 Silwood Close Ascot SL5 7DX
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03459
Type: Full
Proposal: Garage conversion into habitable accommodation
Location: 105 Sutherland Chase Ascot SL5 8TE
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Week ending 19 December
Application Number: 14/03461
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey side/rear extension and porch extension to side. Amendment to planning
permission 14/02339
Location: 23 Cromwell Road Ascot SL5 9DG
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03764
Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether the proposed single storey side and rear
extensions, infilling of the front porch and detached tandem garage is lawful
Decision: Permitted Development
No Parish Council Recommendation Required
Week ending 24 December
Application Number: 14/03253
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of new dwelling, utilising existing access
Location: Land Adjacent Pine View 1 Woodside Road Winkfield Windsor
Decision: Refuse
Parish Council Recommendation: Concerns
Application Number: 14/03586
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey side/rear extension
Location: 29 Huntsmans Meadow Ascot SL5 7PF
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03621
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Location: 35 Upper Village Road Ascot SL5 7AJ
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Application Number: 14/03643
Type: Cert of Lawfulness of Proposed Dev
Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness to determine whether installation of timber gates with brick piers at
London Road entrance and replacement metal gates attached to existing brick piers at Kings
Ride entrance are lawful.
Location: Englemere Wood London Road Ascot
Decision: Application Withdrawn
No Parish Council Recommendation Required
Week ending 2 January 2015
Application Number: 14/03239
Type: Works To Trees Covered by TPO
Proposal: English oak (T9 on the application form): prune to give clearance directly over the house
footprint and up to 1m out from it. Red oak (T8 on application form): crown lift to 3.5m (this is
based from ground level not the raised platform), crown clean (removal of dead branches and
any crossing/rubbing branches, broken/damaged branches, stubs), prune to give clearance
directly over the house footprint and up to 1m out from it. This roughly equates to a 2m
reduction on the south western sector of the crown.
Location: Coach House Kennel Avenue Ascot SL5 7PB
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Referred to the Borough’s Tree Officer
Application Number: 14/03446
Type: Full
Proposal: Erection of two garden cabins on the shared deck (Retrospective)
Location: 8 Queensbury Gardens Ascot SL5 9GG
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: Concerns
Application Number: 14/03687
Type: Full
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, alterations to front porch and existing front elevation from flat to
pitched roof, with associated works.
Location: 37 Vernon Drive Ascot SL5 8TN
Decision: Application Permitted
Parish Council Recommendation: No Objections
Lise Andreassen asked if the application for Heatherwood Round-about had been approved at the Windsor Rural Development
Control Panel. The Chairman replied that it had been deferred.
Councillor Christine Lester informed the committee of a local website called ‘Street Life.’
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.22pm.
--------------------------------------------Councillor Barbara Hilton, Chairman
Ecological Notes for Planning Committee Meeting 13/1/15
New Applications
14/03801 – 9 Llanvair and rear of 11 Llanvair Close
An ecology report has been submitted which indicates there are no protected species present. The report
recommends the incorporation of certain ecological features for any new development (e.g. bat boxes) and these
should form conditions of any permission granted. It would be pertinent to note our dissatisfaction that the applicant
has removed a good number of trees from the site before submitting the application - as evidenced by the piles of
logs in the photos within the ecological report and from neighbours’ reports.
The application requires the further removal of 5 trees, which are now covered by a newly-introduced TPO order.
Thus, I object to the application based on the required removal of TPO trees.
14/03848 – High Pines, 13 Woodlands Ride
Part of the reason for felling the pine is that it is supposedly hard for larger delivery vehicles/ambulances to access
the site. This comment appears misleading as there are two adjacent entrances to the site, as clearly shown in the
site layout. Therefore, if this was a real issue for larger vehicles, they could use the other entrance.
The other reason given for requesting the felling relates to the condition of the tree – i.e. it is supposedly leaning
towards the house. However, no written arboricultural advice or diagnostic information from a specialist is provided
to back this statement up, which is a requirement of RBWM’s form. On observing the tree from the pavement, it
does not appear to be leaning to any significant extent.
Lastly, no replacement tree is mentioned. Based on these three reasons, this application should be refused.
14/03914 – Former Pinewood, Coronation Road
It is not clear as to whether any trees will be affected by the proposed development, as no tree survey is included. It
should also be noted that the site has been derelict for 5 years, and may therefore have become a refuge for wildlife.
14/03953 – Woodside, Horse Gate Ride
In response to the previous application which was withdrawn, Jacobs commented on the bat assessment that had
been undertaken, which they regarded as inadequate. Jacobs stated the following:
‘The level of survey information is insufficient to gain a European Protected Species
Mitigation licence which would be required for the development to proceed legally based
on the current survey information. As per the provisions of the Conservation of Habitats
and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended), RBWM (as competent authority) must be
satisfied that Natural England would issue a licence before granting planning permission.
4. The level of survey information is insufficient for the Council to have confidence that the
third of the three derogation tests can be satisfied, as it is not yet possible to assess the
numbers of bats present, the species present, or the type of roost (maternity/nonbreeding
etc.). Without this information it is not possible to carry out a detailed impact
assessment and therefore it cannot be determined whether the proposed mitigation (i.e.
erecting four bat boxes on trees) is appropriate.
In accordance with Circular 06/05 (ODPM, 2005) further bat survey information and an
appropriate mitigation strategy should be submitted to the Council prior to planning permission
being granted: ‘It is essential that the presence or otherwise of protected species, and the extent
that they may be affected by the proposed development, is established before the planning
permission is granted, otherwise all relevant material considerations may not have been
addressed in making the decision. The need to ensure ecological surveys are carried out should
therefore only be left to coverage under planning conditions in exceptional circumstances, with
the result that the surveys are carried out after planning permission has been granted (para 99,
Circular 06/05)’.
It does not appear that any further survey work has been undertaken since the first application was made, and any
such survey work would now need to wait until the Spring. The developer’s ecologist advocates granting planning
permission before this further assessment work is undertaken. This should be refused as there are no ‘exceptional
circumstances’ prevailing and such action would go against Natural England’s standing advice on bat protection
measures. It is recommended that Jacobs comment on this new application, which should be refused on these
ecological grounds.
14/03967 – Hendersyde Lodge, Whynstones Road
The planning statement states the following document(s) formed part of the application:
‘Ecology appraisal and Bat report prepared by Jim Storrar ecologist’.
However, this material has not been uploaded onto the website. A determination of biodiversity issues relating to
the application cannot be undertaken by the Parish Council without the ecology appraisal and bat report being made
Lise Andreassen, Voluntary Bio-Diversity Adviser